Guitar Player's Thread

in the pic there is a pistol, beretta is a popular gun manufactureer- im sad so i know these things :erk:

ohh by beretta, I thought you meant some sort of cap or hat. But no, that's not even a real gun, it's just my BB gun that my dad bought for me when I was 17 cuz you can't even buy BB guns here until you're 18 :rolleyes: And I colored the orange tip of it black so it looks real :p
ohh by beretta, I thought you meant some sort of cap or hat. But no, that's not even a real gun, it's just my BB gun that my dad bought for me when I was 17 cuz you can't even buy BB guns here until you're 18 :rolleyes: And I colored the orange tip of it black so it looks real :p

LOL, im not even 17, so i envy you, what do you need a bb/airsoft gun for?! :)
Woohoo...Ishibiashi shipped the KOGR PX4D that I bought from them on Wednesday (after telling me that they would ship it maybe tomorrow!!!) and today it already arrived to customs here in Slovenia...and I should get it tomorrow! Japan to Slovenia in 3 fucking days!!!! :worship: I have waited for the 3 guitars that were sent to me from Japan 5-6 days each!!
Woohoo...Ishibiashi shipped the KOGR PX4D that I bought from them on Wednesday (after telling me that they would ship it maybe tomorrow!!!) and today it already arrived to customs here in Slovenia...and I should get it tomorrow! Japan to Slovenia in 3 fucking days!!!! :worship: I have waited for the 3 guitars that were sent to me from Japan 5-6 days each!!

My Stars took 3 days from Japan to Norway! :D

Ishibashi is just.. great :D
For the forum jam, does anyone want to go first? Is there a specific order that anyone desires or shall I do it randomly or shall I do it in the order that I recieved them?
aww poor inhe :( you really have waited a long time.

But yeah, for the order...maybe there's a specific way you think sounds good? It doesn't really matter that much I guess.
The waiting isn't so bad, it's just that by the time the jam is done, my solo will be outdated compared to my playing now :lol:
hey guys, what's it called again when you don't alternate pick all the way, but kinda pick like you would if you were sweeping? like this (d= down, u= up):

d u d d (instead of up, cuz if it was up, it'd be alternate picking)

so in other words, since you downstroked the D you also downstroke the E since it's in the string below. Do I make sense?