Guitar Player's Thread

Yeah I saw at my guitar store they charge like 25 bucks for changing strings lol

Mitch, are you living in Italy now? Permanently?

Holy fuck! :lol: Rip off!

And I've been there whenever I could, and I will move there asap.

Well, I don't have a solderer neither I'm that good at working with that stuff, so I'll take anything not over 50€ I supose, because also I think I have to change my volume pot cos I have an active EMG in there and the J50BC is a passive, am I right?

Ummm, ask Nazgul! :lol:
There are 2 ways I use,

1. Open up editing program (Cool Edit, Sony Vegas etc..) set sound on recording. Set webcam on recording. Sync both manually in chosen program. -This takes the most time but is the best way if you have a laggy camera.


Set recording program to capture video, and audio. Considered you have a guitar-hardware/microphone connected. Sync manually or if you ahve a good cam, don't.

In your situation I would do this.

-Take a backing track intro recording program, record your guitar over the backing track. Place the mic near the speakers (considering your guitar sound come out there?). USE HEADPHONES, so the recording won't mess up..:lol


Mitch, can you tell me how you record with your webcam and get good sound? What I was going to do was use my computer's speakers as like my amplifier and place the camera's mic close to the speaker :lol: Do you open Cool Edit and press record while you play and synchronize later?

Mitch, I remember you said how you record with your webcam in the Cover Thread but I couldn't find your post, could you explain again? kthxlol
I'm thinking of first going to 10s on my soon to be finished warmoth, then build up strength and maybe go to 11s in e-standard. Not higher though.
I remember once putting 11s on my guitar and plugging it in my old laney, and even though the Laney didn't really sound any good it sounded awesome with those strings. I just weren't able to play them back then - but maybe if I build strength over time I could be able to get something useful out of em?

...I just watched Vafas vid where he plays the Blooddrunk solo in Drop D, with 11s, and even though it's a little sloppy at places it sounds like it's definately possible to do. What do you guys think?
@ Mitch: your avatar... the more I look at it, the more it makes me smile. Blade is awesome!!

And Mick:
Mitch, I remember you said how you record with your webcam in the Cover Thread but I couldn't find your post, could you explain again? kthxlol

I thought I'd do something, since you won't get any help until late, late, laaaate in the night, so I found this...

It's a lot more simple than that.

• I play the orignal song with Windows Media Player or Cool Edit Pro (import it in).

• I play over it with the PX4 turned on and make sure all the volumes are ok and the tone is good.

• Then I just open Windows Movie Maker, select "Capture Video", and then for "Audio Device", I select my soundcard, which records the PX4 sound (line in) instead of capturing what the mic on the cam hears.

• For "Audio Input Source", I choose "What U Hear", so then when I click record and play the mp3 with WMP or CEP, it records the video AND me playing through line in AND the orignal song, because it's set to record ANY audio that it hears, including error messages on your computer or something like MSN alerts.

This is how I record all my videos and it's how you get the best sound. If you need any addition help, I'll give my best.

...I hope that's what you were searching for. And it'll save Mitch from typing all that again, since he can be lazy about that sometimes. :Smug:
Understandable though, considering he's been working a lot lately so when he comes home he quite "collapses". :lol: :)
But well, just thought I'd help... byeee. ^_*
I've received my Digital Village order today, delivered by UPS (by default). No bad surprises, no extra money required... I say that because their prices are even lower than Thomann's.





Surprise: free UK to EU adapter!​

I bought the M-AUDIO Fast Track USB for my sister. Headphones are SENNHEISER eh-350 and those are for me!

I found a piece of paper which says:

Dear Customer,
Thank you for placing your order with us. Customer satisfaction, through quality of service and value for money, is paramount to the continuing success of our company. We would very much appreciate your comments, either positive or negative, so please don't hesitate to email us at:

Thanks again for your order.

I post this to let you know how it went. Check them out, their prices are very low!
Thanks Eli, haha. :lol: You were quite right when you said it'd be late when I'll reply and wouldn't wanna write it all again in that much detail. I did about an extra 25 hours this week with no day off for 9 days.

But Mick, that's pretty much it. The sound doesn't come from the camera, but directly from the effects thing itself. If you want to play over a song, you can play it in WMP and make the camera pickup the sound from everything it hears and then just play along.
happy xmas eve everyone. im off to smoke hahahahah
<3 u all
i will post a clip soon of what ive been working on with my band. it's like 1/4 of one of our new songs.
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532;;7911609 said:
...I hope that's what you were searching for.

Thankee! Yes, that was the post I was searching for. I'll bookmark it for later reference.

Thanks Eli, haha. :lol: You were quite right when you said it'd be late when I'll reply and wouldn't wanna write it all again in that much detail. I did about an extra 25 hours this week with no day off for 9 days.

