He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

MadeInNewJersey said:
FYI, Liz, here's where the tat comes from:

every day is a learning experience at RC!;)
MadeInNewJersey said:
Trust me, if I'm at the FRONT EDGE of the pit, and some jackass - I DO NOT CARE WHO - continuously wails into my back while I'm not looking, I'm going to fucking do something about it.
why not just move away from the pit a few rows front or back? i mean yeah people are being asses but i don't think potentially getting thrown out of the venue is worth punching said asshole in the face
MadeInNewJersey said:
joking or not, you know I wasn't

There's a difference between drunkenly staggering forward and running at full speed & hurling yourself into the people on the fringe of the pit.

You simply do not fucking do that, especially to the people who's backs are to you

just busting your balls papi ...

but you do remember me headbutting you in your gut right? :lol:
MadeInNewJersey said:
perhaps you were drunker than you think, since I thanked you several times, especially once we got back to the hotel after chowing down :tickled:

LOL probably true. Actually I meant in these threads (mostly kidding around anyway), but anyway man, I'm sure you guys probably all did at that point.
MadeInNewJersey said:
broken bones, nice gashes, etc.

that Ministry show stopped dead cold in the middle of a song because some dude broke his fucking leg and the EMTs couldn't get to him b/c of the massive, violent pit

Someone in a Slayer Pit ran up to me and punched me in the face once when I was standing at the side of the pit and then ran away. Jim saw this I believe because he was right next to me. I chased him down and knocked his ass to the ground.
last Slayer show I went to ... I braved the pit for about half the set ... I was all the way upfront at the edge ... face to the stage ...

Every fucking 30 seconds some kid would tap me on the shoulders ... all wanted to use me as a stepstool to get flipped in the air.

Must say though, the older you are the more respect you get in the pit ... yet to see a kid start shit with an older guy.
Erik said:
why not just move away from the pit a few rows front or back? i mean yeah people are being asses but i don't think potentially getting thrown out of the venue is worth punching said asshole in the face

I did keep moving. It got to a point of literally "NO MORE."
lurch70 said:
last Slayer show I went to ... I braved the pit for about half the set ... I was all the way upfront at the edge ... face to the stage ...

Every fucking 30 seconds some kid would tap me on the shoulders ... all wanted to use me as a stepstool to get flipped in the air.

Must say though, the older you are the more respect you get in the pit ... yet to see a kid start shit with an older guy.


I mean, I'm not a really large guy or anything, but when you see the smoldering in my eyes...

Well... :Smokedev:
i don't know ... tall is good i guess ... but I am always worried up front ... my head is the first thing that will be hit by a stage diver or some wacko ... always have to duck down.

it does help with breathing though :loco:
MadeInNewJersey said:
I did keep moving. It got to a point of literally "NO MORE."

In all seriousness, you had every right to be pissed at that dude, even if he was too stupid to realize what he was doing. He was doing it to me to and it crossed the line. He was probably pissed because everyone else had enough common sense to realize it wasn't moshing music.
lurch70 said:
i don't know ... tall is good i guess ... but I am always worried up front ... my head is the first thing that will be hit by a stage diver or some wacko ... always have to duck down.

LOL, I never thought of that - man, I'd be paranoid being up front at a crowdsurfing show, probably to the point of not being able to enjoy the performance.
Dark One said:
LOL, I never thought of that - man, I'd be paranoid being up front at a crowdsurfing show, probably to the point of not being able to enjoy the performance.

as long as you are on the same level as everyone else, its all good ... just move with the crowd ... but my neck snapping from some fat chicks weight with fucking steel toe boots ... fuck that
Crowdsurfing is another pet peeve of mine.

If you're in the middle of this shit as they say, well you should expect it and be prepared to deal with it. But if you're fairly far forward in the crowd (i.e. back to much of the audience), and those fuckers come at you from behind, it's a good way to get knocked out or break a fucking neck.

At Warped Tour many years ago, we were nowhere near the pitsanity, and these little shits kept coming at us from behind. Well it didn't take long before I spent most of Bad Religion's set grabbing their ankles as they surfed over, wrenching it in a direction it wasn't meant to go, ripping a single shoe/sneaker off, and throwing it over the giant fence that formed the border for the festival.

Yup, there were a lot of dumb kids walking around with 1 shoe that day.