He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

If I were really super serious about furthuring my clean singing I would condition my voice more, but man thats almost like a full time fucking job. My aunt sings for a living (choirs, operas, etc) and she has rituals for keeping her voice in shape. Hours of warm-ups everyday, gargling salt water, stretching your throat and chest muscles, vitamins, etc etc. Its rediculous, maybe someday when I have more time and motivation I'll get farther into it.
once I was NAD said:

I know that album!!!


Lord Worm does actually bark. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
They're drinking beer and having a good time because they don't have a fucking girly X on their hand? :tickled:

what is that X for again?

is that some anti pooni thing?
Reign in Acai said:
I don't get this whole "the singer didn't move" shite I hear from time to time. What do people expect the vocalist to do? Jumping Jacks inbetween lines?

I used to move a lot more then I do now. I can't even headbang anymore, but my excuse is legit. I have a pretty severe spinal disease which causes me insane pain 24 hours a day, so movement is difficult to say the least, so I try to put all I can into gestures, and the performance. It's a give and take.
Erik said:
yeah ain't i supposedly the "black metal" guy around here and as such, am supposed to vehemently defend extreme vocals and tell you how DIFFICULT of an ARTFORM it is to become a good dm vocalist?

it's just a bunch of fucking screaming, christ, get over yourselves

I challenge anyone to do what I do. I'm not saying it's as much of an art form as say opera vocals, but there is a sort of talent to go between harsh and clean vocals. Sure, someone might be able to pull it off for a few minutes, but try to stay consistent for over an hour, or night after night on a tour. Also, try to growl with annunciation and clarity. It's not at all easy.
Novembers Paul said:
I challenge anyone to do what I do. I'm not saying it's as much of an art form as say opera vocals, but there is a sort of talent to go between harsh and clean vocals. Sure, someone might be able to pull it off for a few minutes, but try to stay consistent for over an hour, or night after night on a tour. Also, try to growl with annunciation and clarity. It's not at all easy.

Your vocals are definetly some of the clearest and best annunciated in death metal that I have heard, and I know that is a difficult thing to do. Im sure it isnt easy to maintain the power of the death growl while trying to articulate words in a more easily understood manner.
Novembers Paul said:
I used to move a lot more then I do now. I can't even headbang anymore, but my excuse is legit. I have a pretty severe spinal disease which causes me insane pain 24 hours a day, so movement is difficult to say the least, so I try to put all I can into gestures, and the performance. It's a give and take.

I am very sorry to hear about this. I had no idea during the festival and STILL had no problem whatsoever with your performance on stage. Man, I would think that it would be exceedingly difficult to mask such an ailment in a live setting, but that certainly was not the case. Sometimes it really is about more than just running around thrashing and whipping the crowd into a frenzy (and yes, that does have it's place). Your intensity and singing talent comes across VERY clearly in a live setting and enhances, rather than detracts from, the performance.
Vocalists who can perform both harsh and clean vocals, and perform both exceptionally well, are few and far between.

As for the whole "singer standing still" thing... I prefer a very animated frontman. Does a singer have to thrash around like a maniac? No. Someone can do a lot, and be captivating, with very little movement. That said, there's no reason the singer from Dumah (for example) couldn't have been more active during those portions of the song where there are no vocals.

Novembers Paul said:
I challenge anyone to do what I do. I'm not saying it's as much of an art form as say opera vocals, but there is a sort of talent to go between harsh and clean vocals. Sure, someone might be able to pull it off for a few minutes, but try to stay consistent for over an hour, or night after night on a tour. Also, try to growl with annunciation and clarity. It's not at all easy.
yep, i was mostly trolling anyway. HOWEVER, for a vocalist that EITHER growls OR sings and doesn't try to do both live, i think in 90% of cases the clean singing vocalist has to be more concentrated at what he's doing not to fuck up completely. there are lots of little nuances in growling that good extreme vocalists can pull off but if you fuck up your singing, people will hear it immediatedly, whereas a half shitty growl is still "passable" live