Guitar Player's Thread

ok, but I automatically use economy picking every there's probably no point in practicing alternate picking (why does that sound so horrible to say?!)

That's normal. But as PG says in one of his instructionals: "It breaks up the groove". If you really want that tight rythmic sound when picking, don't even bother with economy.
That's normal. But as PG says in one of his instructionals: "It breaks up the groove". If you really want that tight rythmic sound when picking, don't even bother with economy.

so are you saying none of the guitar heroes out there would economy pick that lick I posted earlier?
Maybe if they were actually practicing economy picking, which i know some do. But most people (that are above decent) almost exlusively use alternate picking. MAB, Paul Gilbert, Conrad Simon, MJR (although he does some economy). I know i took me a few months to get alternate picking down, because i had also been using economy picking without thinking about it.
Sector 4
this is an internet project that i have started about 2 years maybe 3 ago with very cool guy from canada unfortunately we both don't have much time due to many reasons and it got forgotten for almost all the time of it existence.
the solos and mixing are missing.
(i am on bass)
here's my new guitar vid. Insane I know.

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so are you saying none of the guitar heroes out there would economy pick that lick I posted earlier?

Re-learning anything is hard as it is, but on the bright side, it doesn't take that long, and in no time you'll do those PG runs cleaner than him :cool:

I just rememered that Yngwie actually doesn't use strictly alternate picking, he uses a mix of economy and alternate. But i still think you really should learn to alternate pick. Watch PG's Intense Rock 1 !
should the screws that adjust my spring tension (level out the bridge plate) on my floyd on the back of the guitar in the floyd cavity be on the same plane? specifically, parallel to the neck? or is one screw supposed to be in front of the other?

Its not supposed to be anything, those screws are to adjust for the bridge, if you have it set up like me (lower bridge on the higher strings, and higher bridge on the lower strings, to get more sustain on the low end, and low action on higher), you would need to have one screw longer than the other, to compensate for it. if your bridge is 100% leveled, the screws "should" be leveled too, but just get it so the bridge is flat with the body, but i guess you know that
Its not supposed to be anything, those screws are to adjust for the bridge, if you have it set up like me (lower bridge on the higher strings, and higher bridge on the lower strings, to get more sustain on the low end, and low action on higher), you would need to have one screw longer than the other, to compensate for it. if your bridge is 100% leveled, the screws "should" be leveled too, but just get it so the bridge is flat with the body, but i guess you know that

my problem was when i screwed one screw tighter than the other (because yes, my action is higher on the bass strings) the tuning got wacked, and it wouldn't pull to level. right now, my bass string side is PERFECTLY level, but my treble string side is like 1/8" off. like it's noticeable, but it's really not that bad. but my screws are the exact same length. so i was wondering if i should really care at all :p