Guitar Player's Thread

Very nice jam indeed. All together we make this BT sound pretty good actually :lol:

Thank you Mitch for putting it together.

haha I thought the same exact thing at first, but then I thought why not just give it a try. It's not too bad if you try to get used to it. But for our next BT can we do that bodom one again? the passage to the reaper one that we tried so long ago but for some reason everyone was "too busy" at the time so we just called it quits. I say we attempt that one again. It's a great BT imo.

You mean Waltari - Move ?

EDIT: EMG HZ is veryveryvery bad:lol: Buy EMG 81,Seymour duncan blackout or passive SDs instead. sounds ALOT better. Ofcourse its a opinion. You still won't get alexi fanboi tone with one of those. EMG 81 is closer id say.
Awesomness!! :DD
I just hope they can bring it over here you know the place I live guitars cost a lot and you have a very
minimal choice..
I don't wanna sound like some sort of alexi fanboy or something but I just a want a semiliar sound S: So I thought the HZ could do but if you say 81 so I'll change to those :)
I don't wanna sound like some sort of alexi fanboy or something but I just a want a semiliar sound S: So I thought the HZ could do but if you say 81 so I'll change to those :)

To be honest I really don't like EMGs, but it's a personal thing. Many metal guitarists love EMGs, many hate just have to try them out yourself to see if that's what suits you.

About Alexi using the EMG HZ, well he doesn't anymore, and with a reason.

In his old Jackson guitars he used EMG 81 if I'm not mistaken, then he used the EMG HZ for a little while. Now he's endorsed by Seymour Duncan and use their Blackout pickup. People who have tried the Blackout (almost everyone) say they sound like active EMGs - just better. I'm not a fan of active pickups, but if I had to play them I would probably get the Seymour Duncan Blackout. Dino Cazares (he plays in Asesino and Divine Heresy), sounds awesome with that pickup. Nomatter if you like his music or not, you'll have to admit his tone is great for metal.

And remember that the most important things when it comes to tone is the player and the amp. If the player or the amp sucks, you will never have great tone.
You are totaly right.
about the AMP, It sucks. some sort of Cupid 15W I think or something like that bit I don't play with it when I have a show or
something I play with a 40W fender something S: it sounds okay S:
and about the player... well.. I'm not the best player but I play for about a year and I can handle some of COB stuff..
I'm not a shredder but I'm working on it heh..
oh and about the Seymour Duncan Blackout.. I don't think that those dealers in here can bring those >_<
(sorry about my English..)
You are totaly right.
about the AMP, It sucks. some sort of Cupid 15W I think or something like that bit I don't play with it when I have a show or
something I play with a 40W fender something S: it sounds okay S:
and about the player... well.. I'm not the best player but I play for about a year and I can handle some of COB stuff..
I'm not a shredder but I'm working on it heh..
oh and about the Seymour Duncan Blackout.. I don't think that those dealers in here can bring those >_<
(sorry about my English..)

In your situation, I think you would be best of by just getting the EMG81. I mean, it's probably smart to get one or else you'll probably always wonder "how does an EMG81 sound?", but never find out. You could always just sell it if you don't like it.

I can't tell you what's wrong and right. Guitartone is about opinion and my opinion doesn't count any more than yours. If you do get it, be sure to let us know how you liked it :)
COBOT Forum Jam #3!!!!

&#8224; Download &#8224;


&#8226; 00:14-00:57 - FETZER
&#8226; 00:57-01:24 - FLYINGV_GUY
&#8226; 01:25-01:54 - RUINS
&#8226; 01:54-02:23 - INHE
&#8226; 02:23-02:51 - MYSTIQUE
&#8226; 02:51-03:21 - WARHEART
&#8226; 03:22-03:48 - EARTH BREATHER
&#8226; 03:49-04:17 - DAVE100
&#8226; 04:17-04:48 - CONTI

Everything sounds ok to me, I apologise if your solo is slightly off but I did my best in listening to the entire solo and making sure every part of it was lined up against the beat as much as possible.

Thanks to everyone that took part and I apologise for the stupidly long wait!


OhMyGoodGod!!! Finally here it is... so, what to say?

I read some of you guys didn't like the backing track, and it's ok... as far as I'm concerned, I find it amazing, and also that was right the kind of backing track that very often not many people choose to use so I thought that it was a nice idea for you g33tarplayerz trying to jam over it, cuz it was something different.
Anyway, I loved this third forum jam as well, I was so glad after hearing it... you guys and gal are awesome, I thank you all so much for taking part in the jam and doing such a good work, everyone did a very nice job! :)

@ Earth Breather: very nice solo, and I liked so much the way you made it end!
@ Conti: kickass solo, I've always liked those kind of 'runs' you make with notes!
@ Mitch: I just love you! Well, ok, forget that... I really loved your part, you made some 'works' that I've always adored... lovely solo!
I has it on meh computer, but i'm at work. It's not completed, but i got it from a guy at the wintersun forums.

mind to upload or PM me?

i was at the wintersun forum too, i found Bassem's link, but it was dead