Guitar Player's Thread

Well, actually I think i've decided on jsut sticking active pickups into my esp. I was going back and forth between the EMG-81 and the SD AHB-1 Blackout Bridge, however most of the shops/stores/people I asked said to go with the Seymour. Just curious, which do you guys recommend? Also, does anyone know the difference between the AHB-1 and the AHB-2? Just something I noticed while browsing the Seymour website. Why would I want one over the other?

I bought my MM-04 from bmusic about a week and a half ago and it hasn't arrived yet,

Starting to get worried that it wont show up :(

Please tell me that you're not going to ruin some perfectly good Dimarzios with a gain booster...
no its going to be for my strat im building that will have the J50BC plus 2 other charvel single coils, I just put the J50bc in the jackson because i wanted to test it out, because IM STILL WAITING ON THE NECK FOR MY STRAT FROM CARVIN :mad: but thats a WHOLE different story
I think i remembered Mitch saying that a gainbooster actually only boosts the gain (ironically), which means it would be the same as adding more gain on your amp, and since it's a switch, nothing is actually ruined. Could someone clarify this btw?

EDIT: They weren't for his dimarzio's, but my comment still stands!
So... How is anything in that video a response to what I said?

The AHB-1 is that balanced pot shit or whatever. The AHB-2 is a rewired LiveWire Metal, which were some older SD pickups that were loud and overly overdriven, which he describes in the video if you cared to watch?

edit: 2:00
^ Which is why I dont see the point in Gain boosters in general. If you want more gain, turn the gain dial up. If you're already on full gain, then thats probably too much anyway.

^ I did watch it, a couple days ago. I didn't hear the words "AHB" mentioned at all. Anyway, if in that video he describes what a AHB-1 and an AHB-2 is, then what exactly are you asking?
I'm not arguing that :lol: The only reason i would see it necessary is if you're playing on a vintage amp with some medium output pickups, and want some extra bite.
I'm not arguing that :lol: The only reason i would see it necessary is if you're playing on a vintage amp with some medium output pickups, and want some extra bite.

hence, the need for the gainbooster with the lee jackson, or perhaps the low output of the j-50's...
^ Which is why I dont see the point in Gain boosters in general. If you want more gain, turn the gain dial up. If you're already on full gain, then thats probably too much anyway.

^ I did watch it, a couple days ago. I didn't hear the words "AHB" mentioned at all. Anyway, if in that video he describes what a AHB-1 and an AHB-2 is, then what exactly are you asking?

AHB is the designation for the blackouts. -1 is just plain blackouts, -2 is blackouts metal...

just everyone's thoughts on the AHB-1 vs the EMG 81, and perhaps the rewired livewire AHB-2. I've never played a livewire etc, and i'm going to test out the AHB-1 this weekend. I've got limited experience with the 81, although I'm not a fan of my HZ-4 at all.
just an example.

i think part of the reason the MM-04 + HZ-4 sounded so shit was that the HZ-4 is a higher output pickup than the J-50

I think the logic of Alexi's earlier setup is quite farfetched. A low gain amp, with a low output pickup and a booster. Surely, there must've been something with more gain from the start. I'm not really into all that, so i don't really have a clue.

On another note, i've always wondered why Herman Li is so great, and now i know!

And why is he recognised if he is so bad? Why are satriani and vai not recognised. Because of hermans creativity he stands out and so is popular. When people talk about the dragonforce few people do because of the vocals, its because of Li's playing. Think on that and then tell me if Herman Li is not good

Just some random youtube comment. :lol:

I also wish companies would send me pickups so i could try them out!