Guitar Player's Thread

I saw the faceless last night

veil of maya and decrepit birth were amazing
the singer for decrepit birth jumped into the crowd and went into the circle pit, that was epic

but thats not the point

abigail williams comes up, and i check the times and they are only gonna be playing for 15 minutes, I say Cool, then I go up to the front. A fucking hour goes by then abigail williams finally stops. People were booing them to get off because of the time. When the faceless were teched it was about 11:30 (midnight is curfew). So the faceless only got to play 5.5 songs. That's right, 5.5 It was like, Ancient Covenant, Pestilence, Hypocrisy, Horizons, Coldly Calculated Design, then the promoter told them to get off the stage because it was 11:57. The singer was like "FUCK IT, ONE MORE SONG, WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT TO HEAR?" we all scream an autopsy, then they immediately jump into it. Two minutes in their power gets turned off by the owner. Didn't even get to fucking finish an autopsy, so they had to leave. Their singer apologized to the crowd. Michael Keene pretty much threw his guitar on the ground then walked up to the promoter/owner and yelling super loud. We all started a "Fuck Chain" chant.
im starting to not like Michael Keene though, I mean he's an amazing producer and composer, but he is such a dick every time I've met him. During Ancient Covenant, something was wrong with the sampler, Keene was fucking bitching and yelling at the drummer for like half a minute. They were gonna play Son of Belial too :( I really wanted to hear it and I think it is a fucking shame that I don't get to see it simply because of abigail williams' faggotry
Yo Muffin, how much has your torrent finished downloading? I'm at a whopping 10.0% :lol: Then again, my computer isn't on as often.

I actually lied, only 9% :erk:
are you kidding me? you fucking preordered the album :rolleyes:
it's not like your harming them in any way for listening early. But to answer your question, no. With bands on Sumerian, they do not give out pre copies so there is less chance of a leak. It will leak probably a week before the release dates
My first pick ever:kickass:
I still can't play with it because it's so big.

oh look, I destroyed BOTH e-strings on my guitar! and since I'm a lazy fuck there'll be no guitar playing the coming week or two!