How do you listen to Opeth?

The Devil's armpit
Jun 14, 2005
Göteborg, Sweden
Do you listen to sweden's pride with headphones for no distractions? Do you jump around like a loon air-guitaring? Or do you like playing Opeth while on the 'station or box...or are you really weird and play it with movies. What about on a jog? Thought I'd try to start a thread that doesn't start with 'favorite Opeth...' so enlighten me people.
well the later stuff just whenever. Orchid + Morningrise i listen to in my "ritual room". It's the room in my basement which i've set up 5.1 surround around a bed set in the middle of the room, with the bed elevated a bit and the woofer underneath. I've also blocked out every window so no sources of light can enter the room. Oh yeah, home alone at 1 am as well :)
At high SPL's with the floorboards rippling... :headbang:

Check this site for much more info...




Mumblefood said:
well the later stuff just whenever. Orchid + Morningrise i listen to in my "ritual room". It's the room in my basement which i've set up 5.1 surround around a bed set in the middle of the room, with the bed elevated a bit and the woofer underneath. I've also blocked out every window so no sources of light can enter the room. Oh yeah, home alone at 1 am as well :)
I mostly listen to music in general on the bus to and fro work, and sometimes at full blast at home. Sometimes I can't sit still to Opeth, so I just run around like a fool groovin. said:
Do you listen to sweden's pride with headphones for no distractions? Do you jump around like a loon air-guitaring? Or do you like playing Opeth while on the 'station or box...or are you really weird and play it with movies. What about on a jog? Thought I'd try to start a thread that doesn't start with 'favorite Opeth...' so enlighten me people.

Morningrise and BWP are the sort of albums that are best listened to when you are alone (ie on the computer or on a discman on a bus) you need to appreciate the ambience of the album and take it all in.

Deliverance is best played on eleven ;-) LOUD AND PROUD

I'm not sure about GR, somewhere in between.
The old cliche' of walking through the woods or a forest whilst listening to Opeth is actually really cool. Because your alone and take in the music aswell as the beauty of nature....Of course I dont do this all the time but it is a very fullfilling experience.

I listen to Opeth anywhere but I try to avoid casual listening because I prefer to appriciate the albums as a whole
I open a can of campbell soup and eat peacefully. If a hair strand plops into my bowl I get pissed and flip the whole table over...listening to my arms your hearse.
I listen to it while sitting on my computer writing to the Opeth forum :)

Singing and airdrumming along.
I walk everywhere so I listen to most of my music from my mp3 player. It's really cool listening to Opeth when i'm walking home alone in the middle of the night down a deserted road, with just the moon lighting my way!
I like to go outdoors when I'm listening to Opeth. I used to walk home from work after dark and I'd listen to them then. That was pretty cool; I kind of miss it.

When I can't get outside for whatever reason, I listen to them in my room and accompany the music with some insane air guitaring.
I walk everywhere so I listen to most of my music from my mp3 player. It's really cool listening to Opeth when i'm walking home alone in the middle of the night down a deserted road, with just the moon lighting my way!

Same, its awsome isnt it. I once listened to the forest of october, in october while walking through a forest. That was fun.
*Gives a lick on the cheek for a decent thread*

First off it has to be loud.. not so it hurts your ears but loud enough so you can't talk over it.
I love listening to Opeth with friends that love them just as much as me, you can just look at each other and you know what your both thinking.. how fucking good it is. A good girlfriend of mine and myself are always in sync when we listen to Opeth.. always air drumming or headbanging at the same time, it's weird.

I also love listening to opeth after having a couple of cones. Its just amazing.