How long is your hair?

Deoxy said:
5 inches below shoulders. More guys shold have long hair for sure, Don't ya agree my fellow lady friends? I'm always trying to convince my boyfriend to grow his out...but to no avail.

Yes. definatly, I am also trying to get my boyfriend to grow his longer, its currently shoulder lenght - in shitty dreds , but i want it without dreds down to his ass. Guys also look majorly hot in eyeliner ...
AngelicDelinquency said:
Yes. definatly, I am also trying to get my boyfriend to grow his longer, its currently shoulder lenght - in shitty dreds , but i want it without dreds down to his ass. Guys also look majorly hot in eyeliner ...
You might be a lesbo...
well, last night at the show i was pleased with all the long-haired men...
it's nice.
my man's is long, but he always wears it back so it's not that much fun... i like to see the long, flowing locks...
esp. on medez and per... they know how to use it--and they say it's not just the length that matters. ;-)
ViCyniC said:
You might be a lesbo...
I'm Bisexual not a "lesbo" lol but what's my sexuality got to do with anything?
I just really like guys in eyeliner and long hair ... and most of the girls I know do also.
For some reason though I like guys with really long blonde or dirty blonde hair , when they wear eyeliner their hair colour contrasts making it look "awsome" -lacking better word. Though if blondes not avaible brown or black still does it
Wow, you guys all have way long hair. I keep my hair cut short and spiked. I used to part my hair in highschool and that was annoying enough.

I'm just a cleancut kinda guy.
Mine won't grow too well anymore, i'm too old. Used to be below my shoulders, but it is short now. Thinkin about shavin it, but I don't dare.
My hair is about 2 inches past the bottom of my shoulderblades.... it's about the same length and style as Peter's hair.