Guitar Player's Thread


when you guys are doing five string sweeps, or even 3 string sweeps...for example on a C major sweep starting on 15th fret, is your thumb coming over on top of the fretboard? like is it touching near the low E string?

I always try to have my thumb behind the neck unless im doing unison bending or other bends in succession.
hmmm...i'd really like to help with song writing cuz i'm trying to get more into it myself. but you're quite the perfectionist mitch, so you would probably work better alone :p i probably couldn't meet your standards anyway. haha.

and speaking of writing songs, does anyone know where Rock Hydra is? we were so close to finishing our song! but then i disappeared for a while and now it looks like it's his turn to disappear :erk:

yeah sorry about that I moved so I dont have internet anymore,but today I switched to have a pda-phone so I can basically browse the internet from anywhere
yeah sorry about that I moved so I dont have internet anymore,but today I switched to have a pda-phone so I can basically browse the internet from anywhere

ok, well i tried to finish up that song using that one riff that you put after the solos but we agreed that it would be best as an outro. and i think it needs some revisions in some places, but oh well, maybe if we were in a real band we could work it out.

so do you mind if i post it here for these guys to check out?

Do you have any compositions or anything we can check out?

i do, but none of them are complete works. actually, just intros mostly and some random riffs. i'll try to add more to them. but for now, you can check out the song rock hydra and i composed. i'll post it after i get an ok from him. although i'm sure he'd be fine with it.
alright here's the song rock hydra and myself came up with. it's titled punkRawk cuz i was orginally gonna make it a punk rock song for my friend (you can tell by the intro) but then when i showed it to Rock Hydra, we decided we can just convert it into a metal type of thing. i think it has a lot of variety though. there's not too much consistency, but there is. heh. it was both of our first attempts at writing out a full song. well anyway, give it a look and tell us what you think!
That was a pretty weird song. :D

It didn't really seem to have a strong structure, theme, definite chorus/verse/solo kinda thing. And the lack of drums kinda made it hard to give it a certain feel too. I think it actually started off quite good though, the thing on the A string.
haha yea on a serious note, I dont really like the song, just because.. the song had no identity, it was like many wierd riffs thrown into a song. I am not trying to be harsh this is my opinion.
That was a pretty weird song. :D

It didn't really seem to have a strong structure, theme, definite chorus/verse/solo kinda thing. And the lack of drums kinda made it hard to give it a certain feel too. I think it actually started off quite good though, the thing on the A string.

haha yea you said the same thing as I execpt better. I wonder if your edit went through before my post,hah
nah i agree with you guys that there is no theme. but i still like the riffs in there and it kinda does have a verse and chorus. like the verse would be measures 20-27 and the chorus 28-39. i mean, at least they repeat later on. haha. oh well, i like it for the most part.

and that intro thing on the A string i came up with like 2 years ago on the bass haha. but that was when i tried to play bass :p
I like the riffs but I might me slightly biased.also, my plan is to polish it, write the drums an record vocals for it, hopefuly I can get around to it, I've been working 70+ hour weeks this past month or domething so. but i have lots of cash and I found a store that has another Washburn like I have except its black, so im gonna grab it up.