Guitar Player's Thread

Maybe I'll look into getting one too for my BC Rich or something. Can't hurt.

Here's me vid. I did put it on YouTube too to make it easier but they're carrying out maintenance. :Smug:

Sounds quite good, imo!
Tight playing! I like it very much.
Can you please show me a close-up of your playing next time ;)?

Btw: that riff reminds me of a rammstein song.
:lol: Hadn't noticed your post before. Well, I'm against that indeciphrable death metal logo thing, and so are the other members of my band, that's why we have it. Besides, we're not strictly death metal (death thrash) and nowhere near to brutal death metal. We're more of a Exodus-Death mix (the technical part from death missing because we're just one guitar and I'm not such a great composer nor player, :lol:

Redness on the logo + mainly blue background = not colour coordination = not professional.

And as Ben said, don't use that font in the bottom left corner. Its been used too many times before.
I'm thinking of trying a 4 spring floyd rose setup. strings are 10-52. tuning is D-Standard. any recommendations for the setup?

/The fanboi in me asks for the roope/old and new alexi setup
4 springs is probably too much for 10-52 in D standard. Just get 11-50 with the Latvala/Laiho spring configuration, and it will set up perfectly.
Like this?

I got 4 springs for 11-50 DRs in D tuning. It's still working fine. What would change if i would put my springs like on that Alexi Guitar though?
Okay thanks! I got another question. I thought my Peavey was blown since the gain level was next to vintage on it when i played on Hi gain channel. The gain is really minimum even tho its on full so i thought its broken but then when i figured my battery on emg 81s was run dry and took it out there was no change whatsoever in tone/gain when i inserted new one or removed the old one which IMO sholdn't be empty. so what should i check? i ahve all the hatches/plates off on my guitar so i can examine anything. Suggestions?
Hmm I thought there is much more tension on the thick strings than the small ones. So why are there 2 springs for the thin strings and only 1 for the thick ones?

Compound bends won't detune the bridge as much, and compensating by pressing down the bridge with your palm is easier, and much more controlable. Seeing as both Alexi and Roope frequently use compound bends, this setup probably is the best for them. I havent heard this though, i just find it logical. If it isn't, then haw.

Is everything okay here? Some of those "coupled" wires don't connect with each other or are they even loosened from something? the black and white seem to be comeing from input and battery and the 2 red ones from pickup and battery
guyz i have an ibanez xiphos has dimarzio activator pick it a good idea to but the MM04 gain booster in it? how much will it cost me? and will i be able to install it to the guitar myself?