Guitar Player's Thread

I finished a rough mix of my song I started writing/recording yesterday

Its the only one on my soundclick, called Personal Apocalypse

I still have to write vocals for it, and hopefully get a hold of a real bass because i had to use a programmed synth bass and it sounds funky.

Super shredding towards the end. Its gonna be br00tal with vocals

Hope you like!

Sweet! Diggin' that intro :headbang:

This guy has alot of different guitar instructionals, from the 80's guys like Greg Howe, Tony McAlpine, Bruce Bouilett, Vinnie Moore, Becker to newer guys like Jeff Loomis. Worth checking out.

Thank you for posting this. So many lessons, so little time!

to be honest what Lowberg posts is a lot more interesting than two people discussing what type of pickups are the best.


Seriously, I try not to say much, but fucking gear talk about what amp you plan to get next, what pickups are better, which pedal should I get to sound like Alexi, etc., is lame. Most the people here who continuously talk about gear in this thread are too young to have an opinion about which amps sound good and which don't :lol: How about some discussion about playing technique, that way you can actually sound good when you finally plug in to your expensive gear. It is like I don't even read half the posts in this thread, I scan for words like GP1000, Tube Amp, Distortion Pedal, etc. and completely ignore it.

It had to be said.
I didn't say otherwise. I do enjoy his post, either when he's drunk and when he's not.
well tbh, the "hai guyz I'm drunkorz!!1!" thing has gotten old really fast.

Sweet! Diggin' that intro :headbang:

Thank you for posting this. So many lessons, so little time!


Seriously, I try not to say much, but fucking gear talk about what amp you plan to get next, what pickups are better, which pedal should I get to sound like Alexi, etc., is lame. Most the people here who continuously talk about gear in this thread are too young to have an opinion about which amps sound good and which don't :lol: How about some discussion about playing technique, that way you can actually sound good when you finally plug in to your expensive gear. It is like I don't even read half the posts in this thread, I scan for words like GP1000, Tube Amp, Distortion Pedal, etc. and completely ignore it.

It had to be said.

Exactly! I miss those days when we used to discuss technique, but this was mostly done in the Tab thread about 2 years ago. I didn't even know the Off-Topic section existed back then, but how to play riffs in different fingerings, posting good sweep exercises, talking about alternate and economy picking...those were all time-worthy reads. I also do scanning thing for those certain words like GP1000 and skip over them.
I swear to Cthulhu, if I see "GP1000" one more fucking time, I'll go on the longest baby punching spree in history.
Yeah and Jeff Loomis punches everyone in the head.

Who cares? He was simply posting a link to a musician so we could talk about something other than J50-BC pickups and GP1000 Preamps. Seriously I'm getting pissed off with that now, especially because it's disgustingly obvious that all these people are searching for such items simply because they want to sound like Alexi used to.
i think someone really need to say that swabs. thanks for saying it. I know this is a guitar players thread, but some of us do actually come here to talk about MUSIC not just guitar parts and whatnot
thats mike iuzzolino playing the sins and shadows solo 4 years ago.

him pwning the bastard chain solo by soilwork
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i think someone really need to say that swabs. thanks for saying it. I know this is a guitar players thread, but some of us do actually come here to talk about MUSIC not just guitar parts and whatnot
thats mike iuzzolino playing the sins and shadows solo 4 years ago.
him pwning the bastard chain solo by soilwork

Freakin' great!

I always tell myself I will learn a Symphony X solo but never get around to doing it or I just simply lose motivation after I come to realize those solos are actually hard :lol:
As far as I am aware, the fuse thing serves no real purpose, at least on my ADA MP1. I've also heard this else where.

And the whole gear-talk has little to do with Alexi-fanboyism. I don't care if you stroke Alexi or Roope to be honest :lol: It is the same old comparing brands and spouting out random opinions about gear that many members here are tired of.
Seriously, I try not to say much, but fucking gear talk about what amp you plan to get next, what pickups are better, which pedal should I get to sound like Alexi, etc., is lame. Most the people here who continuously talk about gear in this thread are too young to have an opinion about which amps sound good and which don't :lol: How about some discussion about playing technique, that way you can actually sound good when you finally plug in to your expensive gear. It is like I don't even read half the posts in this thread, I scan for words like GP1000, Tube Amp, Distortion Pedal, etc. and completely ignore it.

It had to be said.


I'm so sick of all these posts. It used to be exciting when someone had posted in the GP's thread, because you knew it would be something interesting. Now it mostly isn't. Also, ban the phenom from this thread if he so much as mentions his randall or wah's or wtf.
i think someone really need to say that swabs. thanks for saying it. I know this is a guitar players thread, but some of us do actually come here to talk about MUSIC not just guitar parts and whatnot
thats mike iuzzolino playing the sins and shadows solo 4 years ago.
him pwning the bastard chain solo by soilwork

Thank you for those! Very great play. (By the way, I never know if "the way a guitar player plays" is the "play" or the "playing"? English is not my first language)

Some "thumb-picking exercises" (watch 4:40, it becomes to be interesting there)
