Guitar Player's Thread

I hold my pick between my thumb and the pad of my first finger, while all the great guitarists put it between thumb and the side of the first finger. Also, to do this, they bend their thumb out and my thumb is either straight or even bent the other way. Those guitarists also angle their picks down, while my pick is angled up.

I tried playing like others do, but the pick slides aways or turns and my coordination is totally off when I hold the pick like that.

Like the guys from Dragonforce. :puke:

Cool music, cool hair but shitty technique.
That's right but it's just some (most) players use them to help them play faster.

I think a better example for the fist thing would be Rusty Cooley. :D
I <3 Jari's technique... it's more an open-handed style, i keep trying to play like that but keep going back to the thumb over the top ala alexi
I went to the IA Eklundh clinic in Stockholm today, it was pretty awesome, he's a really funny guy :lol: I was amazed at his picking technique, it was pretty weird, but for the guys who've heard his work knows that he's good.
All and all, there was beer, jokes and shredding, i'll post some pics when i get them!

Damn, I would've wanted to see that clinic! IA truly is a funny guy and most of all an amazing guitar player! :kickass:

when you guys are doing five string sweeps, or even 3 string sweeps...for example on a C major sweep starting on 15th fret, is your thumb coming over on top of the fretboard? like is it touching near the low E string?
Depends what feels comfortable... i'm trying to change to the thumb halfway down the back but it will take a bit of time.

when you guys are doing five string sweeps, or even 3 string sweeps...for example on a C major sweep starting on 15th fret, is your thumb coming over on top of the fretboard? like is it touching near the low E string?

yea it depends, I can play three string sweeps easier if my thumb is over the fret board but some positions force you to keep your thumb on the neck and your wrist straight like when you are sweeping and reaching for a high note in the process
Damn, I would've wanted to see that clinic! IA truly is a funny guy and most of all an amazing guitar player! :kickass:

2 pics from yesterday, he couldn't do a serious face :p


ok, so i take it that it's not bad technique when your thumb comes over the fretboard like that. but i guess it also depends if you have a jumbo fretboard, right?

when you guys are doing five string sweeps, or even 3 string sweeps...for example on a C major sweep starting on 15th fret, is your thumb coming over on top of the fretboard? like is it touching near the low E string?

C Major I always have my thumb over the fretboard, I dont know hows it's effecting me, but it feels comfortable.

A Minor (I think thats what its called :rofl: It's the one with the roll) however I always have my thumb around the middle of the neck.

I use an Ibanez, so the wizard II neck probably alters the technique I would use, as it has a flat middle but curved at the top and bottom.