But Mick, that's pretty much it. The sound doesn't come from the camera, but directly from the effects thing itself. If you want to play over a song, you can play it in WMP and make the camera pickup the sound from everything it hears and then just play along.

No worries, I understand.

All I need now is a usb cable for my camera.

happy xmas eve everyone..

Christmas is tomorrow? Wow, seriously :lol: Yeah... I have no idea what I'm doing for xmas with my family, I sure didn't buy any presents for anyone else except for my little bro. And I surely will not receive anything this year.
just got the Korg PX4D. It's got lots of stuff, and some really cool effects. If anyone owns it, they tell me how to get a nice sound for distortion :p?
of course :p

Maybe he could tell me something?
He's got great sound on his tube videos.

I won't demand anything tough :p

- so far my experience is - good sound, but when going to where you're a little out of the blues league - gainwise - it gets all trebly and shitty XD. But Mitch can get good tones out of it...maybe I just need to make myself a JE-1000 :rofl:
Well, the factory preset you get at first can be tweaked up a bit with the US MDN and getting the gain high, but I'd say get either US MDN or UK MDN, the 4x12 VIN cabinet, loads of treble, not much bass, full gain and some mids for a cool starting tone, and then just keep messing around with it. I just got one too, and still have to play with all the effects and shit :lol:


As some of you may know, I've just bought a Toneport UX2, but the fucker is giving me quite some problems to work, so if anyone in here uses it + Gearbox + Windows VistAIDS and can help me, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me, it's driving me nuts. It sounds, but the whole thing gets fucked up when I try to record and gets blocked. And Ableton Lite thing does record but in a crappy way and I can't put BTs in there and only record 4 audio tracks.

These are the errors the fucker tells me about in the Line 6 Monkey thingie:



And Ableton Lite thing does record but in a crappy way and I can't put BTs in there and only record 4 audio tracks.

Duuude... Ableton Live sucks ass, I've tried to get it to record, but it plainly sucks, I didn't know crap!

Try getting some other software, like Sony Vegas 7 or 8 like me. Works great and it's hella easy. Record as many tracks as you like.

As some of you may know, I've just bought a Toneport UX2, but the fucker is giving me quite some problems to work, so if anyone in here uses it + Gearbox + Windows VistAIDS

Sorry, you can't fix that:(

Other than that, I don't know, sorry. Vistaids is.. crap.

About the hardware failure thingy the monkey says, try getting some of the computer geeks here to help you:lol:
just got the Korg PX4D. It's got lots of stuff, and some really cool effects. If anyone owns it, they tell me how to get a nice sound for distortion :p?

Try it:
Dyn:phasout Level:2.3
Amp:US HI-G Level: 7.7
Noise Gate:Level:8.0

or this:
Dyn:dynamic Level:9
Amp:US HI-G Level: 10
Cab:2X12BLK Level:6.7
Noise Gate:Level:8.0

Btw...I've recorded this cover with the second preset

You can ask Arcane(he have a Px4d too)

As some of you may know, I've just bought a Toneport UX2, but the fucker is giving me quite some problems to work, so if anyone in here uses it + Gearbox + Windows VistAIDS and can help me, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me, it's driving me nuts. It sounds, but the whole thing gets fucked up when I try to record and gets blocked. And Ableton Lite thing does record but in a crappy way and I can't put BTs in there and only record 4 audio tracks.

These are the errors the fucker tells me about in the Line 6 Monkey thingie:

Well, i'm not a toneport user, but its pretty easy to see whats the deal here. Your computer, quite simply, is too slow, its too weak to handle the sheer processing power it requires. It requires a dual core processor at 2.2ghz, whilst you have a single core 1.2, not comming close to half of the requirements even..

It doesn't look like its something that can be fixed without upgrading the hardware in your computer, sorry bro :( I cant see anythign other to do than upgrade computer, but again, i dont know the toneport, however unlikely, there might be a workaraound?
wat, sounds like you accidentally the whole pc, delete system32

no seriously, i have no explanation for that :lol: Sorry :(

Post a topic about it on their support forums or something, you bought it, they should make it work when your specs are above minimum

And i'm off to bed, Merry Christmas people!
Merry Christmas you guys!

Mick, I felt really bad when I read that you're not getting anything for xmas :cry: My first thought was that I should mail you guitar strings or something as a little christmas gift.

Jose: I remember when I first installed the Line 6 monkey on my computer I also had some problems with it b/c I have Vista also...I think I changed some audio settings for the main computer itself, but I don't have gearbox so I don't know exactly why it's not working for you. Take Muffy's advice and try posting on a Line 6 forum for tech help with the monkey or the gearbox.