Guitar Player's Thread

Pђoenix;7337753 said:
Fuck yeah! Orange w/ black bevels would look awesome imo.

Just throwing this around, but I think it'd be awesome if you guys would consider parts of Mattias Eklundh's "The Grey Hat of Compromise" as a backing track for the next jam :loco:

Actually, that reminds me that I have all backing tracks for the Grow Your Own Moustache Tuition CD.
I might try and find some interesting ones, if anyone is...well interested?


The Mark Moore and the 12 Donkeys backing track are my favourites so far. I just don't want to jam over some sleeper track, to be honest :p


He speaks of his type of fingerings in one video. When he was starting out he had a teacher that told him to keep one finger to each fret, so he always practiced two consecutive whole steps with index-ring-pinky.

On another note, i always use my pinky, i just think it looks ugly when you're using the middle and ring finger for a whole step.

That made me laugh, :lol: Mainly because it's just what I feel when I see pics of me playing live, because I don't use the pinky that much :lol:

thanks man.
yeah that was my intention to get that sort of sound but i am still not happy with it there is lots to improve i wish i could split my signal in to 2 for 2 different operations and record it stereo that would allow me alot more tweaking i will come up with some kind of a way already...

Would't it work more or less the same if you copied the track and had 2 each one panned 100% to each side?

I really really want one :lol:

The silver bevels kill it for me, but the pink is really cool.

That pink Rhoads is nice but the whole I posted is THE one I'd want. I've NEVER seen it before except for when some guy posted pics of his.

Is that a light Ebony fretboard or dark rosewood?


Yeah, i wouldn't trust myself doing it atleast. You could also just turn it in to a professional or something. I'd be cool with some wicked colour combo, like orange with black bevels or yellow with brown bevels :lol:

Yeah, I'd definitely take it to a pro if I had to repaint my guitar.
Seems like it is split even where ever I ask this, haha. I know there is no wrong or right way, but if Paul Gilbert does it a certain way, well dammit, I will too! :lol:
Well look at the players that use their middle fingers for it and see if they can handle it ok:

Joe Satriani
Jason Becker
Marty Friedman
Alexi Laiho
Roope Latvala
Steve Vai
Michael Romeo
Michael Angel Batio
James Malone
Yngwie Malmsteen

Paul does it his way because of his teachings and his stupidly long fingers. I tried using my ring finger when I was a complete fanboy of him and it just wasn't comfortable at all.
yeah, I also use middle. I think Paul have double joint in his finger. i tried his way and got cramped up. And have you seen him tapping Vivaldi? That just stupidly ridiculous
yeah, I also use middle. I think Paul have double joint in his finger. i tried his way and got cramped up. And have you seen him tapping Vivaldi? That just stupidly ridiculous

Yeah :lol:

Paul has stupidly long fingers, made for the guitar.
You shouldn't do what someone else does, but what is comfortable to you, as long as it doesn't hurt, and as long as it makes the right sound.
I tried using my ring finger when I was a complete fanboy of him and it just wasn't comfortable at all.

Yeah. I'm not trying to change my technique because that would be near impossible for me at this point, just curious to see how the average guitarist would do it.


Any thoughts for the backing track?

Parts to make the MM-04 into a pedal are in, il probably start working on it tomorrow.

Its gonna have those two footswitches for bypassing the whole unit including the midboost and the second switch for turning the gainboost on and off.

Also there will be a volume knob up top, as the MM-04 is a circuit board attached to a volume pot so il just put it there even though it would be on full all the time.

Parts to make the MM-04 into a pedal are in, il probably start working on it tomorrow.

Its gonna have those two footswitches for bypassing the whole unit including the midboost and the second switch for turning the gainboost on and off.

Also there will be a volume knob up top, as the MM-04 is a circuit board attached to a volume pot so il just put it there even though it would be on full all the time.

i seriously want something like this. however, i was thinking something along the lines of drilling a hole into my cavity cover (those things are easy as shit to replace) and putting a flatter switch in. i'd like some kind of gainboost/overdrive, and seeing as everyone creams themselves over the JE-1000 i figured that might be the best bet, although I'm not sure at this point. The pedal would be really really nice, but i know fuckall how to make one
Would't it work more or less the same if you copied the track and had 2 each one panned 100% to each side?
it wouldn't do much with bass as much as it would with guitar unfortunately . the reason i want to split is to have my fundamental sound and the distorted that way i would be able to bring back some presence and detail that gets lost with distortion effect.

Parts to make the MM-04 into a pedal are in, il probably start working on it tomorrow.

Its gonna have those two footswitches for bypassing the whole unit including the midboost and the second switch for turning the gainboost on and off.

Also there will be a volume knob up top, as the MM-04 is a circuit board attached to a volume pot so il just put it there even though it would be on full all the time.
that is awesome.
are you going to use true bypass technique?
I'm gonna buy a pair of 0.011 strings. Then changing the G string to a wound string from a thinner set I have lying around (0.09).

Awesome? Yes.

I read this somewhere, because I lately got into Stevie Ray Vaughan (not because I play blues that much, but diversity never hurts) and you could hear the thick strings in his tone. Also recently I'm noticing more and more how stuff affects my tone, now that I got my amp back with new tubes, and having the gain just where it should be, but no further for playing so called shred.
Also, my amp is very trebley and thicker=less treble. So I decided to go with 0.011, but then some guy mentioned doing that, but with a wound g string, and how it sounded awesome. So I'm doing it , yes.

p.s. I tune to e standard :p