Guitar Player's Thread

I'm off to see Amon Amarth/Ensif now!!!

I've been wondering why PG seems to be neglecting his signiture guitars recently... Not that it's a problem, just something I noticed.

Let's make it the official "going-to-see-a-band" template :p

haha, totally

and swabs, I think he's just going more traditional and crazy, i asked him the very same thing at namm and he told me he likes variety and doesn't want people seeing him play his same guitar every night.

btw, the new cynic album pwns :)
the funny thing for me, since my show is at the house of blues next to disneyland, they wont let belphegor and the absence play. amon amarth + ensiferum with no opening bands for 4 hours :OMG::OMG::OMG::OMG::OMG:

wait i dont get it, what does the location have to do with anything? do the two bands really want to go to disneyland or something? lol

i've seen AA and Ensiferum both on different headlining tours so it wont be anything new for me but im still excited. im most excited for the faceless in nov. though
the funny thing for me, since my show is at the house of blues next to disneyland, they wont let belphegor and the absence play. amon amarth + ensiferum with no opening bands

wait i dont get it, what does the location have to do with anything? do the two bands really want to go to disneyland or something? lol

HAHA! I imagine Belphegor setting up their equipment in Disneyland and shredding "Fukk The Blood Of Christ" against Donald Duck! :lol:

Seriously, that sucks for you because Belphegor would have killed every other band there with their awesomeness, especially live.

@Josh: I wondered the same, PG played only a few songs with his PG signature last saturday ("hey, this one is new, it is made of PLYWOOD!").
HAHA! I imagine Belphegor setting up their equipment in Disneyland and shredding "Fukk The Blood Of Christ" against Donald Duck! :lol:

Seriously, that sucks for you because Belphegor would have killed every other band there with their awesomeness, especially live.

@Josh: I wondered the same, PG played only a few songs with his PG signature last saturday ("hey, this one is new, it is made of PLYWOOD!").

He didn't play his PGM301, but his plywood pgm and his new flamed maple pgm, and ofcourse the fireman and some hollowbody.

I didn't really like the tone, the acoustics in the room sucked, not really adapted to SHRED GUITAR!!!! :eek:

Some fun trivia from last night!

A guy yelled "Do your Hendrix!!!!"
Paul: "My Hendrix? Hmm, let's see... This is an obscure one!"
*Playing some obscure hendrix song*
Paul: "Do you know that one?"
*complete silence*
The guy that yelled in the first place: *names the song*
Paul: "Woh, that's awesome! You deserve a pick!"
*everyone cheering*

Later he asked us what we wanted to hear, some guys yelled RACER X, some yelled GOOMY, and he pulled up a guy to do the human capo. I seriously thought he was going to do Goomy, but he did some simple song, which sounded good, that didn't require the capo to move, still awesome!

Highlight songs were Scarified and Tech Difficulties ofcourse, but also Mr. Big's "daddy brother lover little boy". I looked at the setlist, and they had crossed over Bliss, which is such an awesome song :(

The bassist wasn't Mike Szuter, but some guy named Craig Martinez. He was good, but i like Mike more, because he can sing the Mr. Big songs really good.

Also, PG looked me straight into the eyes for like a whole second!

Duuudeeee... Don't, it's like having an extra gain knob, just on your guitar:zombie:

And you have the blackout I see, it would sound like digested lasagna coming out of a drunk homeless person with aids:zombie:

:lol: Dude, you're becoming my favourite funny poster along with Lowberg and his ''I'm drunk'' posts :lol: You always come up with stuff like that :kickass:

having a gainbooster with an active pickup is just plain stupid. I have the blackout, and when running through my half stack, it's plenty of gain.

the blackout runs significantly hotter than most of the other pickups on the market, including the emg 81. adding gain on top of that is pretty much overkill

Tell that to Alexi, as that was the first setup of his Pink Sawtooth until he went back to EMG: Blackout+MM04.

If you tell me where I can buy an MM04 I'll be all over it. :lol:

Musamailma (or whatever it's said) and B Music Australia. They ship in a week or two and are cool people. Send them a mail and they'll inform you about everything.

To players with the Jackson rr24, Jose or Matias or anyone, are there any issues with this guitar? Problems with the neck, frets, pickup...anything? How is the action? etc etc

I might want to give this guitar a try. Last time I had a V I didn't get used to /didn't have the patience to get used to the shape and sold it. I've seen some reviews on harmony-central; some are good while others complain about everything.

I am in love with it. It plays great, the trem stays perfectly in tune even when you go crazy with dive bombs and squeals, the EMG 81 although it might not be the best pickup in the world and seems to have a lot of haters IMO is a great pickup and I can get some really heavy Exodus/Slayer/Pantera tones from it while I can still get clear sounding tones in Bodom's line. Not the best for acoustic playing though, but easy to understand from a guitar with only one active humbucker on the bridge position and made to be a metal guitar. If you're really picky about looks then the MOTO inlays may may bother you in the pictures (as IRL they look kickass) and not having black binding, but looks don't affect playability or sound, so there you go. I don't regret getting it a single bit.

150 bucks. I'll pass.

How much did you expect it to cost?
Children of COB: ^Alexis sound with the Seymour and the MM-04 wasn't neccesarilly any good either :p.
I mean Blooddrunk IMO probably has the worst CoB tone ever!
Way to much gain, way to much active pickup sound :rofl:.
^You really think that??? AYDY was IMO by faaaaar the worst tone in their career. Blooddrunk tone might be a lil bit too distorted, but I think it's still a great tone that loads of bands would like to have. Crushing but still understandable and not a fucking mess like f.e. Rotten Sound's tone or (I know that the reason is the time whern it was recorded and the tools they had back then, but still) Death's Scream Bloody Gore or Leprosy's tone. I know that the first four albums (SW not that much though) have OMFG great tones (either HB or HCD are my top tones ever, at least for metal, as I'm in love too with Steve Vai's lead tone :lol:), but still I think that Blooddrunk's tone is far from being bad, although some people here would have liked it a bit less distorted and that stuff.
^You really think that??? AYDY was IMO by faaaaar the worst tone in their career. Blooddrunk tone might be a lil bit too distorted, but I think it's still a great tone that loads of bands would like to have. Crushing but still understandable and not a fucking mess like f.e. Rotten Sound's tone or (I know that the reason is the time whern it was recorded and the tools they had back then, but still) Death's Scream Bloody Gore or Leprosy's tone. I know that the first four albums (SW not that much though) have OMFG great tones (either HB or HCD are my top tones ever, at least for metal, as I'm in love too with Steve Vai's lead tone :lol:), but still I think that Blooddrunk's tone is far from being bad, although some people here would have liked it a bit less distorted and that stuff.

AYDY has my favorite rythm and lead tones of any cob recording, they just sound full and "middy" to me.