Guitar Player's Thread

i recorded three covers yesterday after finally getting a nice camera. master of puppets by metallica and she-wolf and in my darkest hour by megadeth. its been almost a year since my last cover which was bark at the moon (which is very popular on youtube though) so im glad i can finally put up some new shit



master of puppets


in my darkest hour

this solo is fucking awesome so i learned it and recorded it in like 30 minutes, i was surprised with how easy it was considering how cool it is, my vibrato is pretty shitty still, especially on this guitar which i considered selling but the guy at the store gave me some bullshit about how the emg hz's i put in it actually decreased the value over the stock pickups. whats a fucktard. any feedback would be appreciated since i can't tell my mistakes as well as other people.
In Flames - Satellites and Astronauts

i considered recording the audio with my POD and then putting it behind the video but i decided fuck it because i was lazy, maybe next time i actually put time into learning a really bitchin solo i'll do it.
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You're vibrato sounds very uncontrolled, and it's a bit too fast for my taste. I think what you're doing wrong is that your doing vibrato by moving your fingers, instead of the "normal" way of anchoring your left hand and moving the wrist. Look at this video for reference.

Is it as hard for you guys as it is for me to learn songs by ear?
I'm trying to learn stone songs but it's such a pain in the ass I've given up for a couple hours...:(
You're vibrato sounds very uncontrolled, and it's a bit too fast for my taste. I think what you're doing wrong is that your doing vibrato by moving your fingers, instead of the "normal" way of anchoring your left hand and moving the wrist. Look at this video for reference.

There's nothing wrong with finger vibrato. It sounds different, but perfectly ok if you practise.
Is it as hard for you guys as it is for me to learn songs by ear?
I'm trying to learn stone songs but it's such a pain in the ass I've given up for a couple hours...:(
It's definitely hard for me. I think you just need a lot of practice to get good at it, or to get faster at it.
There's nothing wrong with finger vibrato. It sounds different, but perfectly ok if you practise.

man, this is good to hear! I got worried cuz I've always done vibrato with only my fingers...never even knew we were supposed to use the wrist.
There's nothing wrong with finger vibrato. It sounds different, but perfectly ok if you practise.

You'll never get it as controlled as people like Yngwie or PG, so i just don't recommend it. But everything is up to the player, so do whatever you feel like.
This is exactly the same type of argument for every type of technique on guitar. One person states that his technique is better, because he's too lazy to practice it in a new way, and thus defends it as if it's a legit technique.

Another example of this is the pinky; many people are so lazy that they just learn to play most things with their third finger, while saying that it's ok because Yngwie does it. Yeah, he does, but he can never do alot of the stuff that PG does, because of his extensive use of the pinky. Yngwie has his own style of playing, and it works for him, as should your vibrato. If you're happy with how it's sounding, then go for it, but there's a reason people think Yngwie has the best vibrato.
I know that most of you are neoclassical fags (joking :oops: ), but some might be interested in this:

Guthrie Govan: erotic cakes special

Brought to you in conjunction with Cornford Records, this official download-only version of Erotic Cakes contains two folders - the original album (in 192k mp3 format) plus the bonus material.

The bonus folder contains the following:

Exclusive ‘live in the studio’ version of Fives in mp3 audio and full quality mp4 video formats.

Full transcription of Fives, in PDF and Powertab form.

Fives backing track, with the lead guitar removed.

PDFs of the CD booklet and inlay.



We are aware that many of you may have already bought Guthries album in CD format, but would love the bonus material on offer here. Therefore we have made the Fives video/audio transcription package available as a separate download. Included in the package:

Exclusive ‘live in the studio’ version of Fives in mp3 audio and full quality mp4 video formats (not as YouTube sample below).

Full transcription of Fives, in PDF and Powertab form.

Fives backing track, with the lead guitar removed. £2.49


Now that I have your attention, please read.

While I was at work today I found out that we had an old Jackson in the basement (where we keep our products that are not out for display).

It's from a customer who wanted it repaired and get new strings changed.
It has been there for about 2-3 years Ole Morten said (my main co-worker), and the dude hasn't even called or stopped by the shop to pick it up!

I asume it's from the early 90's and very possibly the 80's (also USA made). THAT'S why I am very interested, maybe it has a J-50BC in it (yes I know i'm an alexifaggot) and I know for a fact Jackson used to be much better before the Fender thing. I didn't have time to gut up the guitar and check the pickup tho.

Pics (sorry for blurry ones):





Now, what i'm really hoping for is that the owner doesn't give a fucking crap about it, and I can buy it, would be so awesome.

Pray for me that he doesn't give a shit, please:lol:
I can't tell but the headstock means made in the usa and It looks like custom strat to me.It has the kahler nut and crappy jackson jt-6 combo that's usually found on USA models.I doubt it has a j-50bc though becuase there is no boost or toggle for one anyway so maybe a j-80c something high output?Idk,but I hope you get it Ensi.
I seriously don't know what the fuck the switches are:lol: Maybe killswitches for every pickup?:lol: I don't know alot about knobs/switches when it comes to guitars.