He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

MadeInNewJersey said:
Now imagine if you had a portable MP3 player, you could strap it to your belt/stick it in your pocket and put headphones in at a reasonable volume while watching the kid.
you cant wear headphones while you have a baby in the house and it's just the two of you. ive already tried it.
1) in most of the pics, it looks like theres maybe 12 people at this entire festival. is that accurate?

this photo threw me for a tailspin as far as the attendance also ... when was this taken?

yes, thats the exact photo i was talking about. ive been to shows like that. it's unnerving.
edit: it would appear that gugs et al are standing at the rear of the crowd fwiw
dorian gray said:
interesting review.
i have two legitimate questions though:
1) in most of the pics, it looks like theres maybe 12 people at this entire festival. is that accurate?

LOL - no, more like 600-700 actually. Most of the picture taking came in the form of stage shots or "people we were hanging with" shots. It was definitely a successful festival, and one that will most likely be held next year as well.

dorian gray said:
2) you guys listen to and know about a fuckton of bands. how do you do it? how do you literally find the time to listen to that many bands?
im genuinely interested in this.

Depends what you mean by "fuckton of bands". Do you mean in a live setting or simply that many bands in general in studio format? I'll assume studio format and say that Mark is pretty close on this one - I mean we all love to constantly check out something new, which entails various means of collecting as many releases as possible. For a long time I was basically on my own and had no guiding hand as to what to look for - that has changed over the last few years as I've met so many friends and others on the internet that have curtailed my cd buying habits dramatically. I no longer have to buy everything in site that looks like it could be cool - I can get word from the horse's mouth or simply listen to a few samples first nowadays. Bottom line though, if I really enjoy it, I still purchase it, and yest, there are plenty of high caliber bands out there. It also depends on your finances and whether or not it's feasible to spend X amount of money on music. Yes, some of us, like Mark, but not just him, can be a bit irresponsible - but it's due to our passion for what we love.

At Heathen Crusade though, as far as a "fuckton" of bands in a live setting are concerned - it just all came together, and most of the headliners, along with a few others, were indeed amazing in a live setting. Some of the performances (by Primordial and November's Doom in particular) vaulted my appreciation of these bands from "casual fan" to "huge fan". The live show can be an intregal part of what we ultimately choose to purcahase, so we try to make it out to as many shows as we can as well. The passion drives us, the music and our colleagues motivate us, the live shows inspire us and our finances support us.

Thanks for asking.
lurch70 said:
this photo threw me for a tailspin as far as the attendance also ... when was this taken?


What threw you off?

This was taken sometime during Thyrfing's set, by my friend Tomasz. I was on the back edge of the pit, he was on the front edge, thus the big open space in front of me.
Dark One said:
Thanks for asking.
thanks for the response. i was going to ask about how you got into new material before the internet. i imagine it was pretty difficult back in the 80s.
MadeInNewJersey said:
. I was on the back edge of the pit, he was on the front edge, thus the big open space in front of me.
yeah, with a second look you can see the kids face in the front of the pic - he looks like hes heading into the pit. thusly, putting gugs towards the back of the crowd.
i used to buy soooooo much shit back in the days ... there was no outled for "samples" ... you just had to buy it.
dorian gray said:
thanks for the response. i was going to ask about how you got into new material before the internet. i imagine it was pretty difficult back in the 80s.

In those days I relied on friends, Headbanger's Ball and Hit Parader mostly. I primarily listened to a mix of old school metal and hair band metal as a result.
lizard said:
I like that dude with the tattoo of an arrow pointing to his other tattoo. "look over here this is my tattoo." :lol:
hahahahahahah classic
(you *know* you have the same tattoo, lizard)
MadeInNewJersey said:
This was taken sometime during Thyrfing's set, by my friend Tomasz. I was on the back edge of the pit, he was on the front edge, thus the big open space in front of me.

Nice. Thyrfing was the one band I really moshed for - I was at the peak of my drunkeness and energy during their set. I remember nailing that dude with the big welt on his right cheek during that set, and Zod going pretty good with him during another set.