Guitar Player's Thread

well, do you know the purpose of buying studio monitors/headphones for mixing/mastering audio? most consumer speakers/headphones maybe add a little treble, subtract a little bass, or what have you, in an attempt to create the best quality sound for your current audio. However, even though this may be an improvement (high quality bose vs cheap ass target brand shit), it distorts the sound. studio monitors give you (hopefully, if they're good quality) the truest reproduction of the sound without anything really added to it. So as where good speakers/headphones make their own additions for added sound quality, studio monitors subtract virtually everything and just give you the raw sound. if you mixed/mastered on headphones/regular computer speakers, you might get it to sound great on your personal gear, but you go to play it through your car, or your friend's stereo, and it might sound like shit because you mastered the audio on a distorted channel. same with your amplifier, i'm thinking. you've perfected (or whatever) your tone through your distorted headphones, but they're jsut that; distorted. to acheive the same tone, try and work the the knobs without phones. at least memorize how to get good tone just from your speaker, so that way when you ahve to perform, you know how to make your guitar sound good, even if you have to practice with phones in (i know how this is :p).

ok, this was a bit confusing to read. are you saying that my headphones have a better "distortion" to them than the speaker? meaning that the additions of bass, treble, or whatever through that channel are better?

and what do you mean by studio monitor exactly?

and trust me, I have tried every possible combination of the knobs on my amp (which include treble, bass, middle, and gain). no matter how they are adjusted and in how many ways, the tone through the speaker itself sucks.
ok, this was a bit confusing to read. are you saying that my headphones have a better "distortion" to them than the speaker? meaning that the additions of bass, treble, or whatever through that channel are better?

and what do you mean by studio monitor exactly?

and trust me, I have tried every possible combination of the knobs on my amp (which include treble, bass, middle, and gain). no matter how they are adjusted and in how many ways, the tone through the speaker itself sucks.

It could be like those Joe Satriani practice amps that have a better amp simulator for headphones than the actual speaker :ill:
Is this the one?


I'm actually playing through the 15W version of that amp, and i love it! It's the best practice amp i've tried.
Jackson or ESP?
I think that the opinion must be shared.
What is your point of view? You experience, your opinion? Your favorite brand? Favorite guitar? What do you think of Jackson today? ESP's communication... What do you think about the ESP signature model?...
Hey, now that I'm kinda in love with Jackson (:P), I want to know any place where I can order a custom shop model, this is the one I want:


And by the way, how do you think that it looks ? Blue is my fav colour so that's why I choosed blue (and because it looked cool too :P)

Well, I maybe switch all the hardware to black:

Hey, now that I'm kinda in love with Jackson (:P), I want to know any place where I can order a custom shop model, this is the one I want:


And by the way, how do you think that it looks ? Blue is my fav colour so that's why I choosed blue (and because it looked cool too :P)

Well, I maybe switch all the hardware to black:
