Guitar Player's Thread

Yes, I just put new strings on my gee-tar and sorted out the whole recording thing. Might even start posting in the "Cover Thread" if I have time (not this week, have finals). So yeah, a forum jam would be cool.
hahaha yeah. I just heard so much shit talking about floating bridges, I was scared to change them myself. I had always planned on taking it into the guitar shop to get it done, but I finally decided fuck it, I wanna learn how to do it myself. And it turns out it's not so bad at all. Just took some time.
I'm learning to play Satyricon's Dark Medieval Times on guitar, though the fast folky parts have been tough. I learned Emperor's Inno A Satana before that, Death's Pull The Plug before that and most of the solo, the shredded part anyways. I don't have a camera yet though but by the look of this thread I need me one.
I may try to learn Nile's Sarcophagus after I finish DMT.
I completely blanked out on this, but I was changing my spring set up for my OFR trem. from four spring like this ll ll to three like this ll \. The screws though that hold the plate where the springs attach to are completely stripped though. So I had to use pliers to take them out, and I've been looking for replacement screws and no hardware store has the same size or anything. Some guitar tech said get drywall screws that are just a bit thicker and drill them in and it won't do any damage... this I'm not too sure about I don't know. But my question is. My floyd rose was sticking way up like this / (not that high though haha) but which direction do I turn the screws again to get the F.R. parallel with the body again -- ? Clockwise or counter clockwise? Thanks.