How do the girls feel about...


How do you girls here feel about the guys here drooling over you and saying you are sexy?

Are you freaked out, flattered or irritated?

Do you feel like shooing we annoying little bugs away?

Or do you like the flaterry?

If I was female, and was constantly drooled over or something, I'd be pretty freaked out, I'd be like "Ewww! Males! Eeew!! EeeW!"

Well.. probably not.. I've never been drooled over in my life, let alone flattered for sexiness.

just a thought...
Being the quintessential stud muffin that I am, I find constantly being drooled over to be such a burden. I can't go anywhere without some woman wanting to talk to me, get my phone number, fellate me onsight, etc. Its becoming such a problem that I don't even enjoy the endless stream of no strings attached sex. Can anyone relate to this?

"All men are great in their dreams" - Freud
Originally posted by dune_666
Being the quintessential stud muffin that I am, I find constantly being drooled over to be such a burden. I can't go anywhere without some woman wanting to talk to me, get my phone number, fellate me onsight, etc. Its becoming such a problem that I don't even enjoy the endless stream of no strings attached sex.

My heart goes out to you. I try to imagine your torment but it just upsets me too much to think about.


I haven't been flattered or drooled over here, but I'll answer anyway.

A certain amount of flattery is nice for the ego. Excessively shallow flatter is irritating. Excessively cheesy flattery is pathetic. Excessively carnal flattery is disgusting. Excessively persistant flattery is disturbing. Of course these are all just my personal feelings on the subject.

I think the most touching flattery I've ever gotten was from gay men.

Kushantaiidan, that case closed with a kitten thing was absolutely adorable.
I haven't gotten any replies on my pic yet, so i dunno :P

i like flattery, though. I'll be totally hones - i used to be kinda goofy looking, and i was nevery happy with my looks. Now i am, but flattery is a whole new thing to me.... so bring it on (only if you mean it!)

the only comments i don't like are when guys tell me they wanna stick it in my ear, and sick stuff like that. HAHA :lol:
Hehe never been drooled over on this board :lol:

I guess it always depends on who it comes from.
I'll agree with llamaura too. (Edit: Gees, I'm not talking about the gay part :grin: )
Well, speaking as someone who's seen both sides of this sort of thing...

I've been bashed for being ugly and different. In the past it tended to take a physical turn, but being more feminine now, people think twice before laying a hand on you. They'd rather do verbal attacks. I have even been subjected to the offer of gifts for sex (at least I think it was sex he wanted... I was stopped in the middle of the day, in a public square, by this guy who started asking me how I was doing -lots of gestures involved-, I figured he wanted to know the time, or directions... then he started asking me where I was going, and then he figured, cool, I'll go with you... I'll buy you something. Needless to say I didn't stay around to find out why he wanted to go with me into a women's clothing store...). Needless to say, I quite appreciate the compliments I get, regardless of whom it's from. (I'm a leo... :p) More than anything I appreciate non-physical comments ("Lets ask Emma. She's more than likely the most intelligent person in the room"), I do enjoy physical -within limits- ones ("Wow, so you're Samir's girlfriend? ... of course you are... you're gorgeous") --and yes, those are actual quotes. Both persons were drunk at the time, though. :cry: :lol:
i don't know how to take compliments 'cause i often think there's something else involved.. i do hate though when people say things as if they were forced to, for instance when i go out with my friends, most of the times guys come to us and compliment my friends then look at me and add 'oh and you too' (or something like that) i think it's the same thing with those picture threads

i always get comments from construction workers but that's 'cause those guys are horny by nature :p and i always get insults too..
Originally posted by astarte
i don't know how to take compliments 'cause i often think there's something else involved.. i do hate though when people say things as if they were forced to, for instance when i go out with my friends, most of the times guys come to us and compliment my friends then look at me and add 'oh and you too' (or something like that) i think it's the same thing with those picture threads

i always get comments from construction workers but that's 'cause those guys are horny by nature :p and i always get insults too..

yeah, we are horny motherfuckers:grin:
llamaura: A certain amount of flattery is nice for the ego. Excessively shallow flatter is irritating. Excessively cheesy flattery is pathetic. Excessively carnal flattery is disgusting. Excessively persistant flattery is disturbing.

I agree with these words. Well put.
Originally posted by llamaura

A certain amount of flattery is nice for the ego. Excessively shallow flatter is irritating. Excessively cheesy flattery is pathetic. Excessively carnal flattery is disgusting. Excessively persistant flattery is disturbing. Of course these are all just my personal feelings on the subject.

I agree 100% with this.