Guitar Player's Thread


A fireball is badass enough, our other guitar player plays one. Perhaps you remember that I have the Powerball, so I can make a direct comparison.

The fireball is loud enough if your band plays at a reasonable volume (what you owe your ears btw). In clubs, at shows etc. your cab will be miced (in most cases) so you won't need a 100W amp.
So the volume is not an important factor here, the headroom maybe. The Powerball has more headroom and therefore sounds a bit better to my ears. Other people say that a tube amp must be cranked to it's end to sound good, these people should go with the Fireball. But keep in mind that modern amps are not really constructed to be cranked up all the way.

The powerball is very flexible and the clean sound is wonderful for a "metal amp". The clean sound of the FB is good too, but it's not as clear as the PB one, my feeling says. The FB is not flexible at all compared to the Powerball. Perhaps you say that you don't need it, but it's better to have it and don't need it than to...bla

The Peavy is a one trick pony imo, but it does it pretty good. The distortion of the Peavy is very different from the PB distortion, you HAVE to test the amps. It might be easier to get a cutting sound on the Peavy, the PB sounds more warm and round to my ears.

You won't get away without testing.

^I would add, the fireball seems more 'raw'. I mean, whereas the powerball has tons of stages and filters and whatnot, the fireball has a more traditional approach. If you want raw distortion, you should give it a try. And don't let the 50W figure deceive you - our ears do perceive volume in a linear manner. It's almost as loud as 100W.

In what twisted universe does 'douche' constitute an insult? :p

Your tone is bollocks. When you grow up, you'll realise it's the truth.

Thanks both! And yes Corny, I do remember that you own a PB, and actually when I posted I was looking for an answer from you about it, so yeah, thanks :lol: So all in all,

Powerball = Most flexible sound, not as raw distortion, better cleans and more settings.
Fireball = Ass kicking raw distortion, not as good cleans, not as flexible, doesn't matter that it's 50 W.
Peavey 6505 = Either you hate it or love it, strongest/most aggressive distortion.

More or less that'd be it? I do play sometimes directly from the amp, but it's always in really small pubs so I won't need to crank the thing up that much so I think that power won't be the problem here. My dream would be the Powerball, cos versatility is never a bad thing, it's a baddass amp and it's my favourite looking wise, which is the least important thing when choosing a head but still I'm happier if besides sounding as I want, I like it, but it's damn expensive so I may end up going with the Fireball, cos I looked at the Screamer but looks like too many things for such a small head and being cheaper than the FB. I think the Peavey will be my last option cos it's IMO a bit too aggressive sometimes and the distortion is not really versatile.

Oh, and trying is out of question cos there's no store neither in my town or in the not-too-far-away ones that has stock of them, they just have a couple of Bugueras and maybe one really expensive amp, but there's no way I can try them. I've heard live the Powerball more than once from a friend of mine and I like it, and I played once a 6505, Fireball is the only thing I've not tried, but if you say it's really nothing to worry about those 50W then great.
Well, dunno if 10W will make a difference :lol: But still, it's more. I think the Powerball is going to bee to much for me to afford, so I think I'll finally go for the FB or the 6505 (not the plus as I'm ok with the channels the normal one has and there's not any other ''big difference'' if I'm not mistaken).
I actually like the voicing of the fireball distortion more than the powerball, so I would recommend it, although it does lack versatility like you said. The 5150 is a great amp too, but it's a too fizzy for me. I have heard that if you crank it the fizzyness goes away, but I've never had a chance to really crank it. And don't worry about the volume with 50W. In tube amps you actually have to divide the wattage by 10 in order to hear half the volume. So, for instance, a 100 watt amp is only twice as loud as a 10 watt amp.
Actually, in ANY amp, not only tube amps, if you double the power, you add 3 dB to the volume. And something is perceived by our ears as 'twice as loud' when you add 10dB. So, if you multiply the power by 8, you add 9dB.
Yeah you're right man, it was a J-50B.

What is the difference between that and the ceramic one?:p Anything really noticeable?

EDIT: I realized google was my friend, and i came to the JCF

Both are designed for the bridge position. The "C" denotes a ceramic magnet, which usually gives crisper/hotter output at the expense of warmth/depth. I prefer the Jackson ceramic magnets myself. The originals were uncovered and usually resembled Duncans except that all the poles were black. Some of them were covered from the mid to late 80's with the large, oversized cover and bezel. By 1990 they were covered nearly identical to the EMG with a normal sized plastic cover. The "C" designation was also used on the J-80, J-90, and a few other variants.

Ahh crap I want that raw agressive tone. Not the warm round one:erk:
well with the 1200 and the 50B wait and see how it sounds. The JE might add enough "rawness" - and even though it's gonna be different I'm pretty sure you can dial in something very CoBish or maybe even something you like more.
His from South America, what do you expect? :p

^I only looked at the date, not the guy who posted it.

Talk with Paul Gilbert/Larry DiMarzio:
Haha, Paul totally "overtalks" DiMarzio. :lol:

Blargh, lots of people from south america aren't christian fags... most of them, actually :p ozielzinho just annoys the crap out of me.

@Ensi: worry not... alexi's tone is shit. Anyway, if you want a J50BC that hard, they're like what, 20$, and very easy to find :p