Guitar Player's Thread

hey all, i need help adjusting my action on my guitar, i just had it restrung and shown how to do it properly but my action is too high, its a floyd rose standard floating trem system, help please :p
Hey Mitch, those things you've written are actually pretty cool!

I really dig the 32 bar composition and the heavy riff thing. The latter reminds me of some 8-bit Nintendo game theme song or something. Probably because of the MIDI instruments but still.

So, are you going to record any of these things? :)

Spend a couple of days practising these sweeps and decided to record it and upload it on n00btube.

The tempo is a bit slower than in the original and the audio/video seems to be just a bit out of sync but otherwise it turned out ok (sloppy) I guess. :rolleyes:
Hey Mitch, those things you've written are actually pretty cool!

I really dig the 32 bar composition and the heavy riff thing. The latter reminds me of some 8-bit Nintendo game theme song or something. Probably because of the MIDI instruments but still.

So, are you going to record any of these things? :)

Could do but I won't eb anytime soon. I recorded Somebody Put Something in my Drink last night and the rhythm tone is horrible. :lol: I think that deserves a nice big gheyz0rz.

Epi said:

Spend a couple of days practising these sweeps and decided to record it and upload it on n00btube.

The tempo is a bit slower than in the original and the audio/video seems to be just a bit out of sync but otherwise it turned out ok (sloppy) I guess.

That was great dude. What tempo was it?

And blonde hair? What colour is it naturally?

Spend a couple of days practising these sweeps and decided to record it and upload it on n00btube.

The tempo is a bit slower than in the original and the audio/video seems to be just a bit out of sync but otherwise it turned out ok (sloppy) I guess. :rolleyes:

:OMG: this was cool!

@warheart: This "heavy riff thing" is amazing, record it as fast as possible :p ... and I'd like to hear this string-piece with a better sound. Would you mind sending me the midi-files? I could try to get a different sound with another plugin. :)
Could do but I won't eb anytime soon. I recorded Somebody Put Something in my Drink last night and the rhythm tone is horrible. :lol: I think that deserves a nice big gheyz0rz.

Yeah, I noticed that earlier today. Tbh the tone sounds a bit weird yes. :D The playing's still as good as always though. :p

That was great dude. What tempo was it?

And blonde hair? What colour is it naturally?

Tempo is 100bpm. That's as fast as I can play those (maybe still a bit over my skills though). I'm kinda having a hard time with the position shifts. :erk:

Oh and my hair's naturally blonde, lol. :D
:OMG: this was cool!

@warheart: This "heavy riff thing" is amazing, record it as fast as possible :p ... and I'd like to hear this string-piece with a better sound. Would you mind sending me the midi-files? I could try to get a different sound with another plugin. :)

I'd need my mates amp to record that metal thing, the tone I have now is baaaaaad. :cry:

I tried using soundfonts to make that string quartet sound good too but I fked it up. Here's the MIDI. :)

Epi said:
Tbh the tone sounds a bit weird yes. :D


Epi said:
The playing's still sucks as always though. Where you drunk? :p

:lol:! :p

Epi said:
Tempo is 100bpm. That's as fast as I can play those (maybe still a bit over my skills though). I'm kinda having a hard time with the position shifts. :erk:

Nah man, that was fine. You should do a proper audio recording so we can hear it better and us all panning and layering etc. That would rawk and your tone wouldn't sawk. :kickass:

Epi said:
Oh and my hair's naturally blonde, lol. :D

Oh right, I've never seen it like that before, I didn't know. :oops:

Victim of the Night said:
C'mon Mitch, go to bed already and stop sitting up 'til 3 in the morning when you need to be up early tomorrow.

