Guitar Player's Thread

Ok, non-gear related question it is

Alternate picking

I suck at it, i economy pick like there's no tomorrow, and thusly scaleruns sound balls, atleast in my opinion.

I want to alternate pick properly, but i dont know where to start, how to start. I have tried you know, always alternating, but there comes a time where i have to skip over a string to go "down", and this feels so horribly unnatural. I can't help but think i'm doing it wrong.. Mystique said i should check out paul gilberts rock, majiggy, and i did find something on google video, but i had to go, and i probably should download it so i can access it more easilly.

But yes, could anyone elaborate on how the technique is exactly done, what type of training i need to do to boost this, and how many YEARS i will need to adjust to Alternate picking, and automatically do it, instead of FUCKING economy picking?

It took me years to start playing with a pick because before I play the electric guitar I played the classical guitar. I played very randomly some songs I liked with wrong .txt tabs. I was kind of economy picking.

The thing I could suggest is to accentuate the motion of your right hand a lot. Choose a scale and play randomly, not up and then down because it's too simple. It didn't take me one month. Don't try to play fast. Play slow and accentuate your right hand motion. It will become "automatic".
I have no idea what this guy is saying most of the time.

He is speaking English right?

I don't really understand what you're getting at. If you're playing something that contains alot of legato, you're not economy picking it, you're legato-ing.

Hmmm....i dunno. I just don't really see the "big use" of economy picking :zombie: Maybe im just retarded :lol: As the title under my name implies.

I have no idea what this guy is saying most of the time.

He is speaking English right?

I don't think that even qualifies as a weird dialect :lol: Am i right that you have found someone with worse grammar than me?!
Hmmm....i dunno. I just don't really see the "big use" of economy picking :zombie: Maybe im just retarded :lol: As the title under my name implies.

Big use? If you're sweeping regurlarly, you're using economy picking :p But i see what you're getting at. Logically, you should be able to play faster with economy picking, but at the expense of tone.
I started to listen to Paul Gilbert (yeah only now, what a shame). His songs are awesome. I knew him only for his guitar lessons but I think I will definetely buy his CDs.

His bassist and drummer are very good too!
So Economy Picking would be useful in like playing that involves much legato and such and not that much of Chromatic runs etc?

Im just thinking about the neck since alot of tension will be applied to the neck suddenly when i install the springs again, right? And yeah i hope so. I am expecting the Shecter to arrive either Monday or Tuesday(PICS WILL COME ASAP). Well thats true about the cab...and since i don't start full band practicing before January i don't see why i NEED a new cab either to be honest. :lol: On another note: Damn i love this 12-56 gauge :lol: So good for Standard C tuning!

Your neck shouldn't have problems because even if you have the trem blocked the neck is under tension, only that the tension only comes from the strings. What may be a problem is if you try to set it up in standard E with 12-56 strings, :lol: But if you get a nice 9-42 or 9-46 and tune it to E it should be fine.

And about the cab, really, save up a bit more and get a good cab for 800-900€ that you don't have to change in a year, :lol:

Legato itself is a pretty loose term, since the actual technique for guitar is called hammer-ons and pull-ofs, legato is a musical term that describes the sound of the notes, and basically means that the notes flow together, smoothly. Really, the best explanation would be that it's the opposite of staccato.

If you're playing a 4 note per string scale, you're obligated to alternate pick it, unless you start with and upstroke.

I know that legato is the musica term, but you get what I mean.

And you don't nevessarily have to pick for the 4 note per string scale, you can hammer it all, including the first note, but dunno if we're talking about the same here, though.
And you don't nevessarily have to pick for the 4 note per string scale, you can hammer it all, including the first note, but dunno if we're talking about the same here, though.

Well, obviously, you can use legato aswell :lol: I was referring to that you couldn't use economy picking on a 4 note per string run, unless you started with an upstroke! Just my explanations that are a bit fuzzy :ill:
^No problem. I actually realised today while playing the Deadnight Warrioir intro for the cover thread that even though I only use alt picking, I still suck at it when it gets to fast runs :erk: The solos for our demo are going to be the most shitty ones recorded if I don't work my picking in 2 months or make slower ones :erk: Does anyone want to record the solos for me? :lol:
I lifted my Jackson Rhoads up out of the plastic gig bag this afternoon, BOOM!!!, 3mm chip in the wing. :O It was so hard and loud, that even my mum heard it. I usually do it but this time I created some fuckin' DAMAGE!! I found some black nail polish and put it in and you can't even see it (in the dark...). I tried to find the piece of wood that came out but couldn't, so that'll do for now. I'll try and be more careful in future. :erk: :(

Jose, send your sololess demos to Rusty Cooley, he'll do the job. The only thing you'd have to worry about is when you play live.

Fan says to friend:"Oh cool, I can't wait for the guitar solo in this song..." Oh shit...:lol:
Sorry to hear about your guitar man, but fucking lol at the Rusty Cooley thing, :lol:

Actually I'm having my drummer play half of the solos, but that's because we used to be 2 guitar players in the band and then the 2nd player left the band, and he played solos too, and I'm to lazy to compose more solos, so as the drummer plays guitar too (and better than me :lol:), he's doing the solos where the other dude shoudl have played his.

But if any of you feel like having a guest solo tell me and I'll send you the BT :lol: