He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

I didn't say they weren't good. I said they're the polar opposite of the type of band I want to see live.

The 2 of you ought to clean the sand out of your vaginas if you can't handle dissenting opinions.
not to mention that everything every band at this year's heathen crusade has ever written added together is about one tenth as good as one song on "pale folklore"
Erik said:
not to mention that everything every band at this year's heathen crusade has ever written added together is about one tenth as good as one song on "pale folklore"

While I didn't expect it to come from THIS forum, you've won the dumbest opinion award of the day!!!!

MadeInNewJersey said:
I didn't say they weren't good. I said they're the polar opposite of the type of band I want to see live.
Couldn't agree more. I wouldn't mind hearing them live, during some sort of seated performance. But do I want them sandwiched between two bands like Primordial and Thyrfing? No thanks.
