Guitar Player's Thread

a gainbooster will change the loudness of the output of the instrument, so youd be boosting the input signal of an amp. Much like an overdrive pedal would do, to overdrive the pre-amp tubes.

I also really enjoy alot of midrange in my guitar tone, and thats what a mid-booster will do, unlike a PA2 which just will increase the overall full output.
Just to throw in my two cents here, I heard people talking about the toneport and POD and such, and I just recently downloaded a demo of a program called amplitube 2 which I've found has very good sounds. I've tried both the toneport and the pod and have come to prefer the sounds of Amplitube over both of them (plus it requires no hardware, you just plug your guitar in and go). It doesn't have a huge variety but with a little tweaking you can get a good sound out of it. Plus it some good pedals and effects and rack mounts such as reverb, delay, chorus, parametric EQs, all that jazz. So I wanted to recommend it to anyone who is looking for decent amp modeling software. You can download a demo Here. It's a bit pricey but with a little searching through the interwebs you can easily work your way around the cost, I'm not saying that I would do that though ;) The demo version works as a full version for ten days before it requires authorization. Anyone else heard of/tried this program? I can provide a little rough sound clip if anyone is curious.





Yea, I won 400 bucks from a contest type thing about a month ago, so i was like "fuck it, I didn't earn this money i just won it, I'm gonna buy cool guitar stuff i wouldn't normally buy."

The rest of the money is going towards parts for my Shredocaster: black Sperzel locking tuners, Dimarzio strap-lock strap thing, a black neckplate and jackplate for the strat, YJM neck pickup.

The rest probably towards booze
Yea its gonna be pretty metal, this is what I've got going so far..


Carvin has been building me a neck for it (was supposed to be done a few weeks ago :mad: )

It is a maple neck, 22 Jumbo frets, EBONY fretboard with NO inlays!!, And with a gloss finish on the back of the neck and headstock

AGGH!!! I WANT TO TRY OUT MY MM-04 SO BAD!!! I have a soldering iron but I'm afraid It will set off the fire alarm in my dorm room lol
Congrats dude!!! Looking forward to seeing it finished, :kickass:

I was speaking about the GP-1000 and the j-50. And to be honest, my favorite sound from Alexi was on AYDY.

:OMG::OMG::OMG::OMG::OMG: WTF?? My only complaint about AYDY was the everything but powerful tone of guitars, just beaten by TMR for Viva la Bands, :lol: IMO best tone is either FTR or HCD (for me HCD, although [now is when I get flamed, :lol:]I like Blooddrunk tone ).