Guitar Player's Thread

I don't have a fucking clue. Let's wait till we get Mitch back :lol: But this time I don't really mind as I already have a solo in case the Jam is done before I go back to Spain. :kickass:

But I know that when people hears it everybody will go like OMG Aleksi copy OMG!!! :lol: It turned out really Alexiish I think :lol:

EDIT: :lol: Mitch was faster. Did you get my solo Mitch? If not, Inhe please send him, as I'm not able from here, my solo is back in Spain :erk:
Hey, welcome back Mitch!

No problem José, i'll send the solo in case he doesn't have it :cool:
Cheers. And don't worry, I have Jose's solo, aswell as yours and dave's.

I haven't touched a guitar in over 2 weeks so my playing is extremely funny. My vibrato is out of control, I keep "dropping" the strings and I can't even pick at like 130bpm anymore. I am awesome!! :kickass:
Cheers. And don't worry, I have Jose's solo, aswell as yours and dave's.

I haven't touched a guitar in over 2 weeks so my playing is extremely funny. My vibrato is out of control, I keep "dropping" the strings and I can't even pick at like 130bpm anymore. I am awesome!! :kickass:

Haha! Yeah i know how you feel, one time i went to Australia for two weeks and when i came back i was shit. So i ended up playing something like 50 hours that week and ended up having (left) shoulder problems for about a month so it is best to take it easy at first.
Cheers. And don't worry, I have Jose's solo, aswell as yours and dave's.

I haven't touched a guitar in over 2 weeks so my playing is extremely funny. My vibrato is out of control, I keep "dropping" the strings and I can't even pick at like 130bpm anymore. I am awesome!! :kickass:

in a way, that's good, cuz there's this one part in my solo that I wrote too fast for my ability so while you're re-honing your skills, it gives me time to practice it.
Argh wtf!?! I wanted to buy this GP-1000 but the faggot who sells didn't answer my question whether he ships to germany untill today's night. So got up early in the morning and saw a mail that he doesn't. I mean wheres the fuckin problem to ship to Germany? We are not Cuba or Iran. Additionally I offered him 400$(255€) for everything and now the GP runs for 260$ (155€).
the winning bidder name is "cob909" LOL figures. Alexi fans are the one people who would buy these now. I wonder if its someone on the forum.
I know it's stupid to not ship outside US but as someone living in the US I can explain. I myself have been scammed by someone from England( not trying to offend anyone from England, just stating my experience) before and I know I'm not alone so a lot of people spread these around. Bad news travel faster than good news so everyone kinda neglect from trying to deal with people from outside the Us.
I know it's stupid to not ship outside US but as someone living in the US I can explain. I myself have been scammed by someone from England( not trying to offend anyone from England, just stating my experience) before and I know I'm not alone so a lot of people spread these around. Bad news travel faster than good news so everyone kinda neglect from trying to deal with people from outside the Us.
It was 3 years ago when I first started eBay shit so I used Western Union (yeah, I know,I'm a dumb ass). lol
Lol i got this back from him

:lol: he must be some 11 year old fan boy.

And I finished my solo, I said fuck it to that fast part and just played something a bit slower, something I could actually manage :lol:
Oh and Mitch, I forgot to write this in the PM, but I didn't add the 4 click thing in the beginning cuz you said if we also submit it with the BT then you'll know when it starts...but let me know if there's a problem.
Cheers. And don't worry, I have Jose's solo, aswell as yours and dave's.

I haven't touched a guitar in over 2 weeks so my playing is extremely funny. My vibrato is out of control, I keep "dropping" the strings and I can't even pick at like 130bpm anymore. I am awesome!! :kickass:

:lol: Don't worry man, you'll get back on track in 3 days. I kind of feel your pain cos I was suposed to be a month with no playing (I'm in Ireland for a month and of course I didn't brought the guitar with me cos I couldn't), but luckily the boy at my host family used to play guitar so I have a shitty Yamaha 24/7 for me and a BC Rich Warlock and a PRS Tremonti sometimes for my enjoy and practice :kickass:

Just out of curiousness. How long did it take to record your solo?

About half an hour, btu that's because I had to rush quite a lot cos I had like one day to compose and record it, so I supose that when all is done mine will be the shittiest one :erk:

Lol i got this back from him

:lol: What a prick.
I almost just shat my pants.

I was playing my randall and was going to play something with extremely high reverb so i just twisted the knob and it turned out to be the Volume knob that i twist to 5-6 and the volume was like "OMGZ IM GONNA DIE". I seriously almost got a heart attack. The Volume knob is next to the reverb knob.