He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

Sorry for not getting around to post here sooner. I needed a couple days to calm down and then I had Alan from Primordial staying here in Phoenix for a couple days too.

Its great to see that everyone had such a great time! This Fest was for you guys as much as the bands.

Just a few comments that I would like to share...

Thyrfing told me that this was the best response from a crowd they have ever received and that they sold more merch than at any other show! They were surprised that people even wanted to get their autographs at the signing session.

Alan (Primordial) and I talked quite a bit about the show over the past couple days and he told me it more than exceeded his expectations. He had nothing but positives to say about you the fans and the Fest. And that means alot coming from Alan. The other guys in the band all agreed.

Ville from Moonsorrow was telling me that before this show he never really had any interest in coming to America, but after this show, he cannot wait to come back. The friendliness and love you guys showed them really made an impression upon him and the rest of band.

So thanks again to all of you!!!!!

kupshi said:
Sorry for not getting around to post here sooner. I needed a couple days to calm down and then I had Alan from Primordial staying here in Phoenix for a couple days too.

Its great to see that everyone had such a great time! This Fest was for you guys as much as the bands.

Just a few comments that I would like to share...

Thyrfing told me that this was the best response from a crowd they have ever received and that they sold more merch than at any other show! They were surprised that people even wanted to get their autographs at the signing session.

Alan and I talked quite a bit about the show over the past couple days and he told me it more than exceeded his expectations. He had nothing but positives to say about you the fans and the Fest. And that means alot coming from Alan. The other guys in the band all agreed.

Ville from Moonsorrow was telling me that before this show he never really had any interest in coming to America, but after this show, he cannot wait to come back. The friendliness and love you guys showed them really made an impression upon him and the rest of band.

So thanks again to all of you!!!!!



At the risk of sounding like a gay fanboy, that just gave me chills! Thanks for sharing their sentiments Kris, but really, I told you guys during the show and I'll re-state it here, without you & Mr.Mayhem, none of this happened.

Thank YOU so much. \m/

So...Alan's in NYC by now, eh? :Smokedev:
MadeInNewJersey said:

At the risk of sounding like a gay fanboy, that just gave me chills! Thanks for sharing their sentiments Kris, but really, I told you guys during the show and I'll re-state it here, without you & Mr.Mayhem, none of this happened.

Thank YOU so much. \m/

Honestly, I also just got chills from reading that and freely admit it. I echo your sentiments toward the promoters as well.

To Kris and Mr. Mayhem, thank you for the kind words about the crowd and for sharing the sentiments of Thyrfing and Moonsorrow - but you guys definitely deserve more kudos than anyone for making this happen. I simply can't thank you enough.

I would come out and party again with you guys and those bands any day of the week.

Dark One said:
Honestly, I also just got chills from reading that and freely admit it. I echo your sentiments toward the promoters as well.

To Kris and Alan, thank you for the kind words about the crowd and for sharing the sentiments of Thyrfing and Moonsorrow - but you guys definitely deserve more kudos than anyone for making this happen. I simply can't thank you enough.

I would come out and party again with you guys and those bands any day of the week.


Alan = Nemtheanga [/cough]
lurch70 said:
that's because in the US, people actually SPEND money ... I am only half joking :loco:
And as I understand it, we tend to me more animated in our response to the music. Having never been to a show in Europe, I can't say from personal experience. But I've heard that from a number of European bands.

MadeInNewJersey said:
All I need now is Primordial's, and I already know the last 4 they played in a row

Well from what I remember it was.. (not necessarily in order)

The Golden Spiral
The Gathering Wilderness
Sons of the Morrigan
Autumns Ablaze
Journey's End
The Coffin Ships
The Burning Season
Gods to the Godless
To Enter Pagan
kupshi said:
Well from what I remember it was.. (not necessarily in order)

The Golden Spiral
The Gathering Wilderness
Sons of the Morrigan
Autumns Ablaze
Journey's End
The Coffin Ships
Bitter Harvest
Gods to the Godless
To Enter Pagan
amazing setlist! same as wacken + to enter pagan, bitter harvest, journey's end... would have loved to see those as well, i'm glad they're not forgetting their best album!
General Zod said:
And as I understand it, we tend to me more animated in our response to the music. Having never been to a show in Europe, I can't say from personal experience. But I've heard that from a number of European bands.


from what I have seen on videos ... certain shows are more hectic ... but I think the general "adoration" or holding up of bands or people in the entertainment field in general on pedestals ... definetelly bigger in the US.
Dark One said:
Yep, the Gathering Wilderness was well represented, I agree.
ha ha ha

"a journey's end" for clarity's sake

it would be awesome if they stuck something from imrama in there sometime as well... fuckin INFERNAL SUMMER for example
General Zod said:
And as I understand it, we tend to me more animated in our response to the music. Having never been to a show in Europe, I can't say from personal experience. But I've heard that from a number of European bands.


Well from what I have seen in 3 years of going to shows all over Europe, I would say that European fans, for the most part, are more animated, active, enthusiastic...whatever you want to call it.

But I will say that on Saturday you guys surpassed every concert I have ever been to (in US, Asia, & Europe) in terms of enthusiasm and support. You did the USA proud!