Guitar Player's Thread

I just got the new Trivium album and im listening to it, its FUCKING AWESOME. There is some nasty guitar playing on that CD, i suggest people to give it a listen

Also at my University me and my friends are starting this joke guitar ensemble to make fun of the music school here.

We are going to have a recital in the real nice concert hall and play real serious classical pieces in fancy Suits and sitting down and being all serious but doing them on distorted electric guitars with half stacks in the background :lol:

We are still working on arranging pieces for 3 guitars and a Bass guitar. But I'm going to try to arrange Vivaldi's Summer that Alexi/Roope covered and make it for just 3 guitars and a bass. should be sweet!
I just got the new Trivium album and im listening to it, its FUCKING AWESOME. There is some nasty guitar playing on that CD, i suggest people to give it a listen

I got it too. Wasn't expecting much but it seems i will have to buy it...very nicely done and fresh style. Also guitartone is very nice and sounds alot more professional than the other 3 albums.

As for me...i am actually making a full cover of Bullet For My Valentine - The Poison. No kidding....i just tuned my guitar to drop c and started playing some of those songs i knew from before and today i was bored so i thought "what the heck...lets record" i also gained +500 skill points in using CEP :lol: I can finally use it effificently! AWESOME PROGRAM. I am using it half and half copy pasta technique and half direct recording with it. Sometimes i play a riff along to Guitar Pro and record the riff without backing track or anything on audacity then CEP lets you have this "wave list" that lets you just move around and paste recording blocks. Very handy. And when you got some done of the song like that then you can just start adding up with direct-on recording. I actually had fun with the recording this time and not swearing like fuck when i have recorded,mixed and mastered in Audacity before. That program is easy to use and all but the auto-scroll, and the lacking features drove me nuts. i still use Audacity for short recordings and the copy-paste technique though...
I'm listening to it now, but I already LOVE Down From The Sky. That verse sounds so cool, regarldess of how simple it is. I hope it'll be good.
Yeah i agree. Down from the sky is awesome song. Didn't like "Into the mouth of..." that much because the chorus was a bit over the top and just didnt sound solid. Other songs are epic Shogun that is like 12 minutes long and even has a acoustic passage somewhere in the middle and Insurrection that had really fast riffing.
Me and my friends recently created a new band. Its going to be a weird combination since our taste of music are so different:
Influence guitar player(me): Thrash
Influence keyboard player: Folk/Death
Influence drummer: Metalcore

That all isn't wierd but my girlfriend sings, and she is a Soprano and sings classical stuff.
Just listened to Down from the sky. I guess the music's fine, but those metalcore growls are extremely annoying.
Guys, since I know ansolutely nothing about guitar and that, weirdly, that's the only thing that my ears can't judge (god knows why...) I'd like to know what you think of that: (See above to download the updated version)

It's just a ~4min song I recorded today, that isn't finished. Why? Because I'm a lazy bastard and I don't want to work on it if I don't think it worths it, but I can't tell if it would worth the work or no... By working on it I would add the keyboards and the bass, solos and probably some part at the end. What I'd like to know is if the Guitar IS THAT BAD to redo it. I mean, about the sound and the playing. I'm not a guitarist, technically speaking, so yeah there's mistake in it but I can't tell if it's that bad or not.

And please, listen to it and drop a comment, that would be really cool :D

EDIT: I've made adjustments on it. In my opinion the guitar's tone is better, (but it may be still shitty... I can't really tell :lol:) and I fixed some annoying mistakes.

Structurally finished:

Now I need to work my ass off for leads and solos, so yeah it's normal that's there's repetitive riffs and empty spots.
Yeah Shogun is pretty epic. The title track is one of my favourites at the moment with Like Callisto to a Star in Heaven, the riff at 3:08 gets me every time.:kickass: It's a very different album and shows their writing abilities a lot more. I wonder if this album will get rid of a few Trivium haters :lol:
I hate the vocals, the rest is good, actually I can stand more his harsh vocals than the clean ones.
Especially considering that the video for Down From the Sky clearly shows Matt screaming.