Guitar Player's Thread

2 nights ago i saw arsis live. it was okay. Their singer and guitar player always did the solos without picking but only used one finger to tap with, like eight finger tapping only with 5 fingers. Do you guys have some licks I could practice this technique? like the kuuden kielen blabla version of the hellion.
Hey guys, hope you all had a good Christmas and will have an awesome new year :kickass: . How's everyone been getting on guitar wise? I was thinking of doing a duel Viking Kong (exact album version) video, nothing too serious, just a bit of fun! So if anyone is interested speak up :D I'm kinda busy at current so things wont get rolling untill after January.

I fucking HATE the lo pro edge tremolo on my guitar. Doesn't stay in tune and adjusting it takes ages. Why the fuck do they design it to have the screws that are used to adjust the spring tension go into the wood of the guitar? Saying that, I fucked up. So... does anyone know if wood filler would work for screw holes :lol:

Why don't all guitars with a tremolo system have something like this in the cavity? I know most guitars have the crews go into the guitar but meh.


I love my lo-pro on my RG :lol: It's fine except for one minor detail, in that, you have to take out the whole bridge to tighten the trem arm o_O
It is, it's one of my favorite bands, and i listened like crazy to them 2 summers ago! :D

here is a sneak peak at one of our new songs. album is almost finished, will start recording vocals soon!

Awesome!!!!!!! What amps, guitars, pickups and mics did you use for the guitar sound? The only thing the song lacks of is a blistering guitar solo.

Ok, I have a Seymour Duncan SH-6 here and want to replace the stock bridge pickup of my Yamaha RGX721. The guitar is cool, but the stock pickups are not what I want.

Note that this is not my photo/guitar.

The problem is: I never soldered anything and I'm not very good at doing things by hand at all (that's why I plan to build a guitar :D). I bought a solderer, but I don't have the guts to start. Plus, the wiring of the stock pickups is different from the SD ones.

What should I do? Desolder the old wires of the bridge pickup and just solder the new wires in the way the SD manual tells me?

I don't know how to solder properly and the manual of the solderer is bad. :cry:

I need help.
Practice soldering scrap pieces of wire first. You'll know you're ok to do it when you get a nice, smooth and shiny bubble of solder as it dries. If it's opaque, practice more, if it's rough, practice more.
My soldering iron is so shit it can hardly even melt the damn solder! Damnit...that kit cost me 25€ :lol:
I need a new one...I had electronic studies a few years back in school so i know how to solder fortunately.
Practice soldering scrap pieces of wire first. You'll know you're ok to do it when you get a nice, smooth and shiny bubble of solder as it dries. If it's opaque, practice more, if it's rough, practice more.

I think I'll do this. I have no scrap wire at the moment, but perhaps I strip one of my cheaper guitar cables, I think one if it doesn't work anymore.