Guitar Player's Thread

I have recorded a short audio clip of my Korg PX4D today to see how it sounds, it's the same track double tracked, left side is the un-edited audio from PX4D and the left side is a bit edited. Excuse my very bad wasn't my day today.

Wooo, you can record! :kickass:

Sorry about not replying to the mail, I'll do it now.

Holy Crap!
im going to be doing a bunch of different shred lessons for youtube, anyone have suggestions on what i should cover? i pretty much know what im doing but sometimes i forget how some people dont know how to do stuff so what would've helped you guys when you were starting? i think the first one im doing is going to be stuff about whammy,making weird noises, harmonics etc
"shred lessons" are the last thing beginners need. With the amount of bullshit on that site, you'd think they'd need more lessons on how to avoid shred until they've been playing about 6 years and just concentrate on how to make the guitar sound good. Vibrato, correct intonation of string bends and clean chords etc.
its totally gonna be geared for beginners but i know what you mean. yeah ill definetly do one about bending/vibrato because all my friends are horrible at it and there vibrato doesnt accentuate the note but more like bends it sharp and they have weird jerky movements.
I still don't think "beginners" should even be practising shred. You get all these kids properly practising Yngwie licks with a metronome but it'll take them ages to get it CLEANLY up to speed because their technique, as a whole, is bad. When you've only been playing all sorts of rhythm guitar for a good few years, your lead technique automatically improves with it. The control you have over the strings and how you make things sound will be much higher than when you start, regardless of what you play, imo.

The reason I say all this is because 1. it's the way I did it and I felt that if I had started playing all the leads I did (which I started around 2/3 years) at around 1-3 months, I wouldn't have progressed as quick because I'd be concentrating on lead too so I'd end up with weird techniques.

And 2. :erk:
Well if you wanna do a shred lesson, just don't aim it at beginners or label it like that. And don't forget to do something original. When you're done, think, is this video just another youtube vid that's the same as 10,000 other or do I offer something different and unique?

At least, that's the way I look at it. Give them a reason to watch YOUR vid instead of someone elses.
^ Do you think your good enough to say that??!

Do I think I'm good enough to ask you if your are good enough to say that?!!


If the kid wants to film himself, let him.
When you've only been playing all sorts of rhythm guitar for a good few years, your lead technique automatically improves with it. The control you have over the strings and how you make things sound will be much higher than when you start, regardless of what you play, imo.

This sounds just like what I've done wrong. I concentrated on lead playing and alterate picking too much and too early and now I have trouble with fast Black Widow intro and such :erk:. It always takes me lots of warm-uping to do it properly or I start feeling strain in my right arm. And if I don't practice it for few days and suck at it very much.