hair problems

I see a lot of people recommending different types of
shamoo, but this is a very personal thing. One thing
might be good for your hair, while it might be the
wrong thing for mine etc. It is important to try different
types to see what works the best :o)

And, use different types now and again, cause your
hair becomes resistant to one type after you have
used it for a while... :oP
It's supposedly normal to lose approx. 150 hairs a day. When you have short hair, you don't really notice that. With long hair, you do. So I get a bunch of strands lying in the sink whenever I brush my hair. It's a bit disturbing at first but should be normal. Of course, having long hair means more of a hassle sometimes...tampering with shampoos, taking more care etc. etc. Currently, I'm fighting against dryness, breaking and splicing. And one thing is for sure: one has to try out a lot of shampoos. They do make a difference.
Originally posted by Silver Sable
Well dude I feel your pain. I have an assload of hair but I lose a few hundred hairs a day. The best thing to do is stimulate your scalp. Take your fingertips and rub your head gently. If you do this for a few minutes a day your hair folicals will get more blood flow and your hair will continue to grow healthier. Also try to use a really good shampoo. I use Matrix Sleek Looks cause my hair is really curly and kinda uncontrolable at times. If you use good gentle products the actual hair strands remain healthy so there is less breakage. But don't worry too much cause stress causes hair loss. Good luck. If you want more advice just PM me... my sister owns a salon so I'm full of knowledge.

Did I tell you lately that you have wonderful hair? ;)
Well, one thing about shampoos: Lots of them (most of the cheap ones) don't really fix your hair. Those who seem to make a difference in a very short time, often just fasten as a shield aruond the hair, making it sleek, instead of penetrating into the hair to make it healthy from the inside. If yuo put a bit more money into a shampoo, you will get more for the money. Often you also need less shampoo for each time you wash your hair with the more exopensive ones than with the cheap.
But still the most important thing is to find one that suits yuor own hair. If you go to a salon the ppl there will find one that does. That's not so difficult; it's just feeling your hair, and looking at it. And it's definitely worth it! :)
Yeah, my hair is in a process of regrowth at the moment. :) A friend of mine cut the whole damn thing while we were drunk, and it was approximately getting to my waist at the time. I beat the shit out of him, but hell, it's just hair. ;)

I wonder: if you lose 100 hairs each day, you must inevitably decrease in hair-abundance cos losing hair goes faster than growing new out! :confused: you don't lose 100 hairs and simultaneously grow 100 new hairs
There are tons of tips on how to get your hear to stay on your head..

1. Eat alot of friut, you need vitamins for the hair to stay on your head..

2. Go to you local Drugstore and buy some pills for stronger hair..

3. Always you "balsam", not Shampoo...

4. Go to a helthstore and get medicine for your hair, it's in liquid form and really good.. i use it..

Sorry about my english.. it's lame..
If you are from sweden tell me and i can tell you all it more details and stuff...

Hope your hair stays where it belongs :)
advice one is a sure thing :)
but I doubt about 2 and 4 :err: (I would never take pills when I can manage to get stronger hair by simply treating it better)
about balms: hm, I use balm only occasionally. too much balm makes my hair feel too heavy (maybe that's only my imagination)
generally, my hair is just fine :)

I only wondered about the thing with losing and growing hair, I'm not affected myself
I've been losing a lot hair lately, and I'm a bit scared too since I've always had thick, shiny and good hair. And my hair is starting to be long again. But I guess this is something normal.