Guitar Player's Thread

I really like Systematic Chaos. Ok, now you can all flame me and tell me how much they sold out for that album, but Forsaken and The Dark Eternal night still are fucking awesome (as well as In The Presence Of Enemies).

Yep, I think so :).

Thanks everyone for comments!

My hair is too long for proper caught up in the strings many times already!

Do you mind if I sign that?

And here's something I wrote and recorded a while ago but never uploaded here. It's something simple but I wanted to put in loads of key changes so it's quite boring near the end and the solos don't really have much thought in them, I came up with them in like 10 mins each.

I want fucking sound! :erk: I'll check them in a week when I'm back in Spain.

Sorry guys, I'm going to have to push the jam back by a few days. I really don't feel good right now and am not in the condition to play guitar (I haven't recorded my solo yet) so it'll either be tomorrow night, wednesday or thursday. I aplogize for those of you that expected it. It would have been done but I wanted to do the Covers Thread stuff first and now I'm not too good.

About this I...

Just take your time, without you we probably wouldn't have these jams anyways!

...agree wholeheardetly with Inhe.

I recorded a song from my upcoming demo, sounds awesome i think :)

Road To Nowhere

Just gotta do 2 solo parts @ 3:10 and 4:05 and more work on the mix.

Also did a basic cover art


(yes, i have rights to the image :p)

Really? I just ''stole'' one from Google for our demo :lol:

Nice to see that you're finally going to finish it soon (erlatively :lol:), and cool cover art BTW.
It does indeed sound nice.

Let me say, I'll be the first to buy your solo album :)

You have some interesting kickass ideas, and it truly sounds like yourself.

To me having your own unique style as a guitarist is the most important thing, then the ability to play the music inside your head -atleast if I have to listen to it. If you just cover stuff, or play for fun I won't be one to say "OMG GET YOUR OWN STYLE" - but it always makes me happy when someones got it.

Thanks alot for this, it was great to read! I've got a long way to go until I'm ready for a solo album but it's nice knowing there's people that would buy it if I ever did one. :p

Oh, and Mitch do you have more original stuff? :p

Well, I have about 80 GP4 files of compositions but I'm never satisfied with them.

I recorded some songs about 2/3 years ago for a college project and it was my FIRST time recording anything with Cool Edit Pro, and I used a different amp with a weird tone and I did both songs in about 2/3 hours so they don't sound amazing but I know someone who really loves one of them alot and makes her feel good so it's nice knowing it. :)

Here's the first two:
The Happy Song

And here's a thing that I came up with years ago but never finished, so I re-worked it a few months back and came up with this:

Again, I got stuck at the end after the melodies and started soloing so it's not how it'd be if I did a real version on an album but it's ok for now.

Same thing for me. I just sit down and jam to whatever band I feel like listening to, often playing the same licks over and over again, without planning beforehand what I will play. Kinda going with the flow.

That's the impression I have of players who have played some years, they practice alot the first 3-4 years, then they chill more, and have less structure and "plan" behind what they're playing. I believe most people get tired of the "I must practice at least 3 hours today" or the metronome thing.

My personal opinion is that you play guitar because it's fun, and forcing yourself to play when you don't want to, is not fun, in which case the whole meaning of playing is gone.

I agree with the whole post.

What happened? :lol: These play at like 200% speed for me, haha.

Your ghey computer, probably. They work fine for me!

Did I ever show you my Kantry song I've made a few years ago? I posted it in the COB COvers Thread but I think I've never post it here... SO here it is: Kantry

Mitch: I really like your 7 mb Track 04 composition. Sounds great. The first time I listend to it, it sounds like Knockin'n On hEavens Door
I recorded a song from my upcoming demo, sounds awesome i think :)

Road To Nowhere

Just gotta do 2 solo parts @ 3:10 and 4:05 and more work on the mix.

Also did a basic cover art

Okay I'm downloading the song right now.
The funny thing about the is that I had the same idea when i went at home through the night. So i like your picture ;)

EDIT: Cool one but imo the first 5 minutes are a bit boring because there's to much replication in it.
Okay I'm downloading the song right now.
The funny thing about the is that I had the same idea when i went at home through the night. So i like your picture ;)

EDIT: Cool one but imo the first 5 minutes are a bit boring because there's to much replication in it.

Yeah, that's where vocals are needed :p

The first time through they don't have vocals, then they would start at 1:40, wouldn't be so noticeable like that. Some of my favourite songs are quite repetitive (Death and the healing, Battle Against Time, Sadness and hate etc) My other songs are quite different, but i'm happy with this one all the same.

Really? I just ''stole'' one from Google for our demo :lol:

Nice to see that you're finally going to finish it soon (erlatively :lol:), and cool cover art BTW.

