Guitar Player's Thread

So I bought some Ernie Ball "Skinny Top Heavy Bottoms" today, 10-52 gauge.

They're really nice so far. Tuned it to Open C, and with my mahogany body + EMGs guitar it sounds brutally Death Metal :lol: But the string quality is also considerably higher than the D'Addario's I used to get... Hell D'Addarios are shit really. they always snapped on me. I think I'll be sticking with Ernie Ball from now on.
Open C? How is that?

Ernie Balls are good. When I feel like spending a little extra I usually go with the DRs though, best strings in my opinion.
I know the first three heavy string are like Drop C. I guess I meant more like how do you solo? :lol: Devin Townsend plays in Open C in Strapping Young Lad.
I don't really know yet I just tuned it to that for the lulz :lol: Not having a trem any more means I can fuck about.
a pedal for je-1000/mm-04 is one of the best things I've heard of for ages!

I'm already working on getting parts for it.

I'm going to add a Bypass foot switch and change the gain boost toggle switch to a foot switch.

So it will have a Master Volume, and two foot switches.

I still have to come up with a design for it, as far as the casing goes.

As far as paint job i'm thinking gloss black with red blood splatter :)
Oh wow..and you still played Sixopunder solo flawlessly :worship:notworthy.

Action on all of my guitar are about 1.2mm-1.3mm over the 12th fret. If I put a Jazz III pick between the strings and the 12th stays in and doesn't fall.

Just to let you know, I didn't record that in one take. The string skipping arpeggios were recorded after MANY tries separately. And yeah, it is a little difficult string skipping with the action as it is but I feel like I can alternate pick more accurately that way doing scale runs.
So I bought some Ernie Ball "Skinny Top Heavy Bottoms" today, 10-52 gauge.

They're really nice so far. Tuned it to Open C, and with my mahogany body + EMGs guitar it sounds brutally Death Metal :lol: But the string quality is also considerably higher than the D'Addario's I used to get... Hell D'Addarios are shit really. they always snapped on me. I think I'll be sticking with Ernie Ball from now on.


Ernie Balls are really nice.
Daddarios suck.
Tried them once, both 9s and 10s, and they sucked big hairdy donkey balls.

Snaps quick, sounds like shit, and plays like shit. They were alot worse than the ones I got stock on my Ibanez Roadrage Black.
And they weren't really the best either.
I've been using d'addarios for a while now, only because i got like 50 sets free at this promotion thing last year. Luckily they haven't snapped on me often but i agree they aren't the best sounding strings. I'm just trying to use them all up now haha
i wonder whats up with d'addario strings

Some hate them, and say they are absolute fucking shit and snap at nothing (myself included in these experiences)
but others, even Devin Townsend, prefer them above everything else. And as he said, he picks very hard, so they should snap pretty fast for him.

GHS are strings that snap to me, all the fucking time! I had a GHS set on my guitar for aprox 5 hours, before a string snapped..
So i stick to SIT strings nowadays, because they quit selling DR where i buy strings. SIT took over, but so far they havent let me down.

just for the record, i use the following gauges:


and i don't have any problems with them..

the sets from GHS that i have tried, are 009-42 and 011-50 i think, might have been 48
I'm already working on getting parts for it.

I'm going to add a Bypass foot switch and change the gain boost toggle switch to a foot switch.

So it will have a Master Volume, and two foot switches.

I still have to come up with a design for it, as far as the casing goes.

As far as paint job i'm thinking gloss black with red blood splatter :)
Sounds cool,how are you going to manage the dipswitch and gain switch situation?
Sounds cool,how are you going to manage the dipswitch and gain switch situation?

Im not, It's just going to have to be something youd have to pre-set from the inside. I'm sure there would be a way to put a potentiometer in-place of the gain trimpot but on the MM-04 version i have all the circuitry is super tiny and all the resistors and chips look like computer placed shit. so id be afraid to remove anything.

The biggest thing id be looking to have different in the "pedal version" is to be able to use it with whatever guitar i'd like, and to be able to bypass the midboost if i wanted.