Guitar Player's Thread

Nice cover of Orion Mystique (insert correct number here)!
And cool second solo of sixpounder- is it sweep picked or alternate picked?

And for some annyoing questions (sorry if they have been asked before)-

1)- What gauge of strings does everyone use and in what tuning? I have tried everything and have come back to using standard 10's in d standard tuning.

2)- What plectrums does everyone use? I use Jim Dunlop Jazz 3's regular (small ones)

3)- Occasionaly I'll suffer from something really weird- when I'm learning a lick, sometime during the process when its almost up to the original tempo, I'l lbe unable to play it unless, i get the GP midi to play at the same time, its really weird, some odd mental block, anyways of bypassing it?

4)- Amp/Pedal Settings? what is set to what on your amp or pedal?
Mine is Treble/high= 6/10
Mid frequency(?)=3
Gain=4.8/10 (lol, EMG's really deliver a gain injected tone)

5) Thanks (if you bothered) to read this or answer any of my questions
11-50 is optimal for D tuning and thats what i considering on putting 11-52 instead now since i play almost only in Drop C nowadays. I use Dunlop Jazz 3 small picks. Usually i put my settings on randall on Bass:3 Treble:8 Mid:8 Gain:8 And then on my MXR i put bass a lil bit up and scoop da whoops with some scooped mids. I also boost treble.
1) 10-52 D standard tuning
2) Jim Dunlop Jazz III
3) It's not mental, is that when you play with the midi guitar, some errors of own playing remain unnoticed, and when you play with no midi guitar then you notice it. It's good to play always without backing guitar if possible.
4.1) Home: Korg AX1500
-Metal Distortion
-Vintage 4x12 cab
-Gain 6.0
-Bass 6.3
-Mids 4.0
-Treble 7.7
-Wah switched off almost always
4.2) Rehearshal (Randall RH150G3 head with Randall 4x12 cab) [we're just 1 guitar, bass, drums and singer]
-Gain 7.0
-Presence 5.0
-Bass 5.0
-Mids 3.0
-Treble 7.0
-Reverb 7.0

@Mystique: :kickass: cover, I liked it!
Nice cover of Orion Mystique (insert correct number here)!
And cool second solo of sixpounder- is it sweep picked or alternate picked?

And for some annyoing questions (sorry if they have been asked before)-

1)- What gauge of strings does everyone use and in what tuning? I have tried everything and have come back to using standard 10's in d standard tuning.

2)- What plectrums does everyone use? I use Jim Dunlop Jazz 3's regular (small ones)

3)- Occasionaly I'll suffer from something really weird- when I'm learning a lick, sometime during the process when its almost up to the original tempo, I'l lbe unable to play it unless, i get the GP midi to play at the same time, its really weird, some odd mental block, anyways of bypassing it?

4)- Amp/Pedal Settings? what is set to what on your amp or pedal?
Mine is Treble/high= 6/10
Mid frequency(?)=3
Gain=4.8/10 (lol, EMG's really deliver a gain injected tone)

5) Thanks (if you bothered) to read this or answer any of my questions

1. I used to use 9's. But now i switched to 10's, and they feel alright. I almost always play in Standard tuning.

2. Dunlop Jazz 3 Xl's

3. :zombie:

4. It differs so much from every amp, so you wouldn't really get a decent estimate.

5. :eek:'s set to 128bpm....I thought that was the right speed?

That's not what I'm hearing when I stream it - for some reason your two most recent Soundclick songs sound like they're sped up 200%. At least that's what happens to me, all the other songs seem to be fine.
Nice cover of Orion Mystique (insert correct number here)!
And cool second solo of sixpounder- is it sweep picked or alternate picked?

And for some annyoing questions (sorry if they have been asked before)-

1)- What gauge of strings does everyone use and in what tuning? I have tried everything and have come back to using standard 10's in d standard tuning.

2)- What plectrums does everyone use? I use Jim Dunlop Jazz 3's regular (small ones)

3)- Occasionaly I'll suffer from something really weird- when I'm learning a lick, sometime during the process when its almost up to the original tempo, I'l lbe unable to play it unless, i get the GP midi to play at the same time, its really weird, some odd mental block, anyways of bypassing it?

4)- Amp/Pedal Settings? what is set to what on your amp or pedal?
Mine is Treble/high= 6/10
Mid frequency(?)=3
Gain=4.8/10 (lol, EMG's really deliver a gain injected tone)

5) Thanks (if you bothered) to read this or answer any of my questions

1) E - 8's/9's, D - 10's
2) Dunlop derlin and gatorgrip 1.5mm
3) Time
4) It differs but my preferred:

Gain - 8/9
Volume - Max
Bass - 3
Mid - 7/8
Treb - 4/5
1) 10's for E and D
2) Ultex Jazz 3's

For my XXX i use:

Gain: 6
Master Volume: Max
Channel Volume: Like 3
Bass 6
Mid 5
Treb 5

Nice cover of Orion Mystique (insert correct number here)!
And cool second solo of sixpounder- is it sweep picked or alternate picked?

