He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

hahaha, lizard, youve taken alot of classes.
me = 6 feet, 190 pounds

edit: i wear adidas sambas and birkenstock clogs at work. actually, they say "birki" hahaha
lizard said:
I'm only 5'8" so 195 lbs is alot...my doctor is always amazed that I weigh that much because although I could lose some weight, I don't look that fat.

your hair has to be at least 10-15 lbs.
Conspicuously Absent said:
Yeah, I was gonna get a pair of combat boots, but I cheaped out. I wore out my last pair. Those things ruled at everything.
mine will probably wear out when i'm 46 or something. buying army surplus shit rules because it's made to fucken last.
haha, yeah, the nerds at antioch were always playing frisbee football. i kinda envied them and their drug-induced orgies.

edit: @ lizurd
Erik said:
mine will probably wear out when i'm 46 or something. buying army surplus shit rules because it's made to fucken last.

I was in army cadets for something to do (mainly i just wanted to get paid to go to camp:P) so I just stole my boots when I quit. They were already like 10-15 years old and worn as hell. But... *shrug* I'll buy a new pair for myself next christmas.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Finally, it's not the "obscure" part that attracts me; in fact, when I find an obscure band that I love, I want to turn as many people onto that band as possible.
Exactly. when you're truly passionate about something, you want to share it with others.
