Guitar Player's Thread

I have the Tone Zone in my Ibby. It is a very fat sounding pick up, but I wouldn't say its the best for metal. More like 80's style metal......think Paul Gilbert

And FWIW...I love my EMG HZ's.....srsly.......they just sound so natural to my ears. this yesterday

Avatr 2x12 Cab with V30's....nice
Roland cube dude, the cleans are underrated as hell and it has a nice meaty distortion, great bang for your buck. Inb4 ensi says toenport
Roland cube dude, the cleans are underrated as hell and it has a nice meaty distortion, great bang for your buck. Inb4 ensi says toenport

He said amp you dickwad.

Jazz Chorus' has teh epic cl33nz. Cube is good too.

One amp we've had in recently that I absolutely loved the cleans on was the Ibanez Tubescreamer amp+head:


But I don't know too much 'bout dem kleens.

Also I made a rage comic:

in general for hums:
250 = darker muddier sound
500 = normal sound
1000(1meg) = brighter sharper sound

JB is kinda trebly, some people prefer it with 250, because it cuts the highs a bit and gives lows and mids some boost. My guitar has basswood body and maple top (more like a cap, one serious peace of maple there). But thanks for info anyway. :)
Deluhi Instructional DVD preview. w00000000t

Damn, that is what a good Rosewood fretboard looks like. And how a tr00 musician plays his own solos... *cough* Alexi *cough*

its Mahogany which I always have liked Les Pauls growl(mahogany) so its nice to be able to get that growl with one of my guitars. It's just a totally different sound compared to my Alder and guitars.

Agreed. I love Mahogany tonewood. It pisses me off that more RR's aren't made with Mahog. The only one I really see right now that is Mahog is the Jackson Kevin Bond sig <-- anyone ever played that? I'm assuming its build quality is similar to that of an RR24.

Mahog rules though, makes my Alder guitars sound... well, just kind of weak in comparison :p
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One thing I did with my RR24M that gives it more of that growl(balls) is replace the floyds sustain block(steel) with a big brass block from floyd

It sounds sooooo much better than my LTD. Just fatter with more bite to it, and it sustains even longer than it did, which was alot considering its a neck thru. It just has a lot more fuller of a sound and everthing rings at the same volume. Before it seemed like certain freqs from the guitar rang louder than others.

Soon I will be getting one for my Xiphos, once I replace the Edge 3 with a floyd, so it should sound pretty kick ass being mahogany and all with the new sustain block.

It was the best $40.00 upgrade I have ever done to anything. I highly suggest everyone try one out if they can. Makes a world of difference
Mahogany is the best tonewood imho, thunderous manpower

anyone tried miles of machines by loomis here? sounds like it's a bitch to play

I've never even thought about playing it but I listen to that song quite a lot, it's a motherfucker and a half, 7 string sweeps and 32nd note stuff at 120bpm, Loomis is a wizard
I'm saving for an 8-string superstrat custom I'm speccing out with a builder and THAT's having mahogany too :lol:

Explorers are awesome for a reason, many reasons in fact :cool: