Guitar Player's Thread

I tried a caparison horus today, it was aaawesome! Looked really cool and felt nice to play!
Opeth is pure trash.

........ ¬¬

Opinions are opinions but you can at least appreciate their originality and ability to explore noew ideas without losing their signiture Opeth sound...

I mean hell, if I were to be a little drastic I would say that Bodom lost their "bodom" sound after FtR (imo ofc)
^What the hell are you talking about man?:lol: If my arm gets "anchored" im in a uncomfy long as i play well and dont spastic arm and i feel comfortable with it is that not okay? Besides my guitar is not low at all...Its average. I support my arm in a somewhat 60 degree angle from the upper wing. I feel that is the best way for me to stand and play. While sitting i have it a little bit higher but i don't get problems then either. TOO high would though.

ZOMG!!!! I post in this thread the 3rd most? OMFG i must be the uber guitar n333rd

So Mitch and Inhe are guitar n33rds?? :lol:

True. I just dont think it would do anymore good since i barely reach the 24th fret anyway...exception on 3 string sweeps(Somehow easier then)

I kinda hate the neck thru on Jacksons RR...its a b it bulky.

Lol wut? Never tried a bolt on RR or a Bc Rich V, didn't you? :lol: And of course if you never go to the upper frets you'll feel comfortable with the guitar there, but if you start playing solos over there usually you won't feel comfortable at all, and you won't always have a stage monitor to put your leg on and then put guitar on it, that's the reason why I play with the guitar higher.

I mean, for rythm playing a height more or less like you it's what feels more comfortable to me, but I can't play hard stuff down there without beeing sloopy as hell, and as I don't alwas have a stage monitor around, I get it higher so the rythm stuff is a bit less comfortable to play (but nothing impossible to handle) but I can nail the solo stuff until the limit my playing abilities let me, :lol::lol::lol:

I tried a caparison horus today, it was aaawesome! Looked really cool and felt nice to play!

You lucky bastard.... :lol:
........ ¬¬

Opinions are opinions but you can at least appreciate their originality and ability to explore noew ideas without losing their signiture Opeth sound...

I mean hell, if I were to be a little drastic I would say that Bodom lost their "bodom" sound after FtR (imo ofc)
I think Opeth are cool definetly but they need alot of patience to get into.
So Mitch and Inhe are guitar n33rds?? :lol:

Lol wut? Never tried a bolt on RR or a Bc Rich V, didn't you? :lol: And of course if you never go to the upper frets you'll feel comfortable with the guitar there, but if you start playing solos over there usually you won't feel comfortable at all, and you won't always have a stage monitor to put your leg on and then put guitar on it, that's the reason why I play with the guitar higher.

I mean, for rythm playing a height more or less like you it's what feels more comfortable to me, but I can't play hard stuff down there without beeing sloopy as hell, and as I don't alwas have a stage monitor around, I get it higher so the rythm stuff is a bit less comfortable to play (but nothing impossible to handle) but I can nail the solo stuff until the limit my playing abilities let me, :lol::lol::lol:

Guitar n33rds in a good way ofcourse :lol: I usually play solos to the 22nd fret(That kind of eliminates the need for 24 frets:lol:). Thats why ive been wondering on really cool different guitars. Ibanez Xiphos,RR1 being 2 of them. Well i wasnt meaning flipping it up like that. Just putting your knee a bit forward and raising the guitar a tiny bit :) That helps. I just don't posess a really great amount of control of the 24th fret anyway. I can reach it but its not that easy that i would do anything there for now :lol:

EDIT: W000T!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN REACH 24th fret :lol:
Opinions are opinions but you can at least appreciate their originality and ability to explore noew ideas without losing their signiture Opeth sound...
I am another of those who don't really like Opeth that much... it's like with Dream Theater, I just can't seem to find anything particularly interesting or appealing in their music.
I kinda feel a bit sorry though, cuz I'd like to appreciate more bands like that.

I would say that Bodom lost their "bodom" sound after FtR (imo ofc)
Well, I gotta agree on this, yesh.
I think Opeth are cool definetly but they need alot of patience to get into.

More understanding than patience imo.

As much as a love good, fun, shredding (Bodom, Symphony X, Arsis ect ect ect ect). I also appreciate music that has some sort of heartfeltedness (that isn't a word :rofl: but you get it) like Opeth, Katatonia, In Mourning ect ect.

Still Life is one of the greatest albums EPHAR :p

This is how high the guitar is...a bit higher than i said at first because i just took a quick look.

mines way higher then that, i cant do any shweet sweeping with it that low

I tried a caparison horus today, it was aaawesome! Looked really cool and felt nice to play!

d00d nice, i want to try a TAT as well. romeo said that the only shop with them is in new york so it kinda sucks

More understanding than patience imo.

As much as a love good, fun, shredding (Bodom, Symphony X, Arsis ect ect ect ect). I also appreciate music that has some sort of heartfeltedness (that isn't a word :rofl: but you get it) like Opeth, Katatonia, In Mourning ect ect.

Still Life is one of the greatest albums EPHAR :p

opeth rapes babies, i cant wait to see them
d00d nice, i want to try a TAT as well. romeo said that the only shop with them is in new york so it kinda sucks

Yeah, they aren't even close to Ibanez or ESP in terms of people knowing about them/playing them.

Luckily Mattias IA Eklundh plays the Caparison Applehorn, so a small guitar shop in Stockholm has some of them.
@Matias: Exactly. Henced why we say the guitar a bit higher is a must if you want to play and actually hit the 24 comfortably, :lol:
My finger hates the 24th fret no matter if i sit or stand :lol: BUT! It is a lot easeir sitting.
More understanding than patience imo.

As much as a love good, fun, shredding (Bodom, Symphony X, Arsis ect ect ect ect). I also appreciate music that has some sort of heartfeltedness (that isn't a word :rofl: but you get it) like Opeth, Katatonia, In Mourning ect ect.

Still Life is one of the greatest albums EPHAR :p
Yeah i agree fullheartedly. I dig the vocals and the riffs are really nice in it and it has a whole different vibe compared to the other shit i listen to.
mines way higher then that, i cant do any shweet sweeping with it that low

I can do sweeping actually pretty good from that height. Just did the TLAOD solo standing so :lol: