Guitar Player's Thread

I haven't seen any video, but for example Kirisute Gomen in 1:36 that's obviously Matt to me.
You can MIME on videos. IF it is Matt, then he sounds a hell of alot like Corey from every other album they've ever fucking recorded.
Well who knows, maybe Matt doesn't care because he only sings to back up, and not because he considers himself as the 2nd vocalist. He looks too busy headbanging during that section.
I think I can hear Corey in some parts, it's hard to know, they're harsh vocals sound kinda similar.
Matt (the asian one) screams and sings on all albums but now he gets corey to scream when they play live. Go on youtube and search "shogun making" go on part 3 and you see it is Matt screaming.
Yea i think mich has matt and corey confused, i've seen the studio vids and Matt does both vocal styles

At 0:30 haha i HATE his scream vocals they are so bad i think
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To GP/SP-1000 owners and rest:

I'm considering buying these two, I already know what the GP-1000 does, but I have some questions:

1. The SP-1000, or poweramps in general, what is the benefits? I heard it's just a big big volume knob.

2. I thought of having my V-Amp 2 as an effects unit, have it on clean and using only the effects, will this work?

3. Any other recomendations, tips, feedback or other things to say about this?

The new Trivium album has surprised me a bit, there's some riffs in there that were border lining Nevermore heavy o_O. And some pretty killer solos. It's a step in the right direction for sure, I can see how many people don't like Matt's vocals but they are improving and not as annoying as some of the previous albums. Def their best album. Killer rhythm tone too.

Oh and Ensi, about getting a pickup which is razor shape and super hot, Dimarzio X2N is an idea. Havent tried one yet though. Might be worth picking up one second hand to see if you like it, Chuck Schuldiner used to use em. If you want Alexi's TWH tone (Im sure nearly everyone here does) the closest you're gonna get is obviously getting the exact same gear.

Oh and guys, I need an effects unit for my 5150. Mainly the effects I want are delay, reverb and chorus and compressor. Do you reckon I should get seperate pedals? Or buy an effects unit. 2 that I have in mind are the Rocktron Intellifex LTD rack and the TC electronic G Major effects rack units. What one should I get?
when has cory ever screamed?

Since Ascendancy? Then Heafy did screaming too but on Crusade tour Corey did ALL the screaming. Also you can hear on the record when Corey screams(There are coreys vocals there too) Like Kirsute Gomen and ITMOHWM if i remember right.

I don't know which parts you're referring to, but Corey is screaming on this album.

Matt is screaming now again though.

I got many sources. The interview where they clearly say Matt has brought back the screaming,the studio videos where he is screaming,live videos on youtube. It does seem like they split the screams 50/50 though because you can clearly identify who is who...Corey having a bit darker voice.
Since Ascendancy? Then Heafy did screaming too but on Crusade tour Corey did ALL the screaming. Also you can hear on the record when Corey screams(There are coreys vocals there too) Like Kirsute Gomen and ITMOHWM if i remember right.

Matt is screaming now again though.

I got many sources. The interview where they clearly say Matt has brought back the screaming,the studio videos where he is screaming,live videos on youtube. It does seem like they split the screams 50/50 though because you can clearly identify who is who...Corey having a bit darker voice.

huh, i wasn't aware corey screamed in studio. i just thought he backed matt up live.
huh, i wasn't aware corey screamed in studio. i just thought he backed matt up live.

Could be im wrong but it sounds a bit like him on Into the mouth of hell we march and some other song aswell.

You can clearly hear how Corey sounds here. He has pretty badass vocals.

I might be wrong just assuming when he actually can do some vocals he will.
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Fuck I just realized how hot Galders custom shop is...I really want this guitar