Yeah, well i saw the owner who posted it so i thought i would ask :p ta
By the way, I not that some notworthy creatures in this thread haven't seen Spinal Tap yet, so here's the scene we talked about a few posts ago:

Nigel Tufnel and the maker of the documentary:

And the whole amazing sequence:

Enjoy if you haven't seen it yet!

EDIT: @Arcane: I think you already posted it here, but whatever, it's extremely awesome, maybe the best recording of a board member so far imo.
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I'm starting to plan my first tattoo. I don't like tattoos that are just random and scattered around random places on people. I want super epic sleeve tattoos.

I kind of want some music-themed tattoos but not the cheesy lame ones people get with music notes or bands (I hate band tattoos) and stuff like that.

My friend drew this up for me that I want to base my upper arm piece on, I wouldn't get it exactly like this and will probably have the tattoo artist re-draw it and add shading and stuff, but keep the basic idea of the epic-metal-living pipe organ thing. It would probably take up my whole upper arm and then eventually when i have more ideas would lead into stuff on my forearm.


Let me know what you guys think and if you have any suggestions.

I'm starting to plan my first tattoo. I don't like tattoos that are just random and scattered around random places on people. I want super epic sleeve tattoos.

I kind of want some music-themed tattoos but not the cheesy lame ones people get with music notes or bands (I hate band tattoos) and stuff like that.

My friend drew this up for me that I want to base my upper arm piece on, I wouldn't get it exactly like this and will probably have the tattoo artist re-draw it and add shading and stuff, but keep the basic idea of the epic-metal-living pipe organ thing. It would probably take up my whole upper arm and then eventually when i have more ideas would lead into stuff on my forearm.


Let me know what you guys think and if you have any suggestions.

That looks fucking awesome, not to sure about the skulls though (they appear cartoon-like to me). Your friend has talent.
Did I ever show you my Kantry song I've made a few years ago? I posted it in the COB COvers Thread but I think I've never post it here... SO here it is: Kantry

Mitch: I really like your 7 mb Track 04 composition. Sounds great. The first time I listend to it, it sounds like Knockin'n On hEavens Door
haha I think "Kantry" suits it perfectly. that was a kickass composition, but I think you should've continued with it and made it a bit longer. Just doesn't feel like it should stop there.
I recorded a song from my upcoming demo, sounds awesome i think :)

Road To Nowhere

Just gotta do 2 solo parts @ 3:10 and 4:05 and more work on the mix.

nice song! but do you have a band to play this stuff or are you just gonna record the guitars and program everything else?

@ Alex: that would be a badass tattoo, especially if you keep expanding it.
I recorded a song from my upcoming demo, sounds awesome i think :)

Road To Nowhere

Just gotta do 2 solo parts @ 3:10 and 4:05 and more work on the mix.

Also did a basic cover art


(yes, i have rights to the image :p)

Hey, the cover art is pretty cool, but I have to say I don't think the sort of blandish green shade of the grass goes that well with the dramatic sky and slight blueness of the sky + the logo. If I have your permission I could fuck around with it a bit in photoshop just to show how I think it could look better? But of course if you like it how it is then thats fine ^^
i felt the grass was the perfect contrast to the sky, the grass being of a darker shade, giving it a sort of, darker feel, without turning it into OMGGRIMANDTR00
i really really liked it
I actually think the logo is great :lol: But nah I was just thinking that in general contrast is great... But only if the two colours that are contrasted are complimentary to eachother, as a rule of thumb green and grey/blue don't go together that well :p So I was thinking a more one colour based colour scheme could work pretty well..

Well I'll post my idea, but I'm fully aware that I'm tampering with someone elses work and if umosay would rather I didn't then I wont hesitate to delete it.

I actually think the logo is great :lol: But nah I was just thinking that in general contrast is great... But only if the two colours that are contrasted are complimentary to eachother, as a rule of thumb green and grey/blue don't go together that well :p So I was thinking a more one colour based colour scheme could work pretty well..

Well I'll post my idea, but I'm fully aware that I'm tampering with someone elses work and if umosay would rather I didn't then I wont hesitate to delete it.


I dunno man, maybe green and blue dont go that well together(imo they do, but whatever), but eh, it looks too bland with just the blue, too... 1 dimensioned, it lost all its depth and looks flat, its not something i would look further into...
:S I upped the contrast significantly, if anything that creates more depth... Ah well, it's all in the eye of the beholder. I just haven't used photoshop in ages and was looking for an excuse to get some practise :lol:
I actually like the one you did, both are nice. I thought that umosay's one reminded me of Ayreon's 01011001 (Don't ask why, it just did :lol:). Yours reminded me of Wintersun or Norther.

Both are cool.
if it was two contrasting colors, like in the original pic (grey/blue and green), it would still keep its depth, you know, giving a more perspective feel(?? fucking english ;_; *unable to word self*)

i dunno man, im not saying its SHIT, it just looks, not as good as the original contrasting colors, when you took away that contrasting effect it just deflated imo