He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

General Zod said:
Exactly. when you're truly passionate about something, you want to share it with others.


Yep, I third that assessment. You made an inquiry before in my recommendation thread about why I hadn't spoke of those guys before. It was simple, I hadn't listened to them in a long time since regularly spinning them prior to, say, 2000 or so. Sheer volume of music to listen to since then will do that to you because, for the most part, I always want to share music I totally dig with others - this one just happened to be in the past tense.

In fact, any recommendation I have going forward will most likey have to be far in the "past tense" unless it's a band I've just recently discovered or something. Most of what we're passionate about in the "present tense" is shared among us.
Henrik, I'll start a new thread about punk; I'd rather not further derail this one, lol (or you can feel free to start one and I'll be happy to discuss with you).

Meanwhile, since we're all checking in at the doctor...

I'm 5'11", 200 lbs. I should really weigh about 180 lbs, so yeah, I'm a bit of a chunkster. But I'm really, really, really mean.
Standing with your back to the pit is fairly insane. The simple fact of the matter is, people will get thrown into you. Granted, some people are dicks, and run at the crowd like they're ropes in a wrestling ring. But by and large, it's accidental. And if even if the punk who hits you is totally deserving of a beat down, are you really going to kick his ass? I suppose that depends on your temperment, patience and sobriety level. After all, do you really want to deal with bouncers trying to throw you out, missing the show, dealing with cops (if they're called), dealing with lawyers if it escalates? In the end, it's just not worth it. I'd probably me more inclined to get in a fight if someone hit a friend, than if they hit me. And obviously if they hit my wife...

General Zod said:
Standing with your back to the pit is fairly insane. The simple fact of the matter is, people will get thrown into you. Granted, some people are dicks, and run at the crowd like they're ropes in a wrestling ring. But by and large, it's accidental. And if even if the punk who hits you is totally deserving of a beat down, are you really going to kick his ass? I suppose that depends on your temperment, patience and sobriety level. After all, do you really want to deal with bouncers trying to throw you out, missing the show, dealing with cops (if they're called), dealing with lawyers if it escalates? In the end, it's just not worth it. I'd probably me more inclined to get in a fight if someone hit a friend, than if they hit me. And obviously if they hit my wife...


The voice of reason as always. Excellent points Greg.
I think if you stand at the front of the pit, or anywhere on the edge of a pit, you're SUPPOSED to turn your back to the band/stage and help continue feed the pit. It's a pity too because being up close to the bands is where all the fun's at.

Meanwhile, there is nothing more irritating than those statue-esque fuckers standing up front, bored out of their heads, checking their watches every 30 seconds, not giving a shit about the band/music....but just taking up valuable space. I mean, why not just go stand at the back?
JayKeeley said:
Meanwhile, there is nothing more irritating than those statue-esque fuckers standing up front, bored out of their heads, checking their watches every 30 seconds, not giving a shit about the band/music....but just taking up valuable space. I mean, why not just go stand at the back?

Totally agree. It's especially rude to the opening bands if you're standing there just waiting for the headliner or another band. I certainly understand wanting to get a prime spot for another band, but don't make it so *obvious* to everyone that you are bored out of your mind and can't wait for the current band to be over. Show some respect when you're up front.
So I step away for my lunch break and this thread turns into wildfire....

Re: listening to music, I used to carry a CD walkman and a case full of CDs. No more! Now it's all ripped to iPod. I have a 2 hour commute each way, every day. That means I can listen to 3-4 albums a day on average.

I have two kids. I don't listen to music at home, but once they go to bed, I might sit and listen with headphones. Not often though.

It's in the blood. The "armchair" supporters are easy to spot. Running a webzine for 3 years also took its toll, but at least I can I say I did it.

Next? Maybe a festival? Maybe a record label? No rush, the universe tends to unfold itself as it should. [/haroldandkumargotowhitecastle]
Meanwhile, there is nothing more irritating than those statue-esque fuckers standing up front, bored out of their heads, checking their watches every 30 seconds, not giving a shit about the band/music....but just taking up valuable space. I mean, why not just go stand at the back?
because you're securing your spot waiting for the band that plays afterwards

i mean i was front row at fucking BURST while waiting for dark tranquillity
Dark One said:
Totally agree. It's especially rude to the opening bands if you're standing there just waiting for the headliner or another band. I certainly understand wanting to get a prime spot for another band, but don't make it so *obvious* to everyone that you are bored out of your mind and can't wait for the current band to be over. Show some respect when you're up front.
yeah. drink your beer and headbang or look interested anyway. If it's that boring, try and amuse yourself checking out their gear, tattoos or the crowd.
Erik said:
because you're securing your spot waiting for the band that plays afterwards

i mean i was front row at fucking BURST while waiting for dark tranquillity

Yeah, but this venue had plenty of space. You could come and go as you liked at any time. I'm talking about people that were up front for Primordial(!) looking bored out of their skulls.

I think a lot of people (especially younger fans) regard going to a metal gig in the same way that they go see a circus or theater show. "I want the best view possible, best seats in the house!" sorta thing. That's fine because you just sit there and watch.

It's different for metal. You need to feed the band so they can thrive off the rush, the adrenalin. I asked Paul Kuhr about this as well -- as a musician, there is nothing worse than playing to a lifeless dead audience. Turn that audience into a mass frenzy and the band plays better, with more enthusiasm.

Plus, how can you not be totally consumed by Nemtheanga's stage presence. That is what I call an "armchair supporter", someone who won't be listening to metal in 5 years I guarantee.

Haha, I remember when J once said, "why go to a show when I can just listen to the CD at home?". Crikey!!!! And Jesus wept....just no appreciation for live show atmosphere!!!
lurch said:
i don't know ... tall is good i guess ... but I am always worried up front ... my head is the first thing that will be hit by a stage diver or some wacko ... always have to duck down.

it does help with breathing though

I know I shouldn't laugh, but that is hysterical. :lol:
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, but this venue had plenty of space. You could come and go as you liked at any time. I'm talking about people that were up front for Primordial(!) looking bored out of their skulls.

That annoyed me too. If you're THAT bored, let some people in behind you that DO want to show their entusiasm and appreciation for the music. This cool kid at the Children of Bodom show in Philly let myself, Mark and Greg all step past him so we could rock out to Amon Amarth. Afterward, we let him have his spot back and went in the back to chill and drink, etc. I totally respected that.
Yeah that kid did the right thing.

At Primordial, I told Zod that I wanted to get up front and so he paved the way then left. So I found myself standing next to a statue fan. Honestly, the guy couldn't give a shit about the band....meanwhile, I'm just overwhelmed with songs like "Coffin Ships" and "Autumns Ablaze", and he will not budge. He absolutely stood his ground, almost as if I was sitting in his expensive front row theater seat and interupting him of his baby nap.

Fuck that. Anyway, that is a MINOR glitch, the festival was otherwise perfect, and 98% of the fans ruled.
Dark One said:
Well that definitely wasn't me since I was on the other side, haha.

Nah, it was some lame ass.

Heh, I just realized, after Primordial were done, the crowd cleared out and Jason and I were scrounding around for guitar picks hahaha. I even had my cellphone light pointed to the floor, trying to separate the trash from the treasure.

Not bad considering I found 2 picks! Jason found a bunch too. We're such scavengers hehehe (but I have guitar picks galore at home, they're some of the best mementos).