Guitar Player's Thread

Sorry to hear about your guitar man, but fucking lol at the Rusty Cooley thing, :lol:

Actually I'm having my drummer play half of the solos, but that's because we used to be 2 guitar players in the band and then the 2nd player left the band, and he played solos too, and I'm to lazy to compose more solos, so as the drummer plays guitar too (and better than me :lol:), he's doing the solos where the other dude shoudl have played his.

But if any of you feel like having a guest solo tell me and I'll send you the BT :lol:

Send me the BT, I'm curious as to what kinda progression you're soloing over!!
Yo yo, how come you didn't record anything for our 5th jam?? That's your kinda thing, I was waiting for you to show up!
Dunno, but maybe he'd be up for a 6th one, and there's more people that would like that too, so maybe it's time to start thinking about the next one, what do you think?

And BTW, both of you check your PMs.
I don't see why not. The only thing is picking a BT.

There's a few from last time that are still available, or we could find something new.
Ah ok, no worries!

And is anyone else gonna participate on the 6th Jam convo, considering you all need something to stop you talking about shit and arguing and being pathetic.
Ok, non-gear related question it is

Alternate picking

I suck at it, i economy pick like there's no tomorrow, and thusly scaleruns sound balls, atleast in my opinion.

I want to alternate pick properly, but i dont know where to start, how to start. I have tried you know, always alternating, but there comes a time where i have to skip over a string to go "down", and this feels so horribly unnatural. I can't help but think i'm doing it wrong.. Mystique said i should check out paul gilberts rock, majiggy, and i did find something on google video, but i had to go, and i probably should download it so i can access it more easilly.

But yes, could anyone elaborate on how the technique is exactly done, what type of training i need to do to boost this, and how many YEARS i will need to adjust to Alternate picking, and automatically do it, instead of FUCKING economy picking?
When I was first reading this, I was like "wtf is he talking about?! I told him to watch PG's Intense Rock!!!" and then you mentioned it, so I'm glad :p
Anyway, doing the first few exercises that he introduces in that is how I started alternate picking...and this was only a few months ago that I after my left hand recovered and shit. Before that, I was also doing economy picking for everything. I don't think is AS bad as some ppl say it is... you know, to break the habit. but you just gotta watch yourself and MAKE SURE you're alternate picking. and if this means slowing down the riff your practicing to like 60bpm, just do it! it pays off in the end.

^Thanks, I was wondering myself about the differences too.

How does making the runs in legato qualify? Cos I use alt picking, but when I can't get something with alt picking is easier for me to make it legato and pick only the first note on each string instead of economy picking, which I've never used.

sorry to burst your bubble Jose, but you HAVE used economy picking. I remember when I was having a problem with the Downfall intro lick, I asked in the Cover Thread how you guys are playing it, and your response showed you were economy picking (unless I'm confusing you for Tim..which might be the case now that I think of it). And once I started alternate picking that riff, it became easier and easier to speed up. It did take some time to get the alternate picking down for that (cuz there was a string skip in there) but once again Muffy, it's worth it.

btw, it's easy to think that you are alternate picking when you are playing fast stuff. but if you slow down and watch your picking, you'll see it's really economy picking that you're doing. maybe this is why Jose thinks he never economy picks. you just gotta slow it down and start all over.
im down for the jam

I first thought this was Mystique :lol:
girl + xiphos just kinda registered
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im down for the jam

I first thought this was Mystique :lol:
girl + xiphos just kinda registered

haha, nope. I think I've seen that video before. Good stuff.

Regarding the jam: I don't know if you guys actually remember the suggestion I made a couple of months ago....but basically I said that maybe we could make our own BT this time. Whoever wants to can submit some recordings, or if you have a cool idea, you can tab it out on GP and then someone with the right recording equipment and capability could record it. Then whatever the majority decided on can be our very own custom BT! I know it sounds like a lot of work, but maybe it's worth a shot?
So Fernandes Guitars FINALLY put their new 2008/2009 range on their website... And hot damn...


^We knew that he wasn't endorsed by ESP anymore but at least I didn't know that the new brand was Washburn.

@Inhe: And that's why sweep picking was the most difficult technique for me to learn and I still have a lot of room for improvemenet. Also when the song is slow tempo I tend to alt pick the arpeggios like Petrucci does.

@Swabs: Quite hot indeed. Kinda Michael Amott-ish, aren't they? I like more the finish on the fixed bridge one.

@Mystique: I'm in for your idea for the Jam.

sorry to burst your bubble Jose, but you HAVE used economy picking. I remember when I was having a problem with the Downfall intro lick, I asked in the Cover Thread how you guys are playing it, and your response showed you were economy picking (unless I'm confusing you for Tim..which might be the case now that I think of it). And once I started alternate picking that riff, it became easier and easier to speed up. It did take some time to get the alternate picking down for that (cuz there was a string skip in there) but once again Muffy, it's worth it.

btw, it's easy to think that you are alternate picking when you are playing fast stuff. but if you slow down and watch your picking, you'll see it's really economy picking that you're doing. maybe this is why Jose thinks he never economy picks. you just gotta slow it down and start all over.

Either it was Tim or I wrote the wrong thing, but I do alternate pick that riff as well as all the stuff I play. And for fast runs, if I can't alt pick them properly I just do them legato (hammer ons and pull offs right Inhe? :lol:), but not economy. I never went into it and it actually feels more difficult for me than alt picking.