And for some annyoing questions (sorry if they have been asked before)-

1)- What gauge of strings does everyone use and in what tuning? I have tried everything and have come back to using standard 10's in d standard tuning.

2)- What plectrums does everyone use? I use Jim Dunlop Jazz 3's regular (small ones)

3)- Occasionaly I'll suffer from something really weird- when I'm learning a lick, sometime during the process when its almost up to the original tempo, I'l lbe unable to play it unless, i get the GP midi to play at the same time, its really weird, some odd mental block, anyways of bypassing it?

4)- Amp/Pedal Settings? what is set to what on your amp or pedal?
Mine is Treble/high= 6/10
Mid frequency(?)=3
Gain=4.8/10 (lol, EMG's really deliver a gain injected tone)

5) Thanks (if you bothered) to read this or answer any of my questions


E(telecaster) - 9-42
E(SXSEG1PG/BCRich) - 10-46
D(LTD) 11-50
Open C(Jackson) 10-52

Jim Dunlop JAZZ III

Small and big. I vary a lot, and now im in a "big" period. Probably because i play a LOT on my Jackson.

Not that i know of, occasionally i have it too i guess.. I dont know any remedy

Alright i have my guitar running into a Boss DS-2(sometimes i have a Dunlop Crybaby Wah infront of it)
Which is set up like this

Volume: Full
Toneknob: All the way to the left(midboost lulz)
Distortion: maybe.. 2? not much at all
Shapefilter: II

That runs into my Mic preamp(because i have a "leet" soundcard)
which i setup so that the green is topped of with a yellow dot, on the indicator. Its a Behringer Tube Ultragain btw.

Thats run straight into the soundcard(ofc), and i use Revalver MKIII(demo for the moment, unfortunatly) with the following setups:

For rythm(Open C, lul):
Shutup Noisegate
Peavey 6505+
-PRE: 7
-LOW: 7
-MID: 0 (yes i know, none, but bear with me)
-HIGH: about 3.5
-POST: Between 3-5, depending on what i feel for, mostly 3.7ish
-RESONANCE: around 8
and add output till its borderline clipping
Peavey 6505 4x12|sx7(b) impulse

For leads:
Shutup Noisegate
Peavey 6505
-LEAD: 4.5(varies, depends on what im playing)
-LOW: 8
-MID: 3.5
-HIGH: just above 4
-LEAD POST: 8 (varies as well)
RE-LAY 4(delay)
- around 110ms, though dependant on bpm, i usually have it here when i impro
-Everything left standard, except feedback, which is at 4.25
-LFO Depth: Just under 1
-Wet Mix: around 70-75%
ACS R2(Reverb)
-this is based a lot on what i feel for, but mostly its abit more on lenght than stnadard, and turned down abit on all the others. Wetmix is close to 6%

For any lead rythmkinda gunk, i cut the delay and reverb.

I have a clean sound too, but im too lazy and this post is too big already. but its mainly Chorus+Crystalclear cleans+delay and reverb, and maybe some slight phaser or flanger.

You are welcome, now bathe in my juicy and yet so useless answer
Well, if you play at a low level and then switch to high levels (from home level to rehearshal level) it gains a bit of mids, but otherwise it has no effect, and it doesn't matter if I have the channel volume low and master high or the chanel volume high and master low, it sounds the same. But of course as you said it also depends on amps too.

BTW now that I remember, I must warn:

BUGUERA 6262 (Peavey 6505+ copy attempt)

Beware, stay away from those!

I tried one this evening and I'll tell you where the 400€ difference is:

Buguera buzzes brutally and creates a hell of lot noise. I was playing with EMG HZ and with gain at 6/10 and it was 834650735608293465763597324 more noisy than my Randall with gain at 10/10 with my EMG 81. Really, stay away from that piece of crap. I was thinking about getting one, but after testing it I won't take it even for free.
Yeah I've been monitoring their reviews on the ESP Boards, don't seem to be very good at all. Blowing up, falling apart and stuff.

edit: postjump
A guy (username: 006) in the Andy Sneap forum says otherwise :lol:

Buguera must have paid him a lot of money then :lol:
No, seriously, I've played with very crapy amps (my previous amp was a Carlsbro, ever heard about it? Better if you haven't :lol:), my practice amp is an Academy and my Randall halfstack is the cheapest thing Randall sells. But that head pwned all of them single handed in terms of noise and buzz.