Guitar Player's Thread

that's cool, do you do clean or growly vocals?

heres my old account

it's pretty facepalm worthy

:lol: Didn't know it still exists. Well i used to do not sure if i will anymore but i have no problem with it. I got really easy for growling nowadays so that is no problem(I do wonder if i have ruined my voice though because when i started growling my voice was breaking and shit...i hope to god not :lol:). I actually dunno why i said we play metalcore...probably because of the partly clean vocals but we don't f.ex play in a drop tuning. We have once though. We are currently wondering which tuning we should switch to(Either C standard or Drop C). We got like 2-3 own songs. 2 are completely done with lyrics and shit. The 3rd doesn't yet have lyrics.

EDIT: GODDAMIT I LOL'd!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: It's not even closed yet!
that's cool. i suck at growling/death metal stuff im kinda getting better though i just sorta practice though. not really hard at all. im in a band to, but it's really weird. it's like an orchestra and we have like a leader sorta and hes in his 30's but the rest of the band is 14-18. but he just kinda helps us at practice and me and the other guitarist do all the solo's and he just does rhythm usually cuz he doesnt want to take the spotlight. but we do a lot of funk/jazz/rock/blues/ etc. not much metal. we have 3-4 originals and probably 8-10 covers. it's really fun but im looking to be in a serious metal band to. like a symphony x cover band or something :lol
that's cool. i suck at growling/death metal stuff im kinda getting better though i just sorta practice though. not really hard at all. im in a band to, but it's really weird. it's like an orchestra and we have like a leader sorta and hes in his 30's but the rest of the band is 14-18. but he just kinda helps us at practice and me and the other guitarist do all the solo's and he just does rhythm usually cuz he doesnt want to take the spotlight. but we do a lot of funk/jazz/rock/blues/ etc. not much metal. we have 3-4 originals and probably 8-10 covers. it's really fun but im looking to be in a serious metal band to. like a symphony x cover band or something :lol

Yeah. I saw the video from a gig you was pretty cool! Well it helps alot to be involved with different styles because it expans the musical view alot :kickass: Yeah well the problem is always the members...either they suck or they are hard to find . Especially bassists are hard to find...drummers also:erk::lol: The problem here is when you play a gig as amateur band is that you will just have a bunch of drunks as audience anyway :lol: Exception for a couple of places. We will have to see about gigs with the band.

Growling and Screaming takes time to learn. First it's just disgusting when you get dry/sore throat. Later it's pretty effortless. It can damage your vocal chords pretty easily so be careful! I think i might've done that already. In a mild degree obviously then.
i can't find any good guitarists my age at all, like really good. im honestly the best guitarist at my school and im a freshman (going to be soph. in fall) and its a school of 1200 :erk: i need to find like a really great rhythm guitarist and other great members. i have an awesome drummer/bassist and he knows tons of ppl so that'll be my best bet
i can't find any good guitarists my age at all, like really good. im honestly the best guitarist at my school and im a freshman (going to be soph. in fall) and its a school of 1200 :erk: i need to find like a really great rhythm guitarist and other great members. i have an awesome drummer/bassist and he knows tons of ppl so that'll be my best bet

Well im pretty lucky then. We got a kickass drummer,a bassist with 8 years of experience...also some classical training with a Contrabas or wtf its called,A guitarist that has played guitar for 5-6 years and writes songs. There has to be someone there atleast.
If someone finds a J-50BC p-up, that ships to europe, can they please write it?
I can't find a single effing one, and I want to try it, to hear how it sounds (of course)
^ I know, that's why I said FYI, so Orcy knew.

Thanks man! You know a good deal about (Ibanez) guitars, so thank you for the information.

To Phenom - find out what pickup features most prominently out of all his guitars -I'm a fanboy,and I like RG's, so whatever happens I'll buy a Ibanez RG 1570, and replace the pickups accordingly.

Also, anyone know how to clean hardware on guitars?
Thanks man! You know a good deal about (Ibanez) guitars, so thank you for the information.

To Phenom - find out what pickup features most prominently out of all his guitars -I'm a fanboy,and I like RG's, so whatever happens I'll buy a Ibanez RG 1570, and replace the pickups accordingly.

Also, anyone know how to clean hardware on guitars?

Yeah sure i will. I can check FTSOR DVD. Clean the hardware with a toothbrush ;) Gets into hard spots smoothly.
Signature DR strings? Haha, how gay. I know it's only a marketing tool for fanboys and they're probably made from shit but I still think it's weird. "Signature strings"...