Guitar Player's Thread

Is everything okay here? Some of those "coupled" wires don't connect with each other or are they even loosened from something? the black and white seem to be comeing from input and battery and the 2 red ones from pickup and battery


It's normal. I can't describe it but its pretty common.
Nice vids CoCOB.

Yeah, this is a bit random but... My guitar is actually confusing me :rofl: The fretboard is supposed to be Rosewood, but hell it's the darkest/smoothest Rosewood I've ever seen. Looks nothing like my Ibanez fretboard.


Looks like ebony, unless my eyes are truly fucked.
yea looks like ebony to me too, or the lighting is just making it look that way, If it is rosewood they must have dyed it

No MM-04 yet :(

I'm hoping it didn't get lost or something, but then again I donut know the exact date it was shipped so its a surprise!
I made another vid of me playing through the GP-1000, this time playing COB and Sienrgy riffs. It's not perfect because I haven't practised in over a year and haven't played any of these riffs in months so I was making mistakes all over the place, trying to remember this stuff.

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That tone is seriously awesome! So much better than Alexi's tbh :lol: (And so is the playing)
I made another vid of me playing through the GP-1000, this time playing COB and Sienrgy riffs. It's not perfect because I haven't practised in over a year and haven't played any of these riffs in months so I was making mistakes all over the place, trying to remember this stuff.

1'35'', definitely, you sound better than alexi does, congrats! :D
Thank you Ben, Muffin and Phoenix. I changed string set up, retuned the strings and and did this 12th/24th fret thing (I dont know the english word). Now the saddles from the E and A string are so much in the direction away from the neck. So when I want to make a divebomb the string lock screws hit the body a the floyd wont go further into the body. Any advices (shorter screws?).

Thank you Ben, Muffin and Phoenix. I changed string set up, retuned the strings and and did this 12th/24th fret thing (I dont know the english word). Now the saddles from the E and A string are so much in the direction away from the neck. So when I want to make a divebomb the string lock screws hit the body a the floyd wont go further into the body. Any advices (shorter screws?).


did you remember to screw the floyd parallel to the body prior to tuning/intonating (that's the word you were looking for btw :p)?
Am I the only one who gets treated like an total guitar newbie at guitar shops?

I just wanted to know something about the different screw drivers for different guitar bridges and whether they are ISO (norm?) or not. >The guy gave me a long speech about how to adjust a bridge and that it's not necessary to avoid you strings burr (!). So he turned on the next amp, played 4 notes as sloppy as hell.
I wanted 10-52 d'adarrio strings> he gave me a speech about different tunings, strings for drop tunings, strings for different genre.
I wanted to know whether they could order a new neck for my roaester> he gave me a speech how fuckin skilled he is in guitar set up.

yeah well i usually know way the fuck more then 3 quarters of the retards at all the guitar shops i talk to them about new gear, overseas amp brands and stuff like that and they have no idea what im talking about...i hate it. i've had customers help me with buying advice before :lol:

Hey, is Guitar Pro 5 useful program to Ultimate tr00 n00b guitar player like me?
So should I get it?

fuck yeah

guyz i have an ibanez xiphos has dimarzio activator pick it a good idea to but the MM04 gain booster in it? how much will it cost me? and will i be able to install it to the guitar myself?


I made another vid of me playing through the GP-1000, this time playing COB and Sienrgy riffs. It's not perfect because I haven't practised in over a year and haven't played any of these riffs in months so I was making mistakes all over the place, trying to remember this stuff.

sweet playing, but i dont see how you havnt "practiced in 1 year" when you've been making vids practically everyday...but whatever. i like your tone i suppose, to thin for me. very PG especially with the bends cool stuff
Thanks for the comments guys!

And Zakk, I seriously have not practised technique with a metronome in about 13 months. I still play everyday of course but that's the only way I keep my technique at the same level. I'm "advancing" the Jason Becker way...playing always at the right speed while slowly increasing accuracy, instead of always playing accurate and slowly increasing speed (which is how I used to do it)

I know alot of people will think the tone is thin but Alexi's tone wasn't that thick on the Sinergy albums, the bass was coming from the bass guitar and drums. Plus, I wasn't using a booster at all, he has a gain/mid boost ontop of having preamp, poweramp, speaker cabs and insane volume.

I have a preamp into a 10W practise amp recorded with my mum's digital camera. It's not going to sound the same...
So i had a lesson with my guitar teacher today, this time he brought round his "special" guitar. Its like, one of the most awesome things I have ever seen.

It's a Washburn. It's awesome, one problem though, I was sitting there thinking "wow, 36 frets..... How the fuck am I meant to reach the 36th fret?" The top cutaway isn't big enough :lol:
Here is my cover of Paul Gilbert's "The Gargoyle". Some parts are edited choppy and I didn't want to bother perfecting it (like some of the main riffs slightly out of time). Fairly good tone methinks...