How to Appreciate Death Metal

That'd be called Proto-metal if you were really asking that question, though they certain;y didn't define it, but a few things they uses were used in metal, sure, Power chords and the goofy ass lyrics.
hahaha you are fucking nuts, do you think you own the definition of metal to the extent that you can claim BLACK FUCKING SABBATH isnt metal when THE ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD disagrees with you?
That'd be called Proto-metal if you were really asking that question, though they certain;y didn't define it, but a few things they uses were used in metal, sure, Power chords and the goofy ass lyrics.

OK... I have to assume that you are either one of the following:
1. A troll
2. A complete idiot

Black Sabbath=METAL
Well you're definitely a complete idiot, and I have a strong feeling that you may also be a troll. I hope for your own sake that you are.
Now I see how you got such a high post count, you've absolutely no substance with in any of youe posts, such a thing would take more time and brain power than you can muster, and if per chance you could you'd never expend it here, using it all in one....fart.

That was an amazing retort. I'm stunned.

Consdering what little there was to retort, just some internet lacky coming to his online buddy's side.
Now I see how you got such a high post count, you've absolutely no substance with in any of youe posts, such a thing would take more time and brain power than you can muster, and if per chance you could you'd never expend it here, using it all in one....fart.

Wow... you've read every post I've done in the last minute? I am impressed.
Seriously though... for someone who is arguing that Black Fucking Sabbath isn't metal to say my posts are entirely devoid of merit is more than a little amusing.
Consdering what little there was to retort, just some internet lacky coming to his online buddy's side.

I would hardly consider either of them my online 'buddies' as we have often argued in the past. Regardless they are clearly right in this respect.
That was for Necuratul, but you exbhit the same behavior pattern, the dismissive defense, the one liners. I'd say the same does apply to you, yes. They are right because you like the band and you like metal, spare me the post hoc hypothesis.
That was for Necuratul, but you exbhit the same behavior pattern, the dismissive defense, the one liners. I'd say the same does apply to you, yes. They are right because you like the band and you like metal, spare me the post hoc hypothesis.

Actually they are right because Sabbath invented the genre we call heavy metal, it has nothing to do with whether one likes the band or not.
So who was the first metal band then? Slayer?! Or perhaps Iron Maiden?!!! :lol:
Vacant_Planets, I'm afraid the burden of proof is on you, not us (you fucking idiot). You're trying to dissuade popular opinion and generally accepted fact that Black Sabbath is Heavy Metal, and thus it is your responsibility to 'prove' that they are not, which is impossible because the principles of Heavy Metal were founded upon the basis of Black Sabbath.
Vacant_Planets, I'm afraid the burden of proof is on you, not us (you fucking idiot). You're trying to dissuade popular opinion and generally accepted fact that Black Sabbath is Heavy Metal, and thus it is your responsibility to 'prove' that they are not, which is impossible because the principles of Heavy Metal were founded upon the basis of Black Sabbath.

Thank you. Oh and by the way... in regards to Soloman Kane... I know the sig is in regards to the band but do you also enjoy Robert E. Howard's writing?
Actually they are right because Sabbath invented the genre we call heavy metal, it has nothing to do with whether one likes the band or not.
So who was the first metal band then? Slayer?! Or perhaps Iron Maiden?!!! :lol:

Not quite, and again, because of power chords? I'm not sure I'd say anyone band created it, it's more a complilation of sounds, and styles even for that matter. Do you put this little thought into everything?
Vacant_Planets, I'm afraid the burden of proof is on you, not us (you fucking idiot). You're trying to dissuade popular opinion and generally accepted fact that Black Sabbath is Heavy Metal, and thus it is your responsibility to 'prove' that they are not, which is impossible because the principles of Heavy Metal were founded upon the basis of Black Sabbath.

Ah no, you are making the possitive assertion, and you will bear the burden of proof.
I'm saying that Black Sabbath is not a Blues band with distortion. You're saying they are. Proceed.