Guitar Player's Thread


This is how high the guitar is...a bit higher than i said at first because i just took a quick look.

I bet you can't reach the 19th fret A string on that height on 5 string sweeps with your pinky...

Atleast for myself, I have to have the guitar on pretty same height, when I'm playing sitting.. I wouldn't be able to reach 19th fret A string with pinky comfortably on that height, without bending my wrist "up".

...and as my pinky is somehow way too small, compared to my other fingers + it bends a bit differently than the other fingers..

Ahh well, that's it.
Guitar Players not in the top threads and with no new posts? No, that's impossible, :lol: Yes, I'm really bored. Actually I'm that bored that I've actually considering taking the dust out of the Game Boy and playing Pokemon :lol::lol: (nah, joking there, Fifa 96 is way better :kickass:), I know it's lame but I hate internet games and I can't play guitar atm :erk:
Guitar Players not in the top threads and with no new posts? No, that's impossible, :lol: Yes, I'm really bored. Actually I'm that bored that I've actually considering taking the dust out of the Game Boy and playing Pokemon :lol::lol: (nah, joking there, Fifa 96 is way better :kickass:), I know it's lame but I hate internet games and I can't play guitar atm :erk:

Do some composing on GP4.
More understanding than patience imo.

As much as a love good, fun, shredding (Bodom, Symphony X, Arsis ect ect ect ect). I also appreciate music that has some sort of heartfeltedness (that isn't a word :rofl: but you get it) like Opeth, Katatonia, In Mourning ect ect.

You forgot Blind Guardian!!!

High five for having the best musical preference in this thread :lol:

Still Life is one of the greatest albums EPHAR :p

That album is up there with the other great Opeth albums. I could not honestly say they have a "best album", as I love them all :p
If I'm honest for me it's a close tie between Morningrise and Still Life (the Still Life reissue is fantastic). Face of Melinda is one of my favourite songs of all time.
Great album (Damnation), but I feel like I must be in that certain "mood" to truly enjoy it. I'll sound cliche and say Blackwater Park is my favorite.

Sorry, is this the Opeth forum? :lol:
Good :D

I recently got The Great Cold Distance after pretty much exclusivley listening to their older doom/black metal days. And I fucking love it!

Hmmm... Guitarplayer's thread.... Yeah i really like Katatonia's simplistic use of overlaying chords (????? :lol:)
COBOT FORUM JAM 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FINALLY FUCKING FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

† Download †

Click here for the tracklist, since I know there's someone who wants to listen to it and see if they can guess the players without knowing the order. Everyone should try it.

Jose, I think your solo was a different speed because of the WAVE BT and mp3 solo. I can't think of any other explanation but it went terribly wrong. :erk:

I do apologise in advance if any of the other solos fucked up but next time we'll ALL save in WAVE format ONLY so I can avoid it. I've got the session saved so I can make adjustments if need be.

Apart from that, I hope you enjoy it, it's been a long wait but it's definitely worth it!!! Thanks for your patience and your awesomeness.
