Guitar Player's Thread

yeah, on the lower registers I tend to use index-middle-pinky. but the higher notes, it's easier to do index-ring-pinky.

I'll check out the BTs and hopefully vote by tomorrow.
God. I want to do the jam thing. Sadly I'm waiting for a few things fixed, and I have exams, then vacation in Italy and stuff for three weeks. I hope there will be a next one :p .
Listening, wait a minute for comments.

WOW! Looks like a truck is going over you and crushing your bones! I really like the tone and they are cool riffs IMO, nice job. Oh, and great playing.
thanks man.
yeah that was my intention to get that sort of sound but i am still not happy with it there is lots to improve i wish i could split my signal in to 2 for 2 different operations and record it stereo that would allow me alot more tweaking i will come up with some kind of a way already...

Hm.. Well, i feel kinda bad saying this, but i didn't like the tones too well.. They sounded a bit too hollow, and honky imo.. Maybe its just me thats untrained in terms of bass, i'm just so used to the bass sound of the bassist in my band.. it sounds a bit cool though.. I like your playing style btw
no need to feel bad i posted to receive comments and opinions.
i know what you mean that its hallow actually my sound is going all the way up to 2Khz i took down around the 250 hz to get more clear sound
that aria gives some kind of boxiness to the sound and i have busted the 80-150 hz for the full bottom punch
the only problem with busting the bottom is that standard ordinary computer speakers physically can not produce this frequencies the tend to rumble or high pass around 150hz so there for my sound could be empty
when i listened to it on my mp3 player it also sounded kind of... empty without too much detail well i can not blame it just one headphone has to reproduce this heaviness + all the mids and highs
when i was mixing it i was using my home stereo even though the stereo boxes are crappy they are still 3 way so for them it is much easier to give detailed and full sound than just headphones or computer speakers

I really really want one :lol:
^The only thing i dont like is the fuckin pink and black binding :lol:

Now i got a problem guys. THe stuff im getting.

Schecter C-1 Hellraiser BCH


Line 6 UX-1


Good studio headphones OR Shure PG58 vocalist microphone?
I can't decide. Well i got a pair of Headphones already but...and yeah i don't have any vocalist mic yet...only a PG57 mic for miccing up a amp with.
okay im now going to dig whole google to find free winrar:p

got it

i like the markmoorebackingtrack most too:kickass:
but i think its hard to play over, it would be tough for me:D

EDIT (for not making a tripple post):
he might get owned by gilbert and other but i still love this guy and his sweeps
That pink Rhoads is nice but the whole I posted is THE one I'd want. I've NEVER seen it before except for when some guy posted pics of his.

Is that a light Ebony fretboard or dark rosewood?
That pink Rhoads is nice but the whole I posted is THE one I'd want. I've NEVER seen it before except for when some guy posted pics of his.

Is that a light Ebony fretboard or dark rosewood?

If you're really desperate for one specific colour you could just paint it :cool:
Yeah could do but that'd involve me removing all hardware and the neck, stripping all the paint, repainting it equally throughout the entire body, clear coating it and putting everything back on again.

I'm sure I'd end up fucking something up along the line.
Yeah, i wouldn't trust myself doing it atleast. You could also just turn it in to a professional or something. I'd be cool with some wicked colour combo, like orange with black bevels or yellow with brown bevels :lol:
Yeah, i wouldn't trust myself doing it atleast. You could also just turn it in to a professional or something. I'd be cool with some wicked colour combo, like orange with black bevels or yellow with brown bevels :lol:

Fuck yeah! Orange w/ black bevels would look awesome imo.

Just throwing this around, but I think it'd be awesome if you guys would consider parts of Mattias Eklundh's "The Grey Hat of Compromise" as a backing track for the next jam :loco: