Guitar Player's Thread



Awesome pic! :kickass:

I have some picture of me from the Metal Camp 2008 where we played....

Also awesome pics! The RR looks great here.

Remember Matias Kupiainen?

I spent a few hours tabbing one of the most kickass solos ever.

I believe the notes are 100% correct, but fingerings may be slightly different. Enjoy!

Fist in Fetus - Emancipation

Great work, Ben! I love your tabs!

And here's something I wrote and recorded a while ago but never uploaded here. It's something simple but I wanted to put in loads of key changes so it's quite boring near the end and the solos don't really have much thought in them, I came up with them in like 10 mins each.
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And here's something I wrote and recorded a while ago but never uploaded here. It's something simple but I wanted to put in loads of key changes so it's quite boring near the end and the solos don't really have much thought in them, I came up with them in like 10 mins each.
Yeeeees, Eli approves and likes it a lot! :)

Mitch, your style of song writing reminds me of Jason Becker.
I agree, I told him that too not long ago... it's one of the few reasons why I like his playing so much... but I believe that Mitch has a lot of creativity too, he's original in his compositions; despite some resemblances with his musical influences, he has a "personal touch" that I can feel and perceive most of times.
^Yes, there's a lot of Alexi too... but I see a lot more of Mitch. :)
Yes, he's got so much potential and the good thing is that he's getting always better (and he says he never practises... suuuure! :Smug:)... and I also think that was one of his best compositions.
┼Victim of the Night┼;7447979 said:
^Yes, there's a lot of Alexi too... but I see a lot more of Mitch. :)
Yes, he's got so much potential and the good thing is that he's getting always better (and he says he never practises... suuuure! :Smug:)... and I also think that was one of his best compositions.

Of course :p.
Mystique1721 said:
parts of it really resemble the intro to Touch Like Angel of Death on the Tokyo Warhearts album.
I don't think so... but everyone have their opinions, certainly.

eveningninja said:
I quite agree. Definitely something there that isn't heard anywhere else.
Indeed, thanks. :)

OvSeth said:
Of course. :p
Yes, as long as I shut up, eh Nick? :p I'll shut up now, by the way.
Well then, you are more epic than my gummi bears. :lol:

I didn't really know the song at the time it was recorded, I have it better nowadays, but I'm posting it here for possible criticism and to keep track. :D

That is what I just did now, without the music, vibrato could be better and the playing could be tighter, but I've been working so much lately, I just didn't feel like picking up the guitar.

(Now I know why Mitch doesn't practice :lol:)


A big thank u to Eli, eveningninja, Nick & reaperscythe!!! I'm glad this file was enjoyable for some people other than myself. :) I would keep all the melodies but the final version wouldn't be just loads of guitar solos, I just didn't know where to go from there but wanted to record something. It's a great compliment to be compared to the likes of Jason Becker but also an even bigger one to know that I sound "unique" also, I've never thought I did but I'm glad I have a second opinion from some ears other than my own.

It's kinda put me in the mood to experiment some more and maybe try something new, I absolutely love Jason's compositional gift and I simply cannot wait for his new album, which was composed with his fucking EYES!! I love End Of The Beginning & Concerto, just like someone else...but also pretty much everything else he released around that time too.

And Mystique, I can understand what you mean about the TLAOD thing because it's just a simple melody over a few chords and I see the similarity in it now that you've mentioned it, but judging by the sound alone, considering melody, key & that it's in a major key, I would never have ever thought it was similar. I randomly came up with it while sitting on the edge of the bathtub in the dark with my Ibanez. :zombie:

And regarding the practice thing...I really don't. I just sit here and jam along to COB/Sinergy/PG/Bullet/Metallica all night and if I make a mistake, I leave it and carry on. I haven't used a metronome properly in years, it sucks. All these licks I play come from just overplaying certain licks that I've stolen from Laiho & Gilbert. I "practice" Yngwie's way now.

But anyway, rant over, thanks again for the kind comments!

Edit: Nick, your vids are cool! Duno the songs but you did a good job on both!


A big thank u to Eli, eveningninja, Nick & reaperscythe!!! I'm glad this file was enjoyable for some people other than myself. :) I would keep all the melodies but the final version wouldn't be just loads of guitar solos, I just didn't know where to go from there but wanted to record something. It's a great compliment to be compared to the likes of Jason Becker but also an even bigger one to know that I sound "unique" also, I've never thought I did but I'm glad I have a second opinion from some ears other than my own.

It's kinda put me in the mood to experiment some more and maybe try something new, I absolutely love Jason's compositional gift and I simply cannot wait for his new album, which was composed with his fucking EYES!! I love End Of The Beginning & Concerto, just like someone else...but also pretty much everything else he released around that time too.

And Mystique, I can understand what you mean about the TLAOD thing because it's just a simple melody over a few chords and I see the similarity in it now that you've mentioned it, but judging by the sound alone, considering melody, key & that it's in a major key, I would never have ever thought it was similar. I randomly came up with it while sitting on the edge of the bathtub in the dark with my Ibanez. :zombie:

And regarding the practice thing...I really don't. I just sit here and jam along to COB/Sinergy/PG/Bullet/Metallica all night and if I make a mistake, I leave it and carry on. I haven't used a metronome properly in years, it sucks. All these licks I play come from just overplaying certain licks that I've stolen from Laiho & Gilbert. I "practice" Yngwie's way now.

But anyway, rant over, thanks again for the kind comments!

Edit: Nick, your vids are cool! Duno the songs but you did a good job on both!

hmm, I think some of the intervals were the same too, maybe that's what made me think of it? (talking about the TLAOD riff).

And regarding your practice, I think (and it's just my opinion) that you are beyond the metronome practice now, at least for a while. Like there is a time for practice and then there's a time for creativity and writing. So now that you have built up a lot of skill, you can actually utilize that to write your own stuff. So still practicing with a metronome for 5 hours a day would be sort of a waste for you right now. I'm sure you'll get back into it again, but that'll be when you've gotten your creative stuff out of your system and ready to learn even more technical playing.