Guitar Player's Thread

Well, hope you'll be satisfied. I used to own an ESP horizon with black cherry finish, one of my all time favorite finishes.
Yeah i hope i will! Yeah i just love Black Cherry!
Hey phenom , thanx for your kind words , I'm telling you everytime I post here I feel younger at hearth guys are the best... I'm boost up for my next event!!
Take care man!!
Thanx again...Oh and RAISE HELL with your upcoming Schecter C-1
Hey man! No deserved it. Nice playing as always. Yeah i will raise hell with it! Going to be so awesome with a new guitar :cool::kickass:

Finally? Congrats dude! I hope you really enjoy it. What make you finally choose the C-1 over the V?
Yeah!:lol: Thanks! Well i figured i was more into the C-1 and i really liked both but the C-1 will be a nice change when i have been playing Rhoads for so long. The V shape will be back though :Smokin::lol:
Hey that Loomis solo is pretty cool...i still consider it wankery but it was tight and really nice listen. Not a big fan of his tone though.
haha that bottle of nikolai rocks haha casue it has the same name as me XDD

I'm kind of scared, I'm kind of low on cash so I was trying a new cheap brand haha So i was like "Nikolai sounds awesome! Lets try that!" and then i realized its made in Kentucky lol ...Russian name...Made in Kentucky...we'll see

Also GUITAR RELATED, I'm starting to get settled in here at school and am working with my singer on some new songs for our un-named power/melodeath metal band. I'l definitely be posting demo-dorm recordings at some time lol
I'm kind of scared, I'm kind of low on cash so I was trying a new cheap brand haha So i was like "Nikolai sounds awesome! Lets try that!" and then i realized its made in Kentucky lol ...Russian name...Made in Kentucky...we'll see

Also GUITAR RELATED, I'm starting to get settled in here at school and am working with my singer on some new songs for our un-named power/melodeath metal band. I'l definitely be posting demo-dorm recordings at some time lol

made uin kentucky that must be against the law for fraud a russian name made in a redneck state XDD jokin,anyways good luck with your band :):headbang:
i still consider it wankery

Compared to what? An Alexi Laiho solo? :lol:

I never got people's obsession with "wankery" anyway, I mean what is a guitar solo other than a show of technical prowess from the guitarist of the band?

That solo is original, it fits perfectly with the song, it has very interesting phrasing and different playing styles throughout. To be honsest I think the only reason you're complaining is because you have something against Nevermore.
damnit swabs! you beat me to posting that video :lol:
and damn phenom if you consider that wankery, listen to the Engines of Hate solo haha
I actually uploaded those, haha! Click on the my channel to watch the whole dvd lesson (I uploaded only the useful examples) and a Pink Floyd documentary, if you are interested in that :lol:
This is the best Edwards Scythe ever, make me wish I waited to get this instead:erk:
It has the spring pattern set like Alexi's, scalloped fret, gain boost and also the trem block in the spring cavity and the D-Tuna, they also carved a bit more out at the bridge so you can pull up also.

Wonder if they ever gonna make all Edwards with the new cutaway, they've done that with all the LTDs.
Hey guys its been a while, did these last night/this morning. I'm not entirely happy wth my vibrato but what the hell Enjoy!! :kickass:

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@Phoenix: Damn just played one of my favorite solos EVER (the first video).

Compared to what? An Alexi Laiho solo? :lol:

I never got people's obsession with "wankery" anyway, I mean what is a guitar solo other than a show of technical prowess from the guitarist of the band?

That solo is original, it fits perfectly with the song, it has very interesting phrasing and different playing styles throughout. To be honsest I think the only reason you're complaining is because you have something against Nevermore.
Ok, you're right about that:lol: I got something against Nevermore and thats the main reason. A bit too that i don't really listen to anything more wankage than Necrophagist. Even though, that solo kicked me right in the balls! :lol:

Well to be honest Alexi's solos are rigth now last on my favorite list.

damnit swabs! you beat me to posting that video :lol:
and damn phenom if you consider that wankery, listen to the Engines of Hate solo haha


Maybe i will....
nice videos Pheonix!

However I think your intonation is out of whack, because some of those notes sounded out of tune. You made those solos your bitch tho :kickass: