Guitar Player's Thread

Washburn have been getting some serious shredder endorsements recently, James Malone from Arsis, that guy from The Faceless and now Mike Ammott.
Hey guys I have a question for you. It's about Ibanez pickups: which ones are better (considering that they are Ibanez stock pickcups and that they're far from being top quality) to get a nice ''not so agressive and metal'' tone to play softer stuff and eventually play some clean stuff?

-AHS1/AHS2/True Duo bucker set (guitar is Ibanez SAS36FM)
-INF1/INFS1/INF2 set (guitar is Ibanez S670FM)
-True Duo bucker/True Duo bucker set (guitar is Ibanez SAS32EX)

I have my RR for band stuff and for metal playing and all stuff, but I would like to have a guitar with a lighter tone and more versatile and I've always liked the S shape, so that's why I'm considering that.
Pђoenix;7593145 said:
Probably old news, but Michael Amott now appears to be endorsed by Washburn.


FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:

Washburn have been getting some serious shredder endorsements recently, James Malone from Arsis, that guy from The Faceless and now Mike Ammott.

Im expecting some really nice new guitars from Washburn then. Really like that Michael Amott one in the pic...looks better than his ESP Flying V. Really awesome!

ehh you will get over it. If its a guitar that you really love so much and have no intention of selling it then it shouldn't bother you so much.

I mean I've come to realize that I am going to keep my soloist forever because it was my first "good" guitar and Its got a lot of my history behind it. Basically as long as the scratches/chips aren't on the front face of the guitar or on the fingerboard/binding, and don't affect the playability or sound of the guitar I don't care anymore ahaha
Same here. My Jackson is the first guitar i don't intend to sell or totally destroy. I am going to keep it because it is so great...
Well those photos were took under a bright light with the flash on, so it looks really bad here, but if you were playing the guitar, you can't see it at all. Nevermind!!

And to everyone else, this is how it happened:

I lifted my Jackson Rhoads up out of the plastic gig bag this afternoon, BOOM!!!, 3mm chip in the wing. :O It was so hard and loud, that even my mum heard it. I usually do it but this time I created some fuckin' DAMAGE!! I found some black nail polish and put it in and you can't even see it (in the dark...). I tried to find the piece of wood that came out but couldn't, so that'll do for now. I'll try and be more careful in future.

And also, let's get another jam going. We need ideas for backing tracks.

Mystique, if you wanna use a custom BT, you'll need to write one and upload so we can all vote and we'll all do it and pick our fave from them all in like a week or something.
My jackson has a pretty goodsized double chip from a mic stand on the underside of it. also on the underside of the neck theres a good dent. the headstock paint is chipped at the tip from smashing it into my drummer's cymbol stand at a show lol. theres a bunch of other little nicks in it and stuff from random shit lol
And also, let's get another jam going. We need ideas for backing tracks

Mystique, if you wanna use a custom BT, you'll need to write one and upload so we can all vote and we'll all do it and pick our fave from them all in like a week or something.
AWESOME! This time i can actually participate. I got the toneport at my place for some time still so :kickass:
Dunno, if this has been talked about but there seems to be a good proportion of people asking about "what should I get" or "is X better than Y?" I personaslly think it would be a good idea to have a gear thread, where people can ask questions and expect answers- somewhere for people to go pertaining to gear et al. This would be a good idea for keeping the GP thread for technqiue and general music discussions and the Gear thread for well, gear.
If anyone agress with this I shal set it up, yet I think at least a few people need to agree for it to work or bother with.

Shame, Michael moved to Washburn, really wanted to see him with Gibson V's only "metalised" -that would have been awesome, ah well he had his reasons

EDIT: Just realised a yank did it before me, only I presume he didn't ask ah well .LOL
I wouldn't honestly. I hear and experience alot of shit and mixed feeligns about Gibson. Also their quality is not always that stable! I prefer him getting the name of Washburn out more because honestly i think brands like Washburn,Shecter and Fernandes need more attention...they could be the futures top brands! Whilst companies like Dean make me sick....taking in the cash on poor quality guitars :erk:.
haha, nope. I think I've seen that video before. Good stuff.

Regarding the jam: I don't know if you guys actually remember the suggestion I made a couple of months ago....but basically I said that maybe we could make our own BT this time. Whoever wants to can submit some recordings, or if you have a cool idea, you can tab it out on GP and then someone with the right recording equipment and capability could record it. Then whatever the majority decided on can be our very own custom BT! I know it sounds like a lot of work, but maybe it's worth a shot?

That's a good idea.
Hm.. I've heard a lot of bad rumors about ESP Custom shop lately, people getting shite quality tops, wrong woods, all sorts of weird piss, but i havent heard anyone state this DIRECTLY yet, any truth to it?

Jackson is well known for, ridiculous custom shop, atleast nowadays, but i hope that changes soon..

Any other brands have this problem? How's ibanez custom shop(do they even have one :S??)?

Ive been considering Shamray as a maker to my, hm, first custom guitar(not any time soon, but we'll see).. Any thoughts?