Guitar Player's Thread

the other guitarist and bassist wanna I and drumer do it too to look more uniform.

also I think that black metallers take you more seriously, but it amuses other people.

i'm actually in a conflict with my band. they want to wear corpse paint and i don't (we're death metal). and they won't compromise so im stuck
Tell them they're faggots then, if you're a Death Metal act then why the fuck would you wear corpsepaint?

@Nazgul: Awesome, I was just watching this vid aswell

Kicks ass! That riff at 00:37 is win.
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^Agreed. BTW, really nice stuff. The pictures are fucking epic! Dunno about sound cos I'm posting from a trial Mac in a shopping center (Swords shopping center in Ireland if anyone wonders) and there's no sound.

┼Victim of the Night┼;7444072 said:
^Absolutely! :kickass:
It's surprising how Dire Straits' sound was different back then, when Knopfler hadn't changed guitar and still used the Stratocaster... I obviously love the sound they got later when he chose to play a Gibson guitar, but I think that the Fender did "suit" more to the whole Dire Straits' sound, somehow.
I dunno why, it's just that I think that theirs is some sort of an "elegant" rock, hence why I find the Stratocaster's tone and sound more... "soft"? It's like it is a lot more soothing in some songs, to me.
But anyway... I'll always love all of Dire Straits music, soooo.... blah, blah and blah, yeah. :)

Kind of. I hate both Gibson and Fender so can't say myself, but then again Dire Straits wouldn't sound the same with an overloaded Jackson :lol:

the other guitarist and bassist wanna I and drumer do it too to look more uniform.

also I think that black metallers take you more seriously, but it amuses other people.

That's true. BMers can be real fags for that.

i'm actually in a conflict with my band. they want to wear corpse paint and i don't (we're death metal). and they won't compromise so im stuck

Death metal+corpsepaint=NO. I'd kill my bandmates if they tried to make me wear corpsepaint, I just hate it.
Kind of. I hate both Gibson and Fender so can't say myself, but then again Dire Straits wouldn't sound the same with an overloaded Jackson :lol:
Oh I see, I never knew you hate 'em both... sorry then!
But well, yeah, I agree, don't think Miss Jackie would suit to Dire Straits music... cuz it'd make it more "roaaaarrr", kinda.

Pђoenix;7444442 said:
Not sure if many of you have seen this, I know I hadn't, Scarified from Bruces instructional DVD.
I love that song soooo much!!
My cousin always tries to play it on the guitar... and can never do it... then he stops playing cuz plays the wrong nots... and he gets mad... and I laaaaugh a lot! :lol:
I'm not mean, but it's all so funny to see, haha!!
wow holy shit

so necrophagist is on the canadian summer slaughter and i was pissed they werent coming here, but it turns out there going to be headlining a show with dying fetus, beneath the massacre, and veil of maya in portland!!! so fucking amazing, i thought it was a joke when i saw the flyer, because its at some shitty place called rock n roll pizza :lol: but it'll be so easy to meet the band so fuck yeah

and summer slaughter last night was amazing
cool stuff! so is your band gaining a pretty big fan base now?

wow holy shit

so necrophagist is on the canadian summer slaughter and i was pissed they werent coming here, but it turns out there going to be headlining a show with dying fetus, beneath the massacre, and veil of maya in portland!!! so fucking amazing, i thought it was a joke when i saw the flyer, because its at some shitty place called rock n roll pizza :lol: but it'll be so easy to meet the band so fuck yeah

and summer slaughter last night was amazing
:OMG: whaaaaaaaat?!!? Is this show ONLY for portland? Or are they doing a tour with Dying Fetus? It'd be amazing to see them both at a show. I'm gonna go check ticketmaster right now.
woah, that was amazing. its so fluid and clean, i almost thought it sounded like a keyboard at times



seems your out of luck :/