Okay. :saint:
Wow Epi that was great... i'm learning Beyond the dark sun sweep by Wintersun, got it decent at about 75% but it's pretty tricky :p
I am pretty sure I got a problem with my right hand picking, it seems on 3 note per string runs, I am only using my thumb and first finger (the fingers holding the pick) to pick, when really I should be using my wrist to pick. Anything seem wrong??:confused:
Matt Heafy's picking in that video is exactly how I pick for some strange coincidense.
ps. im sorry i couldn't find a better example :lol:
Originally Posted by Victim of the Night
C'mon Mitch, go to bed already and stop sitting up 'til 3 in the morning when you need to be up early tomorrow

Okay. :saint:
Hey, Mitchy.. where would I have said that? I can't find the original post...:err: ...:saint:
Anyway, it's right... I repeat it almost every day, and you already knew that I'd have told it today aswell! :D ...:)

Epi said:

Spend a couple of days practising these sweeps and decided to record it and upload it on n00btube.

The tempo is a bit slower than in the original and the audio/video seems to be just a bit out of sync but otherwise it turned out ok (sloppy) I guess.
As I told... that's really good and I liked it!! :) ....keep on like this, dude!! :kickass:
I'd need my mates amp to record that metal thing, the tone I have now is baaaaaad. :cry:

I tried using soundfonts to make that string quartet sound good too but I fked it up. Here's the MIDI. :)

Here's something I came up with some soundfonts this morning:


Epi said:
The playing's still sucks as always though. Where you drunk? :p

:lol:! :p

Damn, :lol: !!!

Nah man, that was fine. You should do a proper audio recording so we can hear it better and us all panning and layering etc. That would rawk and your tone wouldn't sawk. :kickass:

I actually tried to record the sweeps on separate tracks (left and right) and it sounded pretty good. I dunno why the hell did I delete it. o_O

Anyway I'm not going to record that thing anytime soon because I'm pretty sick of playing that. Probably in the near future or something. :p

Oh right, I've never seen it like that before, I didn't know. :oops:

Yup, it's teh ghey. I should probably go and shave my head bald. Either way I have to do it in little less than a 5 months because I have to join the army then. :cry:

Wow Epi that was great... i'm learning Beyond the dark sun sweep by Wintersun, got it decent at about 75% but it's pretty tricky :p

Thank you! And good luck with the sweeps! :)

┼Victim of the Night┼;5958402 said:
As I told... that's really good and I liked it!! :) ....keep on like this, dude!! :kickass:

Thank you Eli! I really apprecciate that! :)
that's really nice. sounds like one of the great classical composers themselves. have you thought of maybe expanding it and turning it into a real song?
Ok, I think Epi's Version sounds a bit better than the one I did (plus I slowed it unintended down a little bit , sorry for that)

I this version, I replaced the solo-instruments with full sections. It doesn't sound good except in this "chord-part". I just uploaded it because I realized, that the sound of the violin section (melody) may be pretty cool for a lead sound of a metal-keyboard.

@epi: what plugin/soundfonts do you use? I use Edirol.
I have this soundfont called "sinfon36" don't remember where I got it from. I added the reverb in Adobe Audition. :)

I might try to do something with some full strings soundfonts too. Sounds pretty nice. :p
Here's some things I've written and I think they're pretty cool so I thought I'd upload 'em. They're MIDI sounds in mp3 though since I haven't recorded any of them yet.

This is something I wrote on a 4 string guitar that was tuned to E, E, E, B (high to low). I had 4 strings on my old strat copy and I wanted to try out the Paul Gilbert triple E string thing so I did and tuned the 4th one to a low B and this is what I came up with.

This is a variation on a really simple riff I came up with that turned into a death metal song. I originally used D standard but this is in drop C and has more of a LoG feel to it, I spose. I tried to make it a bit cooler by adding that keyboard thing too.

When I was in college, I was told that one of my projects was to write a piece for a string quartet. This is what I came up with when I tried for the first time.

Then, when I was actually given the guidelines, I was told it had to be 32 bars in length and I also had to write it out in standard notation. What a fun and time consuming job that turned out to be. :D Originally, I was going to do a slow piece like the first thing I posted but I thought shit, I can do whatever I want so I ended up writing something that Yngwie would (maybe) be proud of. I absolutely love the middle section that uses those huge major chords and then goes back to the main theme perfectly and the whole thing is exactly 32 bars. I couldn't believe it.

The metal riff reminds me alot of necrophagists epitaph, especially the